2,046 research outputs found

    One Right-handed Neutrino to Generate Complete Neutrino Mass Spectrum in the Framework of NMSSM

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    The see-saw mechanism is usually applied to explain the lightness of neutrinos. The traditional see-saw mechanism introduces at least two right-handed neutrinos for the realistic neutrino spectrum. In the case of supersymmetry, loop corrections can also contribute to neutrino masses, which lead to the possibility to generate the neutrino spectrum by introducing just one right-handed neutrino. To be realistic, MSSM suffers from the mu problem and other phenomenological difficulties, so we extend NMSSM (the MSSM with a singlet S) by introducing one single right-handed neutrino superfield (N) and relevant phenomenology is discussedComment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Thermally modified sterile neutrino portal dark matter and gravitational waves from phase transition: The Freeze-in case

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    We consider the thermal effects into the evaluation of the dark matter production process. With the assistance of the right handed neutrinos, the freeze-in massive particle dark matter production history can be modified by the two-step phase transitions. The kinematic of decay/inverse decay or annihilation processes can be affected by the finite temperature effects as the Universe cools down. The history of the symmetry respected by the model can be revealed by the DM relic abundance evolution processes. The strong first order electroweak phase transition generated gravitational waves can be probed. The number of extra scalars for the Hierarchy problem can be probed through the Higgs off-shell searches at the LHC.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figures, comments welcom

    Lepton-portal Dark Matter in Hidden Valley model and the DAMPE recent results

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    We study the recent e±e^\pm cosmic ray excess reported by DAMPE in a Hidden Valley Model with lepton-portal dark matter. We find the electron-portal can account for the excess well and satisfy the DM relic density and direct detection bounds, while electron+muon/electron+muon+tau-portal suffers from strong constraints from lepton flavor violating observables, such as μ3e\mu \to 3 e. We also discuss possible collider signatures of our model, both at the LHC and a future 100 TeV hadron collider.Comment: invited by Science China, accepted versio

    The ν\nuTHDM with the Inverse Seesaw Mechanisms

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    In this paper, we combine the ν\nu-Two-Higgs-Doublet-Model (ν\nuTHDM) with the inverse seesaw mechanisms. In this model, the Yukawa couplings involving the sterile neutrinos and the exotic Higgs bosons can be of order one in the case of a large tanβ\tan \beta. We calculated the corrections to the Z-resonance parameters RliR_{l_i}, AliA_{l_i}, NνN_{\nu}, together with the l1l2γl_1 \rightarrow l_2 \gamma branching ratios, and the muon anomalous g2g-2. Compared with the current bounds and plans for the future colliders, we find that the corrections to the electroweak parameters can be contrained or discovered in much of the parameter space