70,483 research outputs found
Abundances of lithium, sodium, and potassium in Vega
Vega's photospheric abundances of Li, Na, and K were determined by using
considerably weak lines measured on the very high-S/N spectrum, while the
non-LTE correction and the gravity-darkening correction were adequately taken
into account. It was confirmed that these alkali elements are mildly
underabundant ([Li/H] ~ -0.6, [Na/H] ~ -0.3, and [K/H] ~ -0.2) compared to the
solar system values, as generally seen also in other metals. Since the tendency
of Li being more deficient than Na and K is qualitatively similar to what is
seen in typical interstellar cloud, the process of interstellar gas accretion
may be related with the abundance anomaly of Vega, as suspected in the case of
lambda Boo stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 8 pages, 9 figure
A formulation of domain wall fermions in the Schroedinger functional
We present a formulation of domain wall fermions in the Schroedinger
functional by following the universality argument given by L\"uscher. To check
whether the formulation works, we examine the lowest eigenmode of the free
domain wall fermion operator. We confirm that the theory belongs to a correct
universality class and that the eigenvector is localized near the boundaries of
the fifth dimension. We also investigate the chiral symmetry breaking structure
of the four dimentional effective operator. We observe that the bulk chiral
symmetry breaking disappears for a large fifth dimensional size, while the
breaking originated by the boundary effects persists and exponetially decays
away from the time boundaries.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, talk presented at The XXVII International
Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, July 26-31, 2009, Peking University,
Beijing, Chin
General Report of the Researches of Snowpack Properties, Snowmelt Runoff and Evapotranspiration in Japan
A method was developed for estimating the distribution of snow and the snow water equivalent in Japan by combining LANDSAT data with the degree day method. A snow runoff model was improved and applied to the Okutadami River basin. The Martinec Rango model from the U.S. was applied to Japanese river basins to verify its applicability. This model was then compared with the Japanese model. Analysis of microwave measurements obtained by a radiometer on a tower over dry snow in Hokkaido indicate a certain correlation between brightness temperature and snowpack properties. A correlation between brightness temperature and depth of dry snow in an inland plain area was revealed in NIMBUS SMMR data obtained from the U.S. Calculation of evaporation using airborne remote sensing data and a Priestley-Taylor type of equation shows that the differentiation of evaporation with vegetation type is not remarkable because of little evapotransportation in winter
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