1,875 research outputs found

    X-ray Signatures of Circumnuclear Gas in AGN

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    X-ray spectra of AGN are complex. X-ray absorption and emission features trace gas covering a wide range of column densities and ionization states. High resolution spectra show the absorbing gas to be outflowing, perhaps in the form of an accretion disk wind. The absorbing complex shapes the form of the X-ray spectrum while X-ray reverberation and absorption changes explain the spectral and timing behaviour of AGN. We discuss recent progress, highlighting some new results and reviewing the implications that can be drawn from the data.Comment: Proceedings of the conference "Suzaku 2011, Exploring the X-ray Universe: Suzaku and Beyond

    The Global Implications of the Hard X-ray Excess in Type 1 AGN

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    Recent evidence for a strong 'hard excess' of flux at energies > 20 keV in some Suzaku observations of type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) has motivated an exploratory study of the phenomenon in the local type 1 AGN population. We have selected all type 1 AGN in the Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) 58-month catalog and cross-correlated them with the holdings of the Suzaku public archive. We find the hard excess phenomenon to be a ubiquitous property of type 1 AGN. Taken together, the spectral hardness and equivalent width of Fe K alpha emission are consistent with reprocessing by an ensemble of Compton-thick clouds that partially cover the continuum source. In the context of such a model, ~ 80 % of the sample has a hardness ratio consistent with > 50% covering of the continuum by low-ionization, Compton-thick gas. More detailed study of the three hardest X-ray spectra in our sample reveal a sharp Fe K absorption edge at ~ 7 keV in each of them, indicating that blurred reflection is not responsible for the very hard spectral forms. Simple considerations place the distribution of Compton-thick clouds at or within the optical broad line region.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    An assessment of the community mortgage programs of the social housing finance corporation

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    The Community Mortgage Program (CMP) is a financing scheme that enables organized residents of slums to borrow for land purchase and housing development. It is already considered to be the most innovative and responsive government housing program in the Philippines. Nevertheless, the CMP has yet a number of weaknesses that have not been given much attention in the years of program implementation. These issues pertain to program targeting, service delivery and organization. This study aims to review the current processes and overall performance of CMP including its variants - the localized CMP and the High Density Housing Program (HDHF). It also provides recommendations on how the identified problems can be addressed

    Wikipedia as Distributed Knowledge Laboratory: The Case of Neoliberalism

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    Merit, Expertise and Measuremen

    Advanced crew procedures development techniques

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    The development of an operational computer program, the Procedures and Performance Program (PPP), is reported which provides a procedures recording and crew/vehicle performance monitoring capability. The PPP provides real time CRT displays and postrun hardcopy of procedures, difference procedures, performance, performance evaluation, and training script/training status data. During post-run, the program is designed to support evaluation through the reconstruction of displays to any point in time. A permanent record of the simulation exercise can be obtained via hardcopy output of the display data, and via magnetic tape transfer to the Generalized Documentation Processor (GDP). Reference procedures data may be transferred from the GDP to the PPP