12,154 research outputs found

    Stochastic Gravitational Waves from Particle Origin

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    We propose that there may be a substantial stochastic gravitational wave background from particle origin, mainly from the gravitational three-body decay of the inflaton. The emitted gravitons could constitute a sizable contribution to dark radiation if the mass of inflaton is close to the Planck scale, which can be probed by future CMB experiments that have a sensitivity on the deviation of the effective number of neutrinos in the standard cosmology, δNeff∼0.02−0.03\delta N_{\textrm{eff}}\sim 0.02 - 0.03. We have also illustrated the spectrum of the radiated gravitational waves, in comparison to the current and future experiments, and found that gravitational waves from particle origin could be the dominant contribution to the energy density at high-frequency domain, but beyond the sensitivity regions of various experiments.Comment: 1+13 pages, 6 figure

    IceCube Events from Heavy DM decays through the Right-handed Neutrino Portal

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    The recently observed IceCube PeV events could be due to heavy dark matter (DM) decay. In this paper, we propose a simple DM model with extra U(1)XU(1)_X gauge symmetry and bridge it with standard model particles through heavy right-handed neutrino. The Dirac fermion DM χ\chi with mass ~5 PeV can dominantly decay into a dark Higgs (ϕ\phi), the SM Higgs (hh) and a neutrino (ν\nu). If the lifetime of χ\chi is ~O(102810^{28}) sec, the resulting neutrino flux can fit data consistently. The neutrino flux from χ→ϕhν\chi \rightarrow \phi h \nu in our model is softer than the one predicted from χ→νh\chi \rightarrow \nu h, for example. We also discuss a possible mechanism to produce DM with the right relic abundance.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, references added, minor changes, published versio

    On Thermal Gravitational Contribution to Particle Production and Dark Matter

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    We investigate the particle production from thermal gravitational annihilation in the very early universe, which is an important contribution for particles that might not be in thermal equilibrium or/and only have gravitational interaction, such as dark matter (DM). For particles with spin 0, 1/2 and 1 we calculate the relevant cross sections through gravitational annihilation and give the analytic formulas with full mass-dependent terms. We find that DM with mass between TeV and 101610^{16}GeV could have the relic abundance that fits the observation, with small dependence on its spin. We also discuss the effects of gravitational annihilation from inflatons. Interestingly, contributions from inflatons could be dominant and have the same power dependence on Hubble parameter of inflation as that from vacuum fluctuation. Also, fermion production from inflatons, in comparison to boson, is suppressed by its mass due to helicity selection.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures and 2 tables, published versio

    Pure Gravitational Dark Matter, Its Mass and Signatures

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    In this study, we investigate a scenario that dark matter (DM) has only gravitational interaction. In the framework of effective field theory of gravity, we find that DM is still stable at tree level even if there is no symmetry to protect its longevity, but could decay into standard model particles due to gravitational loop corrections. The radiative corrections can lead to both higher- and lower-dimensional effective operators. We also first explore how DM can be produced in the early universe. Through gravitational interaction at high temperature, DM is then found to have mass around TeV ≲mX≲1011\lesssim m_X \lesssim 10^{11}GeV to get the right relic abundance. When DM decays, it mostly decays into gravitons, which could be tested by current and future CMB experiments. We also estimate the resulting fluxes for cosmic rays, gamma-ray and neutrino.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
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