127,078 research outputs found

    Use of precision time and time interval (PTTI)

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    A review of range time synchronization methods are discussed as an important aspect of range operations. The overall capabilities of various missile ranges to determine precise time of day by synchronizing to available references and applying this time point to instrumentation for time interval measurements are described

    Professionalism, prejudice and personal taste: does it matter what we wear?

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    An earlier opinion piece considered the professional issues surrounding the occupational therapist’s dress code within the work place (Davys et al, 2006). This second paper considers the role of the occupational therapist when a client choice of clothing may conflict with social expectations and negatively impact upon social inclusion. Three practice based scenarios are presented, which serve as the prompts for reflection upon informed choice, professional responsibilities and the therapeutic relationship. This paper concludes that there needs to be debate about the conflict between each of these areas and the concept of social inclusion

    Calculations of Potential Energy Surfaces Using Monte Carlo Configuration Interaction

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    We apply the method of Monte Carlo configuration interaction (MCCI) to calculate ground-state potential energy curves for a range of small molecules and compare the results with full configuration interaction. We show that the MCCI potential energy curve can be calculated to relatively good accuracy, as quantified using the non-parallelity error, using only a very small fraction of the FCI space. In most cases the potential curve is of better accuracy than its constituent single-point energies. We finally test the MCCI program on systems with basis sets beyond full configuration interaction: a lattice of fifty hydrogen atoms and ethylene. The results for ethylene agree fairly well with other computational work while for the lattice of fifty hydrogens we find that the fraction of the full configuration interaction space we were able to consider appears to be too small as, although some qualitative features are reproduced, the potential curve is less accurate.Comment: 14 pages, 22 figure

    Bounds on quantum communication via Newtonian gravity

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    Newtonian gravity yields specific observable consequences, the most striking of which is the emergence of a 1/r21/r^2 force. In so far as communication can arise via such interactions between distant particles, we can ask what would be expected for a theory of gravity that only allows classical communication. Many heuristic suggestions for gravity-induced decoherence have this restriction implicitly or explicitly in their construction. Here we show that communication via a 1/r21/r^2 force has a minimum noise induced in the system when the communication cannot convey quantum information, in a continuous time analogue to Bell's inequalities. Our derived noise bounds provide tight constraints from current experimental results on any theory of gravity that does not allow quantum communication.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Monte Carlo configuration interaction applied to multipole moments, ionisation energies and electron affinities

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    The method of Monte Carlo configuration interaction (MCCI) [1,2] is applied to the calculation of multipole moments. We look at the ground and excited state dipole moments in carbon monoxide. We then consider the dipole of NO, the quadrupole of the nitrogen molecule and of BH. An octupole of methane is also calculated. We consider experimental geometries and also stretched bonds. We show that these non-variational quantities may be found to relatively good accuracy when compared with FCI results, yet using only a small fraction of the full configuration interaction space. MCCI results in the aug-cc-pVDZ basis are seen to generally have reasonably good agreement with experiment. We also investigate the performance of MCCI when applied to ionisation energies and electron affinities of atoms in an aug-cc-pVQZ basis. We compare the MCCI results with full configuration-interaction quantum Monte Carlo [3,4] and `exact' non-relativistic results [3,4]. We show that MCCI could be a useful alternative for the calculation of atomic ionisation energies however electron affinities appear much more challenging for MCCI. Due to the small magnitude of the electron affinities their percentage errors can be high, but with regards to absolute errors MCCI performs similarly for ionisation energies and electron affinities.Comment: 12 pages, 20 figure

    The MOLICEL(R) rechargeable lithium system: Multicell battery aspects

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    MOLICEL rechargeable lithium cells were cycled in batteries using series, parallel, and series/parallel connections. The individual cell voltages and branch currents were measured to understand the cell interactions. The observations were interpreted in terms of the inherent characteristics of the Li/MoS2 system and in terms of a singular cell failure mode. The results confirm that correctly configured multicell batteries using MOLICELs have performance characteristics comparable to those of single cells
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