61 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Pendederan Ikan Kerapu melalui Peningkatan Kapasitas Kelompok untuk Penguatan Komoditas Unggulan Kabupaten Administratif Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta

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    Nursery needs to be developed to strengthen the grouper as a superior commodity for the Seribu Islands Administrative District, Jakarta. This effort is carried out through the development of human resources (HR) and appropriate technology (AT), and hoped that the grouper nursery will become a new business unit in this district, where most of the area is sea. This activity aims to develop HR and AT for grouper nursery through training, piloting, and mentoring. This activity was carried out to 23 community members who are members of the three fish farmer groups. The training materials including the technical and management aspects of the grouper nursery.  The piloting and mentoring of grouper nursery were carried out in parallel with the development of AT in the form of the application of garlic-meniran flour, and were carried out at the Sea Farming Center of PKSPL-IPB, Seribu Islands. The piloting includes preparing of cages, stocking of seeds, feeding, water quality and fish health management, sampling, harvesting, and post-harvest handling. The mentoring is carried out by serving participant visits to the center, interviews and meetings. After the training there was an increase in knowledge and skills of the participants, as well as the emergence of motivation to start a grouper nursery business. During the piloting and mentoring, the involvement and enthusiasm of the participants was relatively high and various aspects were discussed. The application of meniran-garlic flour in feeding on grouper nurseries can improve the feed conversion ratio, so that feed costs are more efficient. One of the participants has tried to run humpback grouper fish farming independently, and made a profit after two months of rearing.Nursery needs to be developed to strengthen the grouper as a superior commodity for the Seribu Islands Administrative District, Jakarta. This effort is carried out through the development of human resources (HR) and appropriate technology (AT), and hoped that the grouper nursery will become a new business unit in this district, where most of the area is sea. This activity aims to develop HR and AT for grouper nursery through training, piloting, and mentoring. This activity was carried out to 23 community members who are members of the three fish farmer groups. The training materials including the technical and management aspects of the grouper nursery.  The piloting and mentoring of grouper nursery were carried out in parallel with the development of AT in the form of the application of garlic-meniran flour, and were carried out at the Sea Farming Center of PKSPL-IPB, Seribu Islands. The piloting includes preparing of cages, stocking of seeds, feeding, water quality and fish health management, sampling, harvesting, and post-harvest handling. The mentoring is carried out by serving participant visits to the center, interviews and meetings. After the training there was an increase in knowledge and skills of the participants, as well as the emergence of motivation to start a grouper nursery business. During the piloting and mentoring, the involvement and enthusiasm of the participants was relatively high and various aspects were discussed. The application of meniran-garlic flour in feeding on grouper nurseries can improve the feed conversion ratio, so that feed costs are more efficient. One of the participants has tried to run humpback grouper fish farming independently, and made a profit after two months of rearing

    Performance of perisel as shelter and periphyton substrate in the floating cage of Pacific white shrimp culture

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    Shrimp culture in the floating cage is expected to reduce the utilization of land and its possible negative impact to the environment. The advantages of shrimp farming in the sea include the high dissolved oxygen concentration and the better meat quality. This research aimed to enhance the production performance of shrimp through the utilization of periphyton as a natural feed for shrimp. A completely randomized design with 3 treatments (in triplicates) were applied in this experiment, i.e floating cage without perishel (control), floating cage with PE perishel and PA perishel. Shrimp with body weight of 2.5 ± 0.2 g were stocked at the initial density of 2,000 shrimp in each cage, and maintained for 90 days. No significant difference was observed in the survival amongst treatments. The lowest feed conversion ratio (1.74) and coefficient of variance (3.21) were showed in treatment PA. The highest attachment and abundances of periphyton were found in treatment PA. It was concluded that the addition of perishel inside the floating cage may contribute as natural feed source for the shrimp and thus increase the production performance of shrimp. Keywords: floating cage, Litopenaeus vannamei, periphyton, perisel, shelter ABSTRAK Budidaya udang di KJA diharapkan dapat menekan isu pemanfaatan daratan sebagai tambak yang berdampak pada permasalahan lingkungan. Keunggulan laut untuk budidaya udang, antara lain adalah kadar oksigen terlarut relatif tinggi sehingga tidak perlu kincir, dan mutu daging udang yang dihasilkan relatif lebih baik. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kinerja produksi dan memanfaatkan kesuburan perairan laut berupa perifiton sebagai pakan alami bagi udang. Penelitian ini terdiri atas tiga perlakuan, yakni: (A) kontrol (tanpa perishel), (B) jaring benang nilon (PE), dan (C) jaring benang serabut pendek (PA 6.6), masing-masing perlakuan terdiri dari tiga ulangan. Udang dengan bobot 2,5 ± 0,2 g ditebar sebanyak 2.000 ekor perwadah, dan dipelihara selama 90 hari. Hasil analisis kinerja produksi menunjukkan bahwa kelangsungan hidup tidak berbeda nyata antarperlakuan. Nilai konversi pakan terendah diperoleh pada perlakuan jaring benang PA dengan nilai 1,74. Nilai koefisien keragaman terendah diperoleh pada perlakuan jaring benang PA dengan nilai 3,21. Penempelan dan kepadatan perifiton yang cukup baik diperoleh pada jenis perishel jaring benang serabut pendek PA. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan penambahan perishel sebagai shelter dan penumbuh perifiton diperoleh hasil produksi yang baik. Udang dapat memanfaatkan keberadaan perishel dalam wadah pemeliharaan sebagai tempat berlindung dan memperoleh makanan tambahan berupa pakan alami yang menempel pada perishel. Kata kunci: karamba jaring apung, perifiton, perisel, selter, udang vanam

    Kinerja Produksi dan Kinerja Usaha pada Budidaya Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) di Desa Pulau Terap, Kabupaten Kampar, Riau

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    Ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) menjadi salah satu komoditas perikanan yang memiliki peluang pengembangan sektor perikanan budidaya air tawar jangka panjang. Kondisi tingginya pasar dan permintaan konsumsi ikan ini, menjadi tujuan masyarakat pembudidaya di Desa Pulau Terap untuk memproduksi komoditas ikan nila. Namun dalam kegiatan budidaya kerap terjadi fluktuasi hasil produksi dan siklus, maka dibutuhkan kajian dalam proses produksinya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kinerja produksi dan kinerja usaha budidaya ikan nila di Desa Pulau Terap, Kecamatan Kuok, Kabupaten Kampar, Riau. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus secara survei dengan adanya observasi langsung, wawancara dan mengikuti kegiatan budidaya on farm untuk mengumpulkan data yang ada di lapangan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kinerja produksi budidaya ikan nila di Desa Pulau Terap dengan sistem KJA memiliki TKH lebih baik pada KJA ukuran 3×6 m sebesar 49,74±2,63 %, LPS lebih baik pada KJA ukuran 4×7 m sebesar 3,94±0,15 %, RKP lebih baik pada KJA ukuran 4×7 m sebesar 1,16±0,17 %, serta produksi sebesar 5,072 ton/unit/tahun pada KJA ukuran 3×6 m.  Kinerja usaha yang didapatkan pada usaha tersebut adalah PP 0,6 tahun dan R/C 1,5 sehingga usaha layak untuk terus dijalankan dan dalam pengembangan produksi kedepannya lebih merekomendasi penggunaan KJA berukuran 3×6 m.Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is one of the aquaculture commodities that has the potential to be develop as a promising freshwater aquaculture sector in the long term. The condition of the high market and demand for fish consumption has become the goal of the cultivating community in Pulau Terap Village to produce tilapia commodities. However, in cultivation activities, fluctuations in production yields and cycles often occur, it is necessary to study the production process. The purpose of this study was to analyze the production and business performance of tilapia in Pulau Terap Village, Kuok District, Kampar Regency, Riau. This research uses a survey case study method with direct observation, interviews and participating in on-farm cultivation activities to collect data in the field. The results showed that the production of tilapia fish farming in Pulau Terap Village with the KJA system had a better TKH at KJA size 3×6 m by 49.74±2.63%, LPS value was better at KJA size 4×7 m by 3.94 ±0.15%, the RKP value is better for KJA size 4×7 m by 1.16±0.17%, and production is 5,072 tons/unit/year on KJA size 3×6 m. The business performance obtained in this business is PP 0.6 years and R/C 1.5 so that the business is feasible to continue and in future production development it is more recommended to use KJA measuring 3 × 6 m

    Production Performance and Nitrogen and Phosphorus Mass Balance in Biofloc-based African Catfish Intensive Culture at Different Densities

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    This study aimed to evaluate the production performance and nitrogen and phosphorus mass balance of biofloc-based intensive African catfish Clarias gariepinus culture at different densities. African catfish with an average body weight of 2.64 ± 0.06 g was randomly distributed into 12 units of round tank with a working volume of 2 m3 of water and maintained for 8 weeks. A completely randomized experimental design with four treatments (in triplicates), i.e. a control treatment at a fish density of 500 fish m-3 with regular water exchange and without organic carbon source addition, and biofloc treatments (BFT) at three different densities, i.e. 500 fish m-3 (BFT500), 750 fish m-3 (BFT750), and 1000 fish m-3 (BFT1000). Biofloc systems were performed with a regular addition of tapioca flour (40% C). The production performance between biofloc system and the control was not significantly different, however water and nitrogen utilizations were significantly more efficient in biofloc system than those of the control. The highest fish specific growth rate was observed in BFT1000 and BFT500 (6.01% day-1 and 5.96% day-1, respectively) (P<0.05). Fish density significantly affected the fish growth performance and productivity in biofloc systems, but not nitrogen and phosphorus utilizations. In conclusion, higher fish density significantly increased the production and water utilization efficiency in biofloc systems, but has no effect on nitrogen and phosphorus utilization efficiency. Furthermore, increasing the fish density could significantly reduce the fish survival and require more efforts to control biofloc biomass in the culture system


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh salinitas media yang berbeda terhadap kinerja produksi (derajat kelangsungan hidup, laju pertumbuhan mutlak biomassa, rasio konversi pakan, kadar glukosa darah, dan tingat konsumsi oksigen) ikan sidat Anguilla bicolor bicolor. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah RAL dengan empat pelakuan yang berbeda (A, 0 g/L ; B, 2 g/L ; C, 4 g/L ; dan D, 6 g/L) dan tiga ulangan. Ikan sidat yang digunakan memiliki bobot rata-rata 8,4±0,32  g/ekor dengan padat tebar 4 g/L. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perlakuan A, yaitu pemeliharaan ikan sidat A. bicolor bicolor pada media bersalinitas 0 g/L adalah perlakuan terbaik terhadap parameter uji (derajat kelangsungan hidup 100%; laju pertumbuhan mutlak biomassa 9,31 g/hari; rasio konversi pakan 1,2; kadar glukosa darah 22,30 mg/dL; dan tingkat konsumsi oksigen 1,12 mgO2/g/jam). Kualitas air selama penelitian berada dalam kisaran optimal pemeliharaan ikan sidat (suhu 31,7‒32,9 oC; pH 7,6‒7,7; oksigen terlarut 5,4‒5,8 mg/L; alkalinitas 31,2‒39,5 mg/L; nitrit 0,26‒0,52 mg/L; dan amonia 0,001 mg/L).This study aimed to determine effect of different salinity level of culture media for the production performance (survival rate, biomass growth rate, food conversion ratio, blood glucose content, and oxygen consumption rate) of eel Anguilla bicolor bicolor. The experimental designed completely randomize design (CRD) with four treatments which was different salinity level of culture media (A, 0 g/L ; B, 2 g/L ; C, 4 g/L ; dan D, 6 g/L) and three replications. The eel with body weight average of 8,43±0.32 g/fish. The result of this study showed that treatment A was the best treatment (survival rate 100%; biomass growth rate 9.31 g/day; and food conversion ratio 1.2; blood glucose content 22,30 mg/dL; and oxygen consumption rate 1.12 mgO2/g/jam). Water quality during the study are within the range of optimal maintenance of eels (temperature 31.7‒32.9 oC; pH 7.6‒7.7; dissolved oxygen 5.4‒5.8 mg/L; alkalinity 31,2‒39,5 mg/L; nitrite 0.26‒0.52 mg/L; and ammonia 0.001 mg/L)


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    Nursery of cantik grouper is generally carried out with regular water changes every day so that it is susceptible to decreased water quality and production performance. Grouper nursery with recirculation and bioremediation systems is expected to improve production performance by improving water quality. This study aims to analyze grouper nursery based on RAS (Recirculating aquaculture system) and bioremediation to improve aquabusiness efficiency. This study was conducted for 40 days using a completely randomized design with three treatments and four replications. The study used three treatment systems, namely conventional systems without recirculation and without bioremediation (SK), recirculation systems without bioremediation (RAS), and recirculation and bioremediation systems (RB). The fish used in the research were grouper seeds with an average initial length of 3.6±0.2 cm with a stocking density of 500 fish/m3. The results showed that the best survival rate and absolute length growth rate were obtained in the recirculation system with bioremeciation of 94.8±0.37%, and 0.1098±0.0029 cm/day. Grouper nursery business with recirculation and bioremediation systems was able to increase profits by 41.76% and 8.81% more efficiently than the routine water change system.Pendederan ikan kerapu cantik umumnya dilakukan dengan pergantian air rutin setiap hari sehingga rentan terhadap penurunan kualitas air dan kinerja produksi. Pendederan ikan kerapu dengan sistem resirkulasi dan bioremediasi diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kinerja produksi melalui perbaikan kualitas air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pendederan kerapu berbasis recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) dan bioremediasi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi akuabisnis. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 40 hari menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan tiga perlakuan dan empat kali ulangan. Penelitian menggunakan tiga perlakuan sistem pemeliharaan, yaitu sistem konvensional tanpa resirkulasi dan tanpa bioremediasi (SK), sistem resirkulasi tanpa bioremediasi (RAS), serta sistem resirkulasi dan bioremediasi (RB). Ikan yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah benih kerapu cantik dengan panjang awal rata-rata 3,6±0,2 cm dengan padat tebar 500 ekor/m3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kelangsungan hidup dan laju pertumbuhan panjang mutlak terbaik didapatkan pada sistem resirkulasi dengan bioremesiasi sebesar 94,8±0,37%, dan 0,1098±0,0029 cm/hari. Usaha pendederan ikan kerapu dengan sistem resirkulasi dan bioremediasi mampu meningkatkan keuntungan 41,76% dan 8,81% lebih efisien dari sistem pergantian air rutin

    Increasing of C/N ratio with addition of tapioca starch in Oligochaetes culture substrate

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    ABSTRACT This study was aimed to improve the productivity of sludge worm (Oligochaetes) in culture systems using the addition of tapioca flour to the substrate to increase C/N ratio up to 10, 20, and 30. The substrate used was a mixture of mud and chicken manure with a ratio of 1:1 on the container measuring 100×12×15 cm3. Culture system used was a recirculation system. Initial stock of the worm was at density 150 g/m2. Results showed the highest population and biomass of the worm in each treatments was occurred on tenth day. The highest density of sludge worm, i.e. 421,145 ind/m2 with total biomass of 1,497.80 g/m2, was obtained on the treatment of C/N ratio at 20 (P <0.05). Keywords: Oligochaetes, C/N ratio, tapioca starch, recirculation system  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas cacing sutra (Oligochaeta) pada sistem budidaya dengan memperbaiki kualitas substrat cacing menggunakan penambahan tepung tapioka sehingga mencapai rasio C/N 10, 20, dan 30. Substrat yang digunakan yaitu campuran lumpur tanah dan kotoran ayam dengan perbandingan 1:1 pada wadah budidaya berukuran 100×12×15 cm3. Sistem budidaya yang digunakan yaitu sistem resirkulasi. Cacing dibudidayakan pada padat penebaran 150 g/m2. Hasil menunjukkan puncak populasi dan biomassa cacing sutra terjadi pada hari kesepuluh. Kepadatan cacing tertinggi, yaitu 421.145 ind/m2 dengan biomassa 1.497,80 g/m2, diperoleh pada perlakuan penambahan tepung tapioka dengan C/N rasio 20 (P<0,05). Kata kunci: cacing sutra, rasio C/N, tepung tapioka, sistem resirkulas

    The recirculated aquaculture system (RAS) development with nanobubble application to improve growth performance of grouper fish fry culture

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    One of the aquaculture commodities with high economic value is grouper fish (Epinephelus sp.). RAS is known as one of superior and suitable aquaculture systems in juvenile fish culture. RAS installed with NBs is expected to increase the stocking density and production of hybrid brown-marbled grouper. This study aimed to analyze the system performance of grouper fish juvenile culture in high stocking density with water exchange system, RAS, and combination of RAS and NBs. This study used a factorial design with two factors, namely different stocking densities and cultivation systems. The densities were 500, 600 and 700 fish/m3, while the treatment systems were RAS without NBs, RAS installed with NBs, and control treatment with 200% water change. Each treatment was replicated three times. The total aquaria used for this study were 27 as each size was 1.5 m × 0.5 m × 0.5 m. The study results showed that the RAS installed with NBs and a stocking density of 600 fish/m2 showed the best results on fish production performance. Keywords: density, growth, grouper, nanobubble, RAS     ABSTRAK   Pendederan ikan kerapu meripakan salah satu segmen dalam usaha budidaya ikan kerapu (Epinephelus sp.).  Salah satu sistem akuakultur yang cocok yang dapat digunakan dalam pendederan ikan kerapu ini adalah sistem recirculated aquaculture system (RAS). RAS dengan instalasi nanobubble (NBs) ini diharapkan bisa meningkatkan padat tebar dan kinerja produksi benih ikan kerapu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja sistem pendederan ikan kerapu dengan padat tebar tinggi berbasis sistem pergantian air, RAS, dan perpaduan antara RAS dan NBs. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah faktorial dengan dua faktor, yaitu padat tebar dan sistem budidaya berbeda. Padat tebar yang digunakan adalah 500, 600, dan 700 ekor/m3, sedangkan sistem budidaya terdiri dari RAS tanpa NBs, RAS dengan NBs dan kontrol (sistem pergantian air 200%), setiap perlakuan terdiri dari atas tiga ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendederan menggunakan RAS dengan NBs dengan padat tebar 600 ekor/m2 menunjukkan kinerja produksi ikan kerapu yang terbaik.   Kata kunci: ikan kerapu, kepadatan, nanobubble, pertumbuhan, RA

    Feeding rate of freshwater eel Anguilla bicolor bicolor: at the body weight of 1–2 g

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    ABSTRACT The aim of the research was to determine feed requirement for the maintenance, optimum, and maximum growth of freshwater eel (Anguilla bicolor bicolor) seed (1–2 g body weight). Feed used in this research was KRA feed with 46% protein content, with different feeding level (FR) at 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% of fish biomass. The experiment was conducted in 30 days. Parameters measured were survival and specific growth (SGR). The results showed that survival of fish in all treatments were 100%, except in fish fed on 15% of biomass (only 96). Fish growth with feeding of 0%, 5%,10%, and 15%, were -1.06%; 0.42%; 0.73%; and 0.19%, respectively. Based on the analysis of the relationship between feeding level and growth, the feed requirement for maintenance, optimum, and maximum growth in 1–2 g freshwater eel seed were 3.3%; 7.0%; and 9.5% of the biomass, respectively. Keywords: eel seed, feed requirement, growth ABSTRAK Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan kebutuhan pakan untuk maintenance, dan untuk pertumbuhan optimum serta maksimum benih ikan sidat (Anguilla bicolor bicolor) (bobot tubuh 1–2 g). Pakan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pakan KRA dengan kadar protein 46%, dengan tingkat pemberian pakan 0%, 5%, 10%, dan 15% dari bobot biomassa ikan. Pemeliharaan berlangsung selama 30 hari. Parameter yang diukur meliputi sintasan (STS) dan laju pertumbuhan spesifik (LPS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa STS benih ikan sidat selama pemeliharaan, memiliki nilai yang baik (100%) kecuali pada pemberian pakan 15% (hanya 96%). Laju pertumbuhan benih ikan sidat selama pemeliharaan dengan pemberian pakan 0%, 5%, 10%, dan 15% berturut-turut adalah -1,06%; 0,42%; 0,73%; dan 0,19%. Berdasarkan analisis hubungan antara tingkat pemberian pakan dan laju pertumbuhan spesifik, maka kebutuhan pakan maintenance, pertumbuhan optimum dan maksimum benih ikan sidat berukuran 1–2 g berturut-turut adalah 3,3%; 7%; dan 9,5% dari biomassa. Kata kunci: benih ikan sidat, kebutuhan pakan, pertumbuha

    Improved performance of botia fish Chromobotia macracanthus with the utilization of blood clam shell in the recirculation system

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    ABSTRACT   Intermediate and holding rearing of botia face several problems such as the limited land, water quality, and decreased growth. The application of a recirculation culture system using the blood clam filter is increased to water quality and expected to solve the problems. This study aimed to analyze the production performance of botia fish on intermediate and holding rearing in the recirculation system by utilizing blood clams as the filter. This study used a factorial completely randomized design with two factors; clam particle sizes (1 mm, 2 mm, and 3 mm) and dosages (1.4 g/L, 1.8 g/L, and 2.2 g/L). Every experiment was conducted in three replication. The aquarium used in this study was 40×40×60 cm3. The size of fish samples was 3.5 ± 0.5 cm with the stocking density (3 fish/L, each test aquarium). The recirculation system was applied seven days before the fish were stocked. Every 15 days, weight and length of fish were measured (for 60 days). The results of physical (temperature) and chemical (pH, dissolved oxygen, ammonia dan nitrite) water quality in the recirculation system using the blood clam filter showed good conditions for botia fish. The stress response of botia blood glucose and TKO fluctuates with environmental changes. Mineral water and fish produced by calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus increase until the end of maintenance. There is an interaction at TKH between particle size and the dose of blood shells, whereas, LMPW, LMPL, and RKP significantly different only the use of dose 2.2 g/L.   Keywords:  Clamshells, botia fish, pH value, minerals, recirculation. ABSTRAK   Permasalahan pada proses penampungan ikan botia yaitu keterbatasan lahan, kualitas air yang buruk dan pertumbuhan ikan botia yang lambat. Penerapan sistem resirkulasi menggunakan cangkang darah dapat meningkatkan kualitas air dan kinerja produksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kinerja produksi budidaya ikan botia pada sistem resirkulasi dengan pemanfataan cangkang kerang darah sebagai bahan filter. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial dua faktor, yaitu ukuran partikel cangkang kerang darah (1 mm, 2 mm, dan 3 mm) dan dosis cangkang kerang darah (1.4g/L, 1.8g/L dan 2.2g/L). Setiap perlakuan dilakukan dengan tiga kali ulangan. Akuarium yang digunakan dalam penelitian berukuran 40×40×60 cm3. Ikan yang digunakan berukuran 3.5 ± 0.5 cm dengan padat tebar 3 ekor/L. Sistem resirkulasi dioperasikan selama tujuh hari sebelum ikan ditebar. Bobot dan panjang ikan diukur setiap 15 hari selama 60 hari pemeliharaan. Penelitian dalam sistem resirkulasi menggunakan cangkang kerang darah pada media filter menghasilkan kondisi kualitas air suhu, pH, oksigen terlarut, amonia dan nitrit air. Respons stres ikan berupa glukosa darah dan tingkat konsumsi oksigen (TKO) berfluktuasi seiring dengan perubahan lingkungan. Mineral air dan ikan yang dihasilkan meliputi kalsium, magnesium dan fosfos meningkat hingga akhir pemeliharaan. Parameter tingkat kelangsungan hidup (TKH) memiliki interaksi  antara ukuran partikel dan dosis cangkang kerang darah, sedangkan untuk laju pertumbuhan bobot mutlak (LPMB), laju pertumbuhan panjang mutlak (LPMP) dan rasio konversi pakan (RKP) berbeda nyata dengan penggunaan dosis 2.2 g/L.   Kata kunci:  Cangkang kerang darah, ikan botia, pH, mineral, resirkulasi
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