31 research outputs found
The Effect of The Addition of Promoting Microbes (PROMI) In Making Media of Pleurotus ostreatus
In making oyster mushroom growing media, one of the stages that must pass is composting of growing media (baglog). At this stage, it takes a week or more to compile the media, so the media is ready to be inoculated by the fungus. This long composting time, economically slow down production in the cultivation of oyster mushrooms. Thus, using an activator to speed up the composting process is often done. During this time, the most widely used activators to shorten composting time is Effective Microorganism (EM4). In this study, another type of activator with the same function as EM4 was tried, namely Promoting Microbes (PROMI). The purpose of this study to determine the effect (dose) compromise on the making of oyster mushroom growing media to mycelium growth time, pinhead growth time; harvest time; the number of the fruiting body, and the weight of fresh mushrooms. The raw material used candlenut wood sawdust (Aleurites moluccana Willd) in the making of media. The method used in this study is the making of growing media, composting, sterilization, inoculation of the fungus, and maintenance. Growing media consisted of sawn wood sawdust, PROMI, bran, CaSO4, CaCO3, and water. The treatment used is the addition of compromise to the growing media before composting. The doses of PROMI given are as follows: 0 g (P1); 0.25 g (P2); 0.5 g (P3), and 0.75 g (P4), each of which dissolved in 200 ml of water. This study's results indicate that different PROMI when mixing raw materials influences the time of mycelium closure in growing media and the time of harvesting mushroom fruit bodies. For the time of mycelial closing, giving as much as 0.5 g, PROMI has different control effects. The provision of PROMI as much as 0.5 g and 0.75 g also influences the control in terms of harvest time
Post-harvest Treatment of the Pogostemon cablin Benth Oil Yield
Patchouli oil is one of the essential oils that are important in the perfume industry, cosmetics, and medicine. Patchouli oil is obtained from the distillation of the trunk, branches, and leaves of patchouli. One of the factors affecting the yield of patchouli oil is a post-harvest treatment. This study aims to determine the yield of patchouli (Pogostemon cablin Benth) oil from different processes in post-harvest management. There were two post-harvest treatments committed to patchouli leaves before oil refining. First, patchouli leaves were dried then chopped and stored for 1, 2 or 3 days before the distillation process. Second, patchouli leaves were chopped then dried and stored for 1, 2 or 3 days before the distillation process. For comparison, it is also conducted patchouli leaves treatment without the drying process as a control. Patchouli leaf distillation was performed by using water and steam method. Average yield of value patchouli oil obtained from the first treatment sequence were 0,39 percent, 0,38 percent and 0,33 percent. In the second treatment the average value of patchouli oil yield in a sequence were 0,32 percent, 0,39 percent and 0,36 percent. No patchouli oil was produced from the distillation of patchouli leaves without drying (control). Post-harvest treatments give effects to the production of patchouli yield compared to distillation of fresh leaves (control)
Fungal defense against mycophagy in milk caps
Some Basidiomycetes exude latex, but very little is known about the nature of fungal latex. In this study, we examined the nature of latex in Lactarius Pers. 1797 spp. to clarify the role on fungivorous predation. In the field, we compared the degree of predation on taxonomically closely related latex-exuding Lactarius spp. and latex-non-exuding Russula Pers. 1796 spp. (Russulaceae) at developmental stages of sporocarps. We clarified that Russula spp. suffered more infestation than did Lactarius spp. at young and mature developmental stages, whereas Lactarius spp. did only at decaying stages. We measured the amount of latex exuded varied according to developmental stage and sporocarps parts in Lactarius spp.: mature sporocarps exuded more latex than did younger ones, while decaying sporocarps exuded the least, and the same patterns were observed at sporocarps parts: the amount of latex was more intense at hymenophore and cap than at stripe. At feeding experiments, three-band garden slugs Ambigolimax valentianus F´erussac, 1822 avoided feeding on sporophores of Lactarius spp. when they exuded latex, but fed on them when they did not. Our observations suggest that fungivores generally escape higher density of the latex at feeding using signs volatized by sporophores with exuding latex
The aim of this research is to study morphmetric variation of external anatomy of subterranean termite (Coptotermes sp.). The samples were collected from two different nests, i.e. Laboratory of Forest Product Engineering and Diversification, Hasanuddin University (site A) and Kompleks Perumahan Dosen Unhas, Tamalanrea (site B). Resulted data were statistically analyzed for mean, standard deviation, standard error and coefficient of variability. The mean values of the different population samples were compared by using student‘t’ test according to SPSS Ver.12. For each individual soldier and worker, 54 variables of external characters were measured. The result showed that some external characters of soldier and worker casts were significantly different with different locations. In soldier casts, eleven of 54 variables were found to be significant different in length and width of caput, length and width metathorax, mesothorax length, length and width of abdomens, scape length, flagellum width, femur width, and width tibia. Whilst, in worker casts, 11 of 54 variables were found to be significant different in mesothorax length, scape length, flagellum width, trochanter width, tibia length, tarsus length, and claw width. However, morph metric of external characters of Coptotermes sp. at two locations was generally relative same in terms of coefficient of variability.
Key words: Morphometric analysis, Coptotermes sp
Salah satu kecamatan di Kabupaten Soppeng adalah Kecamatan Lili Riaja. Kecamatan ini memiliki tujuh Kelompok Tani Hutan (KTH) yang aktif memanfaatkan sumberdaya alam di sekitar hutan. Salah satu KTH yang menjadi mitra pada kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah KTH Mallapaowe. Permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra, produk mereka memiliki daya saing dan nilai jual yang sangat rendah. Produk yang menjadi andalan KTH Mallapaowe adalah “coin kalua” dan gula semut dari pohon aren. Bentuk kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah transfer ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi guna meningkatkan nilai jual produk para anggota KTH serta strategi pemasaran untuk meningkatkan daya saing produk dalam bentuk ceramah dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) serta Pelatihan. Selain itu dilakukan pre test dan post test untuk mengukur tingkat keberhasilan kegiatan kami. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat dilaksanakan dan dikembangkan oleh anggota KTH guna meningkatkan daya jual dan daya saing produk mereka. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah meningkatnya pengetahuan anggota KTH terkait cara pengemasan dan pemanenan madu dari lebah Trigona sp sebesar 37% dari sebelum hingga setelah kegiatan pengabdian ini. Bentuk kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah Ceramah dan FGD mengenai: 1). Strategi pemasaran produk; 2). Berbagai cara pemanenan madu; dan 3). Berbagai contoh kemasan produk. Pelatihan yang diberikan kepada anggota KTH antara lain pembuatan kertas daur ulang untuk bahan pengemasan, cara pengemasan dengan menggunakan mesin fortable “Seal and Vacuum”, membuat berbagai macam contoh kemasan produk yang menarik serta cara pemanenan madu lebah Trigona sp dengan Metode Sedot Madu dengan Spoit/Pipet. Kata Kunci: Kelompok Tani Hutan Mallapaowe, pengemasan, coin kalua, gula semut, Trigona sp.
Teak particle produced from sawmill industrial waste can be used as an alternative raw material for growing mushroom media. This study aims to get the productivity of oyster mushrooms that grow on teak particle growing media. The first treatment was carried out on teak particle before the particle was mixed with other ingredients, namely soaking teak particle using hot water (each for one, two and three hours) and cold water (each for five, seven and nine days). Soaking of teak particle influences the rate of fungal mycelium closure, the time of appearance of the mushroom fruit body, the fresh weight of mushrooms and the amount of mushroom harvest in each blog. On nine days of cold soaking, the blog is entirely covered by fungal mycelium on the 28th day, the mushroom fruit body appears on the 32nd day, the average fresh weight of mushrooms harvested 90 g and in one blog can collect mushrooms 2-3 times. The treatment of soaking wood particle in cold water for nine days showed better results compared to controls and other treatments.Key words: Pleurotus ostreotus, Tectona grandis, growing medi
The aim of this research is to study morphmetric variation of external anatomy of subterranean termite\ud
(Coptotermes sp.). The samples were collected from two different nests, i.e. Laboratory of Forest Product\ud
Engineering and Diversification, Hasanuddin University (site A) and Kompleks Perumahan Dosen Unhas,\ud
Tamalanrea (site B). Resulted data were statistically analyzed for mean, standard deviation, standard error\ud
and coefficient of variability. The mean values of the different population samples were compared by using\ud
student???t??? test according to SPSS Ver.12. For each individual soldier and worker, 54 variables of external\ud
characters were measured. The result showed that some external characters of soldier and worker casts\ud
were significantly different with different locations. In soldier casts, eleven of 54 variables were found to\ud
be significant different in length and width of caput, length and width metathorax, mesothorax length,\ud
length and width of abdomens, scape length, flagellum width, femur width, and width tibia. Whilst, in\ud
worker casts, 11 of 54 variables were found to be significant different in mesothorax length, scape length,\ud
flagellum width, trochanter width, tibia length, tarsus length, and claw width. However, morph metric of\ud
external characters of Coptotermes sp. at two locations was generally relative same in terms of coefficient\ud
of variability
Identification of beetles attacking wood during storage
several timber trading businesses located in Bantaeng, South Sulawesi. The attacked\ud
beetle species were identified according to their morphology and the condition of attacked\ud
woods including form, frass, tunnels and bored holes. Results showed that there were 12\ud
families of beetles attacking different wood species at the research sites. Among them,\ud
eight families were identified as wood destroying beetles. They were Lyctidae attacking\ud
Vatica spp, Paraserianthes falcataria, Anisoptera spp, Durio spp; Cerambychidae\ud
attacking Cieba pentandra, Nephelium lappaceum, Lophopetallum spp, Lagerstroemia\ud
speciosa Pers; Bostrychidae attacking Erytrina cristagalli, Cieba pentandra, Mangifera\ud
indica; Buprestidae attacking Erytrina cristagalli; Anobiidae attacking Durio spp, Mangifera\ud
indica, Erytrina cristagalli, Ganua spp, Tectona grandis, Anisoptera spp, Hopea spp;\ud
Scolitydae attacking Erytrina cristagalli, Anthocephalus chinensis, Gmelina arborea,\ud
Lagerstroemia speciosa Pers, Durio spp; Platypodidea attacking Pterocarpus indicus\ud
Willd, Mangifera indica and Curculionidae attacking A. chinensis, Mangifera indica, Cieba\ud
pentandra, Lophopetallum spp. The other four beetle families (Nitidulidae, Haliplidae,\ud
Mordellidae, and Psephenidae) were known as unimportant beetles in wood deterioration
Pemanfaatan Tanaman Pangi (Pangium Edule Reinw) pada Lahan Agroforestri Desa Watu Toa Kecamatan Marioriwawo Kabupaten Soppeng
Pangi (Pangium edule Reinw) is a type of commodity of Non-Timber Forest Product group, which all parts of this plant can be utilized. Pangi crops grown on agroforestry land is one of the preservation of this plant in order to be utilized sustainably. To fulfill the necessities of life, the people of Desa Watu Toa manage their land by making it as an agroforestry land and planting seasonal crops, fruits and forestry crops. One type of forest crops planted is Pangi. This study aims to identify the utilization of pangi by the community in Watu Toa Village, Marioriwawo District, Soppeng District. Survey (direct observation and questioner) and interview are the methods used in this research. The data obtained are arranged in table form and described in descriptions to describe the utilization of pangi by farmers in Watu Toa Village, Marioriwawo Subdistrict, Soppeng Regency. There are four hamlets in the village of Watu Toa, but this research is only conducted on Dusun Masumpu and Dusun Jampu-jampu. In both villages, there is a pangi plant on agroforestry land managed by farmers. The area of agroforestry in both hamlets is on average between 0.25-0.50 ha. Watu Toa Village Farmers only utilizes six products produced from pangi plant, namely construction materials (stems); fish poison (skin); natural pesticides (leaves), antiseptics (leaves), vegetables (young leaves); as well as fruit / pangi as an ingredient that can be cake, tempeh, vegetable ise 'pangi, vegetable Lope' pangi, and cooking spice (kluwak)
Wood is one medium that can be a place to grow fungus. The chemical components forming wood in the form of holocellulose and lignin which can be overhauled by fungi into simple compounds are a food source for the fungus. This study aims to identify the type of fungus that grows on the log and or sawn wood of Palaquium sp so that it can provide information about the diversity of fungal species, both useful and those that are pathogenic. The process of identifying mushrooms is done by observing the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of the fungus. The macroscopic characteristics observed were mushroom color and mushroom fruit body shape. Observations of microscopic features include hyphae, spores, sporangium, conidia, and conidiophores. Macroscopic and microscopic observations identified eight types of fungi that grow on real wood, namely Dacryopinax spathularia, Pycnoporus sanguineus, Schizophyllum commune, Cunninghamella echinulata, Penicillium, Trichoderma, Absidia ramosa and Aspergillus. There are six types of fungi which are wood rot fungi, namely D. spathularia; P. sanguineus; S. commune; Penicillium, Trichoderma, and Aspergillus. The other two types are coloring fungi, namely C. echinulata and A. ramosa