46 research outputs found
Quantum correlation in degenerate optical parametric oscillators with mutual injections
We theoretically and numerically study the quantum dynamics of two degenerate
optical parametric oscillators with mutual injections. The cavity mode in the
optical coupling path between the two oscillator facets is explicitly
considered. Stochastic equations for the oscillators and mutual injection path
based on the positive representation are derived. The system of two
gradually pumped oscillators with out-of-phase mutual injections is simulated,
and its quantum state is investigated. When the incoherent loss of the
oscillators other than the mutual injections is small, the squeezed quadratic
amplitudes in the oscillators are positively correlated near the
oscillation threshold. It indicates finite quantum correlation, estimated via
Gaussian quantum discord, and the entanglement between the intracavity
subharmonic fields. When the loss in the injection path is low, each oscillator
around the phase transition point forms macroscopic superposition even under a
small pump noise. It suggests that the squeezed field stored in the low-loss
injection path weakens the decoherence in the oscillators.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures; v3: author added, minor updat
Valence-band structure of ferromagnetic semiconductor (InGaMn)As
To clarify the whole picture of the valence-band structures of prototype
ferromagnetic semiconductors (III,Mn)As (III: In and Ga), we perform systematic
experiments of the resonant tunneling spectroscopy on [(In_0.53Ga_0.47)_1-x
Mn_x]As (x=0.06-0.15) and In_0.87Mn_0.13As grown on AlAs/ In_0.53Ga_0.47As:Be/
p+InP(001). We show that the valence band of InGaMnAs almost remains unchanged
from that of the host semiconductor InGaAs, that the Fermi level exists in the
band gap, and that the p-d exchange splitting in the valence band is negligibly
small in (InGaMn)As. In the In0.87Mn0.13As sample, although the resonant peaks
are very weak due to the large strain induced by the lattice mismatch between
InP and InMnAs, our results also indicate that the Fermi level exists in the
band gap and that the p-d exchange splitting in the valence band is negligibly
small. These results are quite similar to those of GaMnAs obtained by the same
method, meaning that there are no holes in the valence band, and that the
impurity-band holes dominate the transport and magnetism both in the InGaMnAs
and In_0.87Mn_0.13As films. This band picture of (III,Mn)As is remarkably
different from that of II-VI-based diluted magnetic semiconductors.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
Network of Time-Multiplexed Optical Parametric Oscillators as a Coherent Ising Machine
Finding the ground states of the Ising Hamiltonian [1] maps to various
combinatorial optimization problems in biology, medicine, wireless
communications, artificial intelligence, and social network. So far no
efficient classical and quantum algorithm is known for these problems, and
intensive research is focused on creating physical systems - Ising machines -
capable of finding the absolute or approximate ground states of the Ising
Hamiltonian [2-6]. Here we report a novel Ising machine using a network of
degenerate optical parametric oscillators (OPOs). Spins are represented with
above-threshold binary phases of the OPOs and the Ising couplings are realized
by mutual injections [7]. The network is implemented in a single OPO ring
cavity with multiple trains of femtosecond pulses and configurable mutual
couplings, and operates at room temperature. We programed the smallest
non-deterministic polynomial time (NP)- hard Ising problem on the machine, and
in 1000 runs of the machine no computational error was detected
Improved design and experimental demonstration of ultrahigh-Q C-symmetric H1 hexapole photonic crystal nanocavities
An H1 photonic crystal nanocavity is based on a single point defect and has
eigenmodes with a variety of symmetric features. Thus, it is a promising
building block for photonic tight-binding lattice systems that can be used in
studies on condensed matter, non-Hermitian and topological physics. However,
improving its radiative quality () factor has been considered challenging.
Here, we report the design of a hexapole mode of an H1 nanocavity with a
factor exceeding . We achieved such extremely high- conditions by
designing only four structural modulation parameters thanks to the symmetry of the mode, despite the need of more complicated
optimizations for many other nanocavities. The fabricated silicon photonic
crystal nanocavities exhibited a systematic change in their resonant
wavelengths depending on the spatial shift of the air holes in units of 1 nm.
Out of 26 such samples, we found eight cavities with loaded factors over
one million ( maximum). We examined the difference between the
theoretical and experimental performances by conducting a simulation of systems
with input and output waveguides and with randomly distributed radii of air
holes. Automated optimization using the same design parameters further
increased the theoretical factor by up to , which is two
orders of magnitude higher than in the previous studies. Our work elevates the
performance of the H1 nanocavity to the ultrahigh- level and paves the way
for its large-scale arrays with unconventional functionalities
学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学准教授 田浦 健次朗, 東京大学教授 安達 淳, 東京大学教授 大津 元一, 東京大学教授 菊池 和朗, 東京大学教授 合原 一幸, 科学技術振興機構プログラムマネージャー 山本 喜久University of Tokyo(東京大学