6,304 research outputs found
Investigation of the enhanced spatial density of submicron lunar ejecta between L values 1.2 and 3.0 in the earth's magnetosphere: Theory
Initial results from the measurement conducted by the dust particle experiment on the lunar orbiting satellite Lunar Explorer 35 (LE 35) were reported with the data interpreted as indicating that the moon is a significant source of micrometeroids. Primary sporadic and stream meteoroids impacting the surface of the moon at hypervelocity was proposed as the source of micron and submicron particles that leave the lunar craters with velocities sufficient to escape the moon's gravitational sphere of influence. No enhanced flux of lunar ejecta with masses greater than a nanogram was detected by LE 35 or the Lunar Orbiters. Hypervelocity meteoroid simulation experiments concentrating on ejecta production combined with extensive analyses of the orbital dynamics of micron and submicron lunar ejecta in selenocentric, cislunar, and geocentric space have shown that a pulse of these lunar ejecta, with a time correlation relative to the position of the moon relative to the earth, intercepts the earth's magnetopause surface (EMPs). As shown, a strong reason exists for expecting a significant enhancement of submicron dust particles in the region of the magnetosphere between L values of 1.2 and 3.0. This is the basis for the proposal of a series of experiments to investigate the enhancement or even trapping of submicron lunar ejecta in this region. The subsequent interaction of this mass with the upper-lower atmosphere of the earth and possible geophysical effects can then be studied
Mass loading of the Earth's magnetosphere by micron size lunar ejecta. 1: Ejecta production and orbital dynamics in cislunar space
Particulate matter possessing lunar escape velocity sufficient to enhance the cislunar meteroid flux was investigated. While the interplanetary flux was extensively studied, lunar ejecta created by the impact of this material on the lunar surface is only now being studied. Two recently reported flux models are employed to calculate the total mass impacting the lunar surface due to sporadic meteor flux. There is ample evidence to support the contention that the sporadic interplanetary meteoroid flux enhances the meteroid flux of cislunar space through the creation of micron and submicron lunar ejecta with lunar escape velocity
Mass loading of the Earth's magnetosphere by micron size lunar ejecta. 2: Ejecta dynamics and enhanced lifetimes in the Earth's magnetosphere
Extensive studies were conducted concerning the indivdual mass, temporal and positional distribution of micron and submicron lunar ejecta existing in the Earth-Moon gravitational sphere of influence. Initial results show a direct correlation between the position of the Moon, relative to the Earth, and the percentage of lunar ejecta leaving the Moon and intercepting the magnetosphere of the Earth at the magnetopause surface. It is seen that the Lorentz Force dominates all other forces, thus suggesting that submicron dust particles might possibly be magnetically trapped in the well known radiation zones
Simulation of truncated normal variables
We provide in this paper simulation algorithms for one-sided and two-sided
truncated normal distributions. These algorithms are then used to simulate
multivariate normal variables with restricted parameter space for any
covariance structure.Comment: This 1992 paper appeared in 1995 in Statistics and Computing and the
gist of it is contained in Monte Carlo Statistical Methods (2004), but I
receive weekly requests for reprints so here it is
Constant effective mass across the phase diagram of high-T cuprates
We investigate the hole dynamics in two prototypical high temperature
superconducting systems: LaSrCuO and YBaCuO using a combination of DC transport and infrared spectroscopy. By
exploring the effective spectral weight obtained with optics in conjunction
with DC Hall results we find that the transition to the Mott insulating state
in these systems is of the "vanishing carrier number" type since we observe no
substantial enhancement of the mass as one proceeds to undoped phases. Further,
the effective mass remains constant across the entire underdoped regime of the
phase diagram. We discuss the implications of these results for the
understanding of both transport phenomena and pairing mechanism in high-T
systems.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure
On the Form Factor for the Unitary Group
We study the combinatorics of the contributions to the form factor of the
group U(N) in the large limit. This relates to questions about
semiclassical contributions to the form factor of quantum systems described by
the unitary ensemble.Comment: 35 page
Kaon decay interferometry as meson dynamics probes
We discuss the time dependent interferences between and in the
decays in and , to be studied at interferometry machines
such as the -factory and LEAR. We emphasize the possibilities and the
advantages of using interferences, in comparison with width measurements, to
obtain information both on conserving and violating amplitudes.
Comparison with present data and suggestions for future experiments are made.Comment: 15 pages, in RevTex, Report INFNNA-IV-93-31, UTS-DFT-93-2
Applying the Transdisciplinary Adaptive Systemic Approach to Securing the Long-Term Future of Grassland Ecosystems
Contemporary grasslands all exist as complex adaptive systems, specifically complex social-ecological systems – whether these are in protected areas or are part of private or communal agricultural landscapes. These systems are subject to the current planetary condition that includes rapidly growing human populations and demand for natural resources, the widespread use of pollutants, and climate change consequences. All complex adaptive systems have characteristics in common - they comprise multiple elements, which interact, and the multiple interactions cause intersecting feedback loops. As a result, a current system condition reflects its history, future condition is difficult to predict, and interventions have unpredictable outcomes – some positive others negative. The system itself produces emergent properties – new characteristics - through time, out of the multiple element interactions. As complex social-ecological systems, grasslands have all the interactive complexity of both society and ecosystems. This paper uses place-based landscape restoration interventions in the grasslands of the Tsitsa River Catchment, South Africa, and the Lake Tana basin, Ethiopia, to showcase the development and application of the Adaptive Systemic Approach – which we present as an advance in participatory sustainability science
Transfer operator approach to ray-tracing in circular domains
The computation of wave-energy distributions in the mid-to-high frequency regime can be reduced to ray-tracing calculations. Solving the ray-tracing problem in terms of an operator equation for the energy density leads to an inhomogeneous equation which involves a Perron–Frobenius operator defined on a suitable Sobolev space. Even for fairly simple geometries, let alone realistic scenarios such as typical boundary value problems in room acoustics or for mechanical vibrations, numerical approximations are necessary. Here we study the convergence of approximation schemes by rigorous methods. For circular billiards we prove that convergence of finite-rank approximations using a Fourier basis follows a power law where the power depends on the smoothness of the source distribution driving the system. The relevance of our studies for more general geometries is illustrated by numerical examples
Tweed in Martensites: A Potential New Spin Glass
We've been studying the ``tweed'' precursors above the martensitic transition
in shape--memory alloys. These characteristic cross--hatched modulations occur
for hundreds of degrees above the first--order shape--changing transition. Our
two--dimensional model for this transition, in the limit of infinite elastic
anisotropy, can be mapped onto a spin--glass Hamiltonian in a random field. We
suggest that the tweed precursors are a direct analogy of the spin--glass
phase. The tweed is intermediate between the high--temperature cubic phase and
the low--temperature martensitic phase in the same way as the spin--glass phase
can be intermediate between ferromagnet and antiferromagnet.Comment: 18 pages and four figures (included
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