105 research outputs found

    High-order accurate physical-constraints-preserving finite difference WENO schemes for special relativistic hydrodynamics

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    The paper develops high-order accurate physical-constraints-preserving finite difference WENO schemes for special relativistic hydrodynamical (RHD) equations, built on the local Lax-Friedrich splitting, the WENO reconstruction, the physical-constraints-preserving flux limiter, and the high-order strong stability preserving time discretization. They are extensions of the positivity-preserving finite difference WENO schemes for the non-relativistic Euler equations. However, developing physical-constraints-preserving methods for the RHD system becomes much more difficult than the non-relativistic case because of the strongly coupling between the RHD equations, no explicit expressions of the primitive variables and the flux vectors, in terms of the conservative vector, and one more physical constraint for the fluid velocity in addition to the positivity of the rest-mass density and the pressure. The key is to prove the convexity and other properties of the admissible state set and discover a concave function with respect to the conservative vector replacing the pressure which is an important ingredient to enforce the positivity-preserving property for the non-relativistic case. Several one- and two-dimensional numerical examples are used to demonstrate accuracy, robustness, and effectiveness of the proposed physical-constraints-preserving schemes in solving RHD problems with large Lorentz factor, or strong discontinuities, or low rest-mass density or pressure etc.Comment: 39 pages, 13 figure

    Second-order accurate genuine BGK schemes for the ultra-relativistic flow simulations

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    This paper presents second-order accurate genuine BGK (Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook) schemes in the framework of finite volume method for the ultra-relativistic flows. Different from the existing kinetic flux-vector splitting (KFVS) or BGK-type schemes for the ultra-relativistic Euler equations, the present genuine BGK schemes are derived from the analytical solution of the Anderson-Witting model, which is given for the first time and includes the "genuine" particle collisions in the gas transport process. The BGK schemes for the ultra-relativistic viscous flows are also developed and two examples of ultra-relativistic viscous flow are designed. Several 1D and 2D numerical experiments are conducted to demonstrate that the proposed BGK schemes not only are accurate and stable in simulating ultra-relativistic inviscid and viscous flows, but also have higher resolution at the contact discontinuity than the KFVS or BGK-type schemes.Comment: 41 pages, 13 figure

    Numerical methods for nonlinear Dirac equation

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    This paper presents a review of the current state-of-the-art of numerical methods for nonlinear Dirac (NLD) equation. Several methods are extendedly proposed for the (1+1)-dimensional NLD equation with the scalar and vector self-interaction and analyzed in the way of the accuracy and the time reversibility as well as the conservation of the discrete charge, energy and linear momentum. Those methods are the Crank-Nicolson (CN) schemes, the linearized CN schemes, the odd-even hopscotch scheme, the leapfrog scheme, a semi-implicit finite difference scheme, and the exponential operator splitting (OS) schemes. The nonlinear subproblems resulted from the OS schemes are analytically solved by fully exploiting the local conservation laws of the NLD equation. The effectiveness of the various numerical methods, with special focus on the error growth and the computational cost, is illustrated on two numerical experiments, compared to two high-order accurate Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin methods. Theoretical and numerical comparisons show that the high-order accurate OS schemes may compete well with other numerical schemes discussed here in terms of the accuracy and the efficiency. A fourth-order accurate OS scheme is further applied to investigating the interaction dynamics of the NLD solitary waves under the scalar and vector self-interaction. The results show that the interaction dynamics of two NLD solitary waves depend on the exponent power of the self-interaction in the NLD equation; collapse happens after collision of two equal one-humped NLD solitary waves under the cubic vector self-interaction in contrast to no collapse scattering for corresponding quadric case.Comment: 39 pages, 13 figure
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