4,982 research outputs found

    CNN-SLAM: Real-time dense monocular SLAM with learned depth prediction

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    Given the recent advances in depth prediction from Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), this paper investigates how predicted depth maps from a deep neural network can be deployed for accurate and dense monocular reconstruction. We propose a method where CNN-predicted dense depth maps are naturally fused together with depth measurements obtained from direct monocular SLAM. Our fusion scheme privileges depth prediction in image locations where monocular SLAM approaches tend to fail, e.g. along low-textured regions, and vice-versa. We demonstrate the use of depth prediction for estimating the absolute scale of the reconstruction, hence overcoming one of the major limitations of monocular SLAM. Finally, we propose a framework to efficiently fuse semantic labels, obtained from a single frame, with dense SLAM, yielding semantically coherent scene reconstruction from a single view. Evaluation results on two benchmark datasets show the robustness and accuracy of our approach.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Hawaii, USA, June, 2017. The first two authors contribute equally to this pape

    Investigation into the Cell Wall and Cellulose Biosynthesis in Model Species and in the C4 Model Plant \u3cem\u3eSetaria viridis\u3c/em\u3e

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    A uniform feature of all plant cells is the presence of a cell wall. The cell wall functions in facilitating directional expansion and is therefore important for cell shape and morphogenesis. All plant cell walls contain cellulose microfibrils embedded in a network of polysaccharides, lignin and protein. Cellulose is evolutionarily conserved and is made by all plants as well as other members of various taxonomic kingdoms. From a human perspective, the field of renewable energy has had an ever increasing interest in using the cell wall for production of renewable platform chemicals and fuels. However, the biosynthesis of these components is complex and the intricacies are still being solved. Herein, a molecular genetics approach was taken to advance our understanding of cell wall biosynthesis. Initial work proposes a C4 model grass Setaria viridis as well as for the crop plant Sorghum bicolor for genetic analysis. The machinery that is responsible for the biosynthesis the cell wall such as the cellulose synthase (CESA) enzymes were identified and the compositional analysis of the cell wall was conducted. In addition, the role of a cellulose synthase like D1 (CSLD1) gene was studied using reverse genetics. Finally, regulatory features called microRNAs that may intersect with lignin biosynthesis were explored through a series of molecular genetic analyses using Arabidopsis

    On Iwasawa's class number formula for ZpZp\mathbb{Z}_p\rtimes\mathbb{Z}_p-extensions

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    Let pp be a prime number. In this paper, we estimate the variation of the sizes of quotients of certain finitely generated pp-torsion Iwasawa modules, which are closely related to class numbers. We also construct some ZpZp\mathbb{Z}_p\rtimes\mathbb{Z}_p-extensions whose Iwasawa μ\mu-invariant is nonzero. At the end of this paper, we calculate the determinants of some matrices that are related to the groups ZpZp\mathbb{Z}_p\rtimes\mathbb{Z}_p.Comment: This article was accepted by JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory, and Applications on June 5, 201

    Organic Rice Cultivation Techniques by Utilizing Weeds

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    departmental bulletin pape

    NASDA's view of ground control in mission operations

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    This paper presents an overview of the present status and future plans of the National Space Development Agency of Japan 's (NASDA's) ground segment and related space missions. The described ground segment consists of the tracking and data acquisition (T&DA) system and the Earth Observation Center (EOC) system. In addition to these systems, the current plan of the Engineering Support Center (ESC) for the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) attached to Space Station Freedom is introduced. Then, NASDA's fundamental point of view on the future trend of operations and technologies in the coming new space era is discussed. Within the discussion, the increasing importance of international cooperation is also mentioned

    Expression of plasminogen-related gene B varies among normal tissues and increases in cancer tissues

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    AbstractWe previously found that the promoter activity of plasminogen (PLG)-related gene B (PRGB) was 5-fold that of PLG. We have since examined the transcript levels of PRGB among various normal human tissues, and compared these findings with those of PLG. Reverse transcription-PCR analysis revealed that the PRGB expression varied widely among different tissues, while PLG was expressed only in the liver and kidney. RNA samples obtained from cultured cell lines also demonstrated differing PRGB expression. Furthermore, increased PRGB expression was observed in several fresh samples of cancer tissue obtained from cancer patients when compared with surrounding normal tissues