12 research outputs found


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    Zarządzanie to sytuacja, w której zarządzający – menedżer, korzystając ze swojej wiedzy, podejmuje decyzje dotyczące łączenia posiadanych zasobów tak, aby uzyskać efekt zgodny z oczekiwaniami klienta. Im większa jest jego wiedza o tych oczekiwaniach oraz o warunkach, w jakich przyszło mu podejmować decyzje, tym większa jest szansa na podejmowanie decyzji właściwie służących założonemu celowi.Początki zarządzania ryzykiem i zainteresowania tym zagadnieniem przypadają na lata siedemdziesiąte zeszłego stulecia i łączone są ze Stanami Zjednoczonymi Ameryki. Termin ryzyko jest zazwyczaj rozważany w kategoriach zagrożenia dla funkcjonowania organizacji. Ryzyko nie musi być wyłącznie czystym korelatem strat (tzw. ryzyko  czyste), ale może mieć także spekulatywny, dwuwymiarowy charakter (tzw. ryzyko spekulatywne). Ryzyko czyste dotyczy przedsięwzięć podlegających ubezpieczeniu, zaś działalność, której nie można ubezpieczyć, stanowi domenę ryzyka spekulatywneg

    The Influence of Non - Governmental Organizations on Main Determinants of the Open Systems Model with Application of the Correlation Analysis Method

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    The paper aims at analyzing the nature of relations between Non – Governmental Organizations and International Corporations. In first instance the study concentrates on identifying the key determinants of NGO’s behaviors. The following section is a description of business environment of International Companies based on H. Deresky’s Open Systems Model. Three levels of interrelations have been mentioned, including the Operating Environment, the Host – Country Environment and the Global Environment. The basic assumption is that some of the factors influencing the decisions of NGOs can also influence the strategic and operational decisions of International Companies, as well as their development potential. On the other hand, this relation can also be observed in the opposite direction, where the factors influencing the business environment of the companies can also have some effect on important political and economic decisions of their home or host country governments. Different areas in which the discussed players can carry weight on private business organizations are being discerned in this paper. The solution proposal provides an analysis of influence of determinants of NGO’s behaviours on determinants of business environment of International Corporations with use of correlation analysis method

    Spin Off Enterprises as a Financing Solution for the Innovative Clients of Science and Technology Parks

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    In this paper we try to present the role of one of the Venture Capital financing solutions - the Spin – off organizations, which are a very interesting way of acquiring the financial means for the new established innovative companies – clients of the Science and Technology Parks

    B2R, R2B - Partner or Hostile Relationships?

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    The paper aims at describing the delicate matter of the relations between science and business units. Should the enterprises be encouraged to use the research outcome of universities, independent research and development units, Think – Tanks and other science – oriented organizations or should both sides develop independently? What should be the role of state in these contacts? The basic assumption of the paper is that a knowledge exchange should be based on short-, middle-, and long – term profits that could be realized by its both sides. The research lead by the authors on a group of Polish universities and companies focused on identifying the qualities that R&D units could possibly offer to business. The second area of concern was the elaboration of mechanisms of knowledge transfer including an appropriate remuneration for the scientific side. Basing on this research the authors reached a conclusion that an intermediary unit operating in between the science units and business organizations is necessary. Its main features and tasks, including the financing possibilities have been presented in the paper. The awaited outcome should be a stable knowledge exchange system, dynamically adapting to the market needs, but also leaving the scientists some freedom for choosing their research topics. This should prevent a situation where all the research would be business – oriented and possible exclusively after a direct order placed by a company

    Institutional and Academic Entrepreneurship: Implications for University Governance and Management

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    Taking into account the fast changes the world is currently facing, there is a need of reformulating the main policies of the actual educational systems. The present paper will present brief descriptions of the main directions the author believes to be relevant for the modern educational systems. The key ideas of new roles of a university will be followed by an example of wide understanding of university’s tasks. The project of an International Education Centre for Students with Disabilities of Motion elaborated at the Cracow University of Economics can be seen as a sample initiative of over – educational activities of a university sensible to the needs of the society in which it is functioning

    The Influence of Non - Governmental Organizations on Main Determinants of the Open Systems Model with Application of the Correlation Analysis Method

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    The paper aims at analyzing the nature of relations between Non – Governmental Organizations and International Corporations. In first instance the study concentrates on identifying the key determinants of NGO’s behaviors. The following section is a description of business environment of International Companies based on H. Deresky’s Open Systems Model. Three levels of interrelations have been mentioned, including the Operating Environment, the Host – Country Environment and the Global Environment. The basic assumption is that some of the factors influencing the decisions of NGOs can also influence the strategic and operational decisions of International Companies, as well as their development potential. On the other hand, this relation can also be observed in the opposite direction, where the factors influencing the business environment of the companies can also have some effect on important political and economic decisions of their home or host country governments. Different areas in which the discussed players can carry weight on private business organizations are being discerned in this paper. The solution proposal provides an analysis of influence of determinants of NGO’s behaviours on determinants of business environment of International Corporations with use of correlation analysis method

    Spin Off Enterprises as a Financing Solution for the Innovative Clients of Science and Technology Parks

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    In this paper we try to present the role of one of the Venture Capital financing solutions - the Spin – off organizations, which are a very interesting way of acquiring the financial means for the new established innovative companies – clients of the Science and Technology Parks

    Malopolska science and business units - in quest for the missing link

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    The paper aims at answering the question how to persuade the managers of business units to use the research outcome of universities, independent research and development units, Think – Tanks and other science – oriented organizations. The basic assumption is that such an exchange should be based on short-, middle-, and long – term profits that could be realized by its both sides. The authors analyzed a group of universities and companies mainly from the Polish region of Malopolska and shared their considerations in the presented paper. The research focused on identifying the qualities that R&D units could possibly offer to business and on elaborating the mechanisms of knowledge transfer including an appropriate pay for the scientific side. The performed research led to a conclusion that an intermediary unit should be operating in order to contact R&D and science units with their future business partners. The authors described the main features and tasks of such a unit, identifying its financing possibilities both from the business, but also from various foundation and public funds. The awaited outcome should be a stable knowledge exchange system, dynamically adapting to the market needs, but also leaving the scientists some freedom of choosing their research topics. This should protect us from a situation where all the research would be business – oriented and possible exclusively after a company order. If implemented all over the European Union, such a system could be a useful tool for making the realization of the Lisbon Strategy more likely

    Malopolska science and business units - in quest for the missing link

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    The paper aims at answering the question how to persuade the managers of business units to use the research outcome of universities, independent research and development units, Think – Tanks and other science – oriented organizations. The basic assumption is that such an exchange should be based on short-, middle-, and long – term profits that could be realized by its both sides. The authors analyzed a group of universities and companies mainly from the Polish region of Malopolska and shared their considerations in the presented paper. The research focused on identifying the qualities that R&D units could possibly offer to business and on elaborating the mechanisms of knowledge transfer including an appropriate pay for the scientific side. The performed research led to a conclusion that an intermediary unit should be operating in order to contact R&D and science units with their future business partners. The authors described the main features and tasks of such a unit, identifying its financing possibilities both from the business, but also from various foundation and public funds. The awaited outcome should be a stable knowledge exchange system, dynamically adapting to the market needs, but also leaving the scientists some freedom of choosing their research topics. This should protect us from a situation where all the research would be business – oriented and possible exclusively after a company order. If implemented all over the European Union, such a system could be a useful tool for making the realization of the Lisbon Strategy more likely

    Significance of flexibility in motivational systems during economic instability

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    The study contains a proposal of construction of flexible motivational systems taking account of variable environmental conditions, especially destabilizing situations with discontinuing characteristics. The theoretical deliberations have been verified on the example of one of the Polish hard coal mines