32 research outputs found
A Case of Hydrocele Stone with Its Composition Analysis
Hydrocele stones are freely mobile calcified bodies lying between the tunica vaginalis layers, and they are relatively rare. We present here another case of hydrocele stone incidentally discovered when castration was being undergone for the endocrine treatment of prostate cancer. A 71-year-old man was diagnosed as stage D2 prostate cancer with his prostate-specific antigen 387âng/ml. A white smooth stone of 11âmm in diameter was incidentally found moving freely in the right hydrocele space during castration. The hydrocele stone was of yellow hard center with white materials around it. Crystallographical analysis of the hydrocele stone by a infrared spectrophotometer showed that the center was composed of 64% calcium carbonate and 36% calcium phosphate, while the outer portion was protein. Our case is the fourth where crystallographical analysis was reported for hydrocele stones
A Case of Severe Hemorrhagic Cystitis Caused by Melphalan with Successful Bladder Preservation by Ligation of Bilateral Internal Iliac Arteries
Hemorrhagic cystitis is a disorder which causes bleeding from diffusely inflammatory bladder mucosa. Here we present a case of severe hemorrhagic cystitis caused by melphalan. A 70-year-old man with multiple myeloma was presented with suddenly commenced massive gross hematuria. During an attempt of transurethral coagulation of bladder mucosa, bladder perforation into peritoneal cavity was suspected, then open laparotomy was indicated. We isolated bilateral internal iliac arteries and ligated them in order to control continued bleeding. After that, bladder bleeding was suddenly diminished. Ligation of internal iliac arteries may be a choice in controlling massive bleeding from bladder with severe hemorrhagic cystitis when laparotomy was inevitable
Transient Occlusion of Bilateral Internal Iliac Arteries Facilitates Bloodless Operative Field in Subcapsular Prostatectomy
Transurethral resection of the prostate is the gold standard of surgical treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Nevertheless, open subcapsular prostatectomy is still performed for large BPH. While enucleation of prostatic adenoma is being performed, unneglectable bleeding can occur and surgeons need to rush to remove adenomas, often using fingers and in a blinded fashion. The blood supply to the prostatic capsule and adenoma can be reduced to a marked extent in subcapsular prostatectomy if the bilateral internal iliac arteries are transiently occluded. Thus, a bloodless operative field is reasonably acquired during enucleation of adenoma, which would, otherwise, be a cause for concern to surgeons due to bleeding. It is not always applicable, but it could be an option if the estimated volume of BPH is more than 100âmL. In two cases, bilateral internal iliac arteries were occluded with Bulldog clamps, and then adenomas of 159 and 97âg were enucleated
Surgical Castration in Hormone-Refractory Metastatic Prostate Cancer Patients Can Be an Alternative for Medical Castration
Background. Most patients with metastatic prostate cancer are endocrinologically treated with LHRH agonist, but finally castration-refractory and hormone-refractory cancers occur. Serum testosterone levels get low to âthe castration levelâ by LHRH agonists but may not get low enough against castration-refractory prostate cancer. Methods. As case series, twelve patients suffering from hormone-refractory prostate cancer continuously on LHRH agonist underwent surgical castration. Additionally, one hundred and thirty-nine prostate cancer patients on LHRH agonist or surgical castration were tested for serum total testosterone levels. Results. Surgical castration caused decrease in serum PSA in one out of 12 hormone-refractory prostate cancer patients with PSA reduction rate 74%. Serum total testosterone levels were below the sensitivity threshold (0.05âng/mL) in 40 of 89 (44.9%) medically castrated patients and 33 of 50 (66.0%) surgically castrated patients (P = .20). Conclusion. Even hormone-refractory prostate cancer patients are candidates for surgical castration because of endocrinological, oncological, and economical reasons
Coincidence of HPV11-Positive Urethral Condyloma Acuminatum and HPV-Negative Multiple Bladder Papillomas in a Female
Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are associated with proliferative lesions in a variety of human epithelial types. A 38-year-old female presented with a diagnosis of urethral condyloma acuminatum. She underwent transurethral resection of the urethral condyloma. At that time, multiple (five) bladder tumors were simultaneously found and also removed by transurethral resection. Four of the bladder tumors were diagnosed as squamous papilloma, and the other was urothelial inverted papilloma. Postoperative course was uneventful. Genomic DNA was extracted from 10âÎźm thick sections of each bladder tumor as well as urethral condyloma. Then, 16 types of HPV DNA sequences were assessed with the PapiPlex method using genomic DNA samples extracted from each bladder tumor as well as urethral condyloma. HPV-11 was detected in DNA extracted from the urethral condyloma, while no HPV DNA sequences were positive in any of the genomic DNA samples extracted from the bladder tumors
A Case of Urinary Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma with Squamous, Glandular, and Plasmacytoid Differentiation
We report an extremely rare case of urothelial carcinoma (UC) of the urinary bladder with diverse histological differentiation into squamous, glandular, and plasmacytoid components. A 65-year-old man presented with gross hematuria. Cystoscopy showed a papillary-growing tumor with a wide-based stalk on the left wall of the urinary bladder. Based on the clinical diagnosis of locally invasive bladder cancer, the patient underwent radical cystectomy. Histological examination of the cystectomy specimen revealed UC with histological differentiation into multiple tumor subtypes. The tumor was composed of squamous cell carcinoma with marked keratinization, adenocarcinoma characterized by tall columnar cells with scattered goblet cells, conventional high-grade invasive UC and UC in situ, and plasmacytoid UC composed of discohesive cancer cells with eccentric nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm that diffusely infiltrated the bladder wall through the serosal surface. Immunohistochemically, the loss of membranous E-cadherin expression was noted only in the plasmacytoid UC component. The patient developed local recurrences 2 months postoperatively and died of the disease 6 months postoperatively. It is critical to correctly diagnose the histological variants of UC to predict a patient's prognosis and to determine the optimal treatment
The âprostate-muscle indexâ: a simple pelvic cavity measurement predicting estimated blood loss and console time in robot-assisted radical prostatectomy
Abstract This study was to show the impact of âprostate-muscle index (PMI)â, which we developed as a novel pelvic cavity measurement, in patients undergoing robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP). We defined PMI as the âdistance between the inner edge of the obturator internus muscle and the lateral edge of the prostate at the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) slice showing the maximum width of the prostateâ. Seven hundred sixty patients underwent RARP at the University of Tokyo Hospital from November 2011 to December 2018. MRI results were unavailable in 111 patients. In total, 649 patients were eligible for this study. Median values of blood loss and console time were 300Â mL and 168Â min. In multivariate analysis, body mass index (BMI), prostate volume-to-pelvic cavity index (PV-to-PCI), PMI, and surgical experience were significantly associated with blood lossâ>â300Â mL (Pâ=â0.0002, 0.002,ââ160Â min in multivariate analysis (Pâ=â0.04, 0.004, andâ<â0.0001, respectively). In conclusion, PMI may provide useful information to surgeons and patients in preoperative decision-making