79 research outputs found

    Fixed point subalgebras of lattice vertex operator algebras by an automorphism of order three

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    We study the fixed point subalgebra of a certain class of lattice vertex operator algebras by an automorphism of order 3, which is a lift of a fixed-point-free isometry of the underlying lattice. We classify the irreducible modules for the subalgebra. Moreover, the rationality and the C2C_2-cofiniteness of the subalgebra are established. Our result contains the case of the vertex operator algebra associated with the Leech lattice.Comment: 77 page

    A Schur-Weyl type duality for twisted weak modules over a vertex algebra

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    Let VV be a vertex algebra of countable dimension, GG a subgroup of AutV{\rm Aut} V of finite order, VGV^{G} the fixed point subalgebra of VV under the action of GG, and S{\mathscr S} a finite GG-stable set of inequivalent irreducible twisted weak VV-modules associated with possibly different automorphisms in GG. We show a Schur--Weyl type duality for the actions of Aα(G,S){\mathscr A}_{\alpha}(G,{\mathscr S}) and VGV^G on the direct sum of twisted weak VV-modules in S{\mathscr S} where Aα(G,S){\mathscr A}_{\alpha}(G,{\mathscr S}) is a finite dimensional semisimple associative algebra associated with G,SG,{\mathscr S}, and a 22-cocycle α\alpha naturally determined by the GG-action on S{\mathscr S}. It follows as a natural consequence of the result that for any g∈Gg\in G every irreducible gg-twisted weak VV-module is a completely reducible weak VGV^G-module.Comment: 13 page

    The irreducible weak modules for the fixed point subalgebra of the vertex algebra associated to a non-degenerate even lattice by an automorphism of order 22 (Part 22)

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    Let VLV_{L} be the vertex algebra associated to a non-degenerate even lattice LL, θ\theta the automorphism of VLV_{L} induced from the −1-1 symmetry of LL, and VL+V_{L}^{+} the fixed point subalgebra of VLV_{L} under the action of θ\theta. In this series of papers, we classify the irreducible weak VL+V_{L}^{+}-modules and show that any irreducible weak VL+V_{L}^{+}-module is isomorphic to a weak submodule of some irreducible weak VLV_{L}-module or to a submodule of some irreducible θ\theta-twisted VLV_{L}-module. Let M(1)+M(1)^{+} be the fixed point subalgebra of the Heisenberg vertex operator algebra M(1)M(1) under the action of θ\theta. In this paper (Part 22), we show that there exists an irreducible M(1)+M(1)^{+}-submodule in any non-zero weak VL+V_{L}^{+}-module and we compute extension groups for M(1)+M(1)^{+}.Comment: 42 pages. To appear in Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan. We divide the article arXiv:1910.07126 into 3 parts for publication. This is the 2nd par
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