34 research outputs found
Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) di Kota Semarang meningkat dari 122,25 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup pada tahun 2014 menjadi 128,05 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup pada tahun 2015.Upaya dalam rangka mempercepat penurunan AKI adalah meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan ibu hamil dengan melihat indikator cakupan K1 dan K4. Cakupan kunjungan ibu hamil K4 terendah pada tahun 2015 adalah Puskesmas Candilama (87,62%). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kunjungan antenatal care (ANC) pada ibu hamil di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Candilama Kota Semarang.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel yang digunakan adalah total population, sehinggadidapatkan sampel sejumlah 48 ibu hamil trimester III di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Candilama.Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan menggunakan kuesioner.Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data univariat dan bivariat.
Sebagian besar responden berada pada kategori umur tidak berisiko, yaiturentang umur 20-35 tahun (87,5%), berpendidikan tinggi (87,5%) dan tidak bekerja (77,1%). Sebagian besar responden melakukan kunjungan ANC secara lengkap (81,3%). Hasil uji chi-square menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan (p=0,036), pengetahuan (p=0,001), sikap (p=0,001) dan kepercayaan(p=0,010) berhubungan secara signifikan dengan kunjungan ANC. Sedangkan umur (p=0,328), pekerjaan (p=0,350), ketersediaan fasilitas (p=0,267), kemudahan akses (p=0,574), dukungan petugas kesehatan (p=0,909) dan dukungan suami (p=0,091) tidak berhubungan secara signifikan dengan kunjungan ANC. Saranyang diberikan adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu hamil mengenai pengertian, tujuan, manfaat dan jadwal pelaksanaan kunjungan ANC, memberikan informasi bahwa kepercayaan mengenai larangan selama kehamilan tidak ada kaitannya dengan perlindungan diri dari roh jahat, serta diharapkan ibu hamil memahami kunjungan ANC tidak dilakukan jika sedang sakit saja.
Kata Kunci: angka kematian ibu, kunjungan antenatal care, ibu hamil trimester III, pengetahuan, kepercayaa
Pemetaan, Karakterisasi, dan Pengembangan Primer-primer Lokus Pup1 (P uptake 1) pada Padi untuk Peningkatan Toleransi terhadap Defisiensi Fosfor
Phosphorus (P) is the second most important nutrient forplants after nitrogen, but is available in very low amount. Pdeficiency in rice would reduce the number of tillers andgrain production. There are numerous publications onexploration of genes that are associated with P. Manyresearches on P that are directed to breeding program andinvolving many countries/institutions focus on Pup1research. Pup1 (P uptake 1) is associated with P uptake hasbeen well mapped on chromosome 12 at a distance of 15.31to 15.47 Mb and microsatellite markers between RM28073and RM28102 can be used as a selection tool in the MAB(Marker Assisted Backrossing) program. Indonesia is veryconcerned with this research because of P-deficientproblem. This review aims to provide current information ofresearch that explore the genes in Pup1 locus. This reviewoutlines the history of Pup1 mapping, to explain sequenceand expression analysis of Pup1, and to inform of Pup1specific primers. The latest information is expected to beuseful for rice breeders in Indonesia, especially for thosewho are interested to P deficiency research. Study of geneswithin Pup1 locus is still ongoing, and found that somegenes do not contribute directly to P uptake. This mayindicate that Pup1 locus use other mechanisms in the Puptake. This may indicate that some genes (dirigent-like,fatty acid α-dioxygenase, aspartic proteinases) play a role inthe increasing level of lignin in P deficient condition.Increasing level of lignin would increase the volume of rootsand thus increasing P uptake and resistance to biotic andabiotic stresses. Specific markers to detect the genes in thePup1 locus have been successfully developed, and can beused for breeding and exploration activities on Indonesianrice germplasm
Keragaman Sebelas Klon Mangga Komersial Indonesia
Mangga merupakan salah satu buah penting di Indonesia. Tanaman mangga dapat menyerbuk silang sehingga menyebabkan adanya varian-varian mangga dengan nama yang sama. Arumanis dan Gedong Gincu merupakan varietas mangga komersial Indonesia untuk memenuhi pasar dalam negeri maupun Internasional. Selain kedua varietas tersebut terdapat mangga Gadung sebagai mangga komersial yang berkarakter mirip dengan Arumanis, oleh karena itu para pakar mangga terdahulu menyatakan bahwa mangga Gadung-21 sinonim dengan mangga Arumanis-143 sehingga mangga Gadung-21 tidak bisa dilepas sebagai varietas unggul baru. Pohon induk varietas tersebut telah dikoleksi di Kebun Percobaan Cukurgondang dan dalam koleksi tersebut terdapat beberapa klon mangga Arumanis, Gedong, dan Gadung. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui keragaman genetik 11 klon mangga komersial Indonesia berdasarkan marka mikrosatelit. Bahan tanaman yang digunakan ialah 11 klon mangga yang meliputi lima klon mangga Arumanis, dua klon mangga Gadung, dan empat klon mangga Gedong yang berasal dari Kebun Percobaan Cukurgondang, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur. Penelitian dilakukan di Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bioteknologi dan Sumber Daya Genetik Pertanian dari bulan Januari sampai bulan November 2014. Marka yang digunakan ialah 30 marka mikrosatelit. Analisis kesamaan menggunakan koefisien Dice, sedangkan pengelompokan mangga menggunakan metode UPGMA yang ada di dalam program NTSYS 2.1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga pasang klon mangga dari 11 yang diuji, yakni Arumanis-143 dengan Arumanis-205, Gadung-21 dengan Arumanis-135, dan Gadung-185 dengan Arumanis-151. Ketiga pasang klon mangga tersebut memiliki tingkat kesamaan lebih dari 90%. Keragaman klon mangga Gedong sangat tinggi, terbukti dari variasi pola pita yang muncul dalam analisis DNA. Mangga Gadung-21 terbukti sinonim dengan mangga Arumanis-135 bukan dengan Arumanis -143
Genetic Diversity Analysis of 53 Indonesian Rice Genotypes Using 6K Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Markers
Indonesia is rich in rice genetic resources, however, only a small number has been used in variety improvement programs. This study aimed to determine the genetic diversity of Indonesian rice varieties using 6K SNP markers. The study was conducted at ICABIOGRAD for DNA isolation and IRRI for SNP marker analysis. Genetic materials were 53 rice genotypes consisting of 49 varieties and 4 check genotypes. SNP markers used were 6K loci. Results showed that among the markers analyzed, only 4,606 SNPs (76.77%) were successfully read. The SNP markers covered all twelve rice chromosomes of 945,178.27 bp. The most common allele observed was GG, whereas the least allele was TG. Dendrograms of the 53 rice varieties analyzed with 4,606 SNPs demonstrated several small groups containing genotypic mixtures between indica and japonica rice, and no groups were found to contain firmly indica or japonica type. Structure analysis (K = 2) with value of 0.8 showed that the 53 rice varieties were divided into several groups and each group consisted of 4 japonica, 2 tropical japonica, 46 indica, and 1 aus rice type, respectively. IR64 and Ciherang proved to have an indica genome, while Rojolele has japonica one. Dupa and Hawara Bunar, usually grouped into tropical japonica rice, were classified as indica type, and Hawara Bunar has perfectly 100% indica type. The results of this study indicated that rice classification (indica-japonica) which is usually classified based only on morphological characters, e.g. grain and leaf shapes, is not enough and classification based on SNP markers should be considered for that purpose
Seleksi Dan Konfirmasi Alel Gen-gen HD Pada Padi Berumur Genjah Dan Produktivitas Tinggi Persilangan Code X Nipponbare
To support the IP 300 program rice varietieswith both early maturity and high productivity are needed.The objective of the research was to improve those traits inCode variety using RIL (recombinant inbreed line) methods.The research was conducted in the year 2009-2011 at thegreenhouse and laboratory of Molecular Biology, IndonesianCenter for Agricultural Biotechnology and GeneticResources Research and Development. Materials consistedof 600 individuals of F2 derived from one of F1 Code xNipponbare crossed plants and they were planted up to F4with seed-to-seed, then confirmed by 8 microsatelitemarkers linked to loci of Hd genes. The molecular analysisshowed that 84 of 600 F2 plants produced. The F4 plants have50% of flowering time shorter than F2 and F3 plants. Twolines (CdNb_388 and CdNb_270) have higher productivitycompared to Code by the number of productive tillers (20)and the number of tiller grains (2240 and 1740) and haveclosely 50% of 60 days flowering time of Nipponbare. Threelines of F4 plants (CdNb_270, 364, and 388) were predictedto have allele of Hd7 gene, and CdNb_472 was predicted tohave alelle of Hd14 gene
Seleksi dan Konfirmasi Alel Gen-gen Hd pada Padi Berumur Genjah dan Produktivitas Tinggi Persilangan Code x Nipponbare
To support the IP 300 program rice varietieswith both early maturity and high productivity are needed.The objective of the research was to improve those traits inCode variety using RIL (recombinant inbreed line) methods.The research was conducted in the year 2009-2011 at thegreenhouse and laboratory of Molecular Biology, IndonesianCenter for Agricultural Biotechnology and GeneticResources Research and Development. Materials consistedof 600 individuals of F2 derived from one of F1 Code xNipponbare crossed plants and they were planted up to F4with seed-to-seed, then confirmed by 8 microsatelitemarkers linked to loci of Hd genes. The molecular analysisshowed that 84 of 600 F2 plants produced. The F4 plants have50% of flowering time shorter than F2 and F3 plants. Twolines (CdNb_388 and CdNb_270) have higher productivitycompared to Code by the number of productive tillers (20)and the number of tiller grains (2240 and 1740) and haveclosely 50% of 60 days flowering time of Nipponbare. Threelines of F4 plants (CdNb_270, 364, and 388) were predictedto have allele of Hd7 gene, and CdNb_472 was predicted tohave alelle of Hd14 gene
Genetic Diversity Analysis of 53 Indonesian Rice Genotypes using 6K Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Markers
Indonesia is rich in rice genetic resources, however, only a small number has been used in variety improvement programs. This study aimed to determine the genetic diversity of Indonesian rice varieties using 6K SNP markers. The study was conducted at ICABIOGRAD for DNA isolation and IRRI for SNP marker analysis. Genetic materials were 53 rice genotypes consisting of 49 varieties and 4 check genotypes. SNP markers used were 6K loci. Results showed that among the markers analyzed, only 4,606 SNPs (76.77%) were successfully read. The SNP markers covered all twelve rice chromosomes of 945,178.27 bp. The most common allele observed was GG, whereas the least allele was TG. Dendrograms of the 53 rice varieties analyzed with 4,606 SNPs demonstrated several small groups containing genotypic mixtures between indica and japonica rice, and no groups were found to contain firmly indica or japonica type. Structure analysis (K = 2) with value of 0.8 showed that the 53 rice varieties were divided into several groups and each group consisted of 4 japonica, 2 tropical japonica, 46 indica, and 1 aus rice type, respectively. IR64 and Ciherang proved to have an indica genome, while Rojolele has japonica one. Dupa and Hawara Bunar, usually grouped into tropical japonica rice, were classified as indica type, and Hawara Bunar has perfectly 100% indica type. The results of this study indicated that rice classification (indica-japonica) which is usually classified based only on morphological characters, e.g. grain and leaf shapes, is not enough and classification based on SNP markers should be considered for that purpose
Keragaman Genetik Isolat Cendawan Pyricularia oryzae Menggunakan Primer Pot-2 (Rep-PCR)
Rice blast (Pyriculariaoryzae) is one of the most important diseases of rice. It canbe very destructive in the field, when the environmentalconditions are favourable. Information on genetic diversity ofthis pathogen could assist plant breeders in determiningstrategy for a successful control of the disease. This studywas conducted to analyze genetic diversity in P. oryzaeisolates by a pair of Pot-2 primers using the rep-PCRtechnique. These primers were designed from a transposonelement of the entire blast fungus genomic DNA. DNAsamples were extracted from 212 isolates of P. oryzaecollected from two endemic areas of the disease inIndonesia, i.e., Tamanbogo, Lampung, and Sukabumi, WestJava, as well as from some non-endemic areas in NorthSumatra and West Sumatra). Results of the study indicatedthat the 212 isolates could clustered into 21 haplotypes. Themost dominant haplotypes as indicated by their highestfrequency of haplotypes were haplotype Pot 2-019 (54.46%)followed by haplotype Pot 2-021 (14.73%) and haplotipe Pot2-016 (6.25%). Regardless of origins of the P. oryzae isolates,we found 6 haplotypes from Tamanbogo (out of 117samples), 13 haplotypes from Sukabumi (out of 77 samples),and 11 haplotypes from North Sumatra and West Sumatra(out of 18 isolates). It seems that genetic diversity of the P.oryzae isolates was not affected by the total number ofsamples/isolates, but rather by place of the origin and ricegenotypes from which the isolates were collected