86 research outputs found
Los congresos internacionales de la lengua española
Desde 1997, con aparente periodicidad trienal, se celebra el Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Española (CILE) y en este documento se recogen las ideas más destacadas ofrecidas en los diferentes congresos a lo largo de los años. En todas sus ediciones expertos hispanistas y demás intelectuales discuten acerca de la lengua española, su situación actual, sus dilemas y sus desafíos de futuro. En su última edición, los debates han girado en torno al libro, en todos sus formatos, como herramienta de educación, de aprendizaje y de difusión del idioma español
Layer-by-Layer Dielectric Breakdown of Hexagonal Boron Nitride
Hexagonal boron nitride (BN) is widely used as a substrate and gate insulator for two-dimensional (2D) electronic devices. The studies on insulating properties and electrical reliability of BN itself, however, are quite limited. Here, we report a systematic investigation of the dielectric breakdown characteristics of BN using conductive atomic force microscopy. The electric field strength was found to be ∼12 MV/cm, which is comparable to that of conventional SiO<sub>2</sub> oxides because of the covalent bonding nature of BN. After the hard dielectric breakdown, the BN fractured like a flower into equilateral triangle fragments. However, when the applied voltage was terminated precisely in the middle of the dielectric breakdown, the formation of a hole that did not penetrate to the bottom metal electrode was clearly observed. Subsequent <i>I–V</i> measurements of the hole indicated that the BN layer remaining in the hole was still electrically inactive. On the basis of these observations, layer-by-layer breakdown was confirmed for BN with regard to both physical fracture and electrical breakdown. Moreover, statistical analysis of the breakdown voltages using a Weibull plot suggested the anisotropic formation of defects. These results are unique to layered materials and unlike the behavior observed for conventional 3D amorphous oxides
Anisotropic Wet Etching of WSe<sub>2</sub> and MoS<sub>2</sub> for Twist-Angle Extraction of Heterobilayers
We focus on the formation of hexagonal
holes in WSe2 and MoS2 multilayers by anisotropic
wet etching.
It is
found that anisotropic wet etching occurs for a high H2O2 concentration in an etchant and large thicknesses of
WSe2 and MoS2. Furthermore, photoexcited carriers
accelerate the anisotropic wet etching of the WSe2 multilayers.
It is found that the oxidation process at the edges of WSe2 crystals significantly impacts anisotropic wet etching, and photoexcited
carriers facilitate the WSe2 oxidation reaction with H2O2. We also demonstrate that anisotropic wet etching
can be used to determine the twist angle in WSe2/MoS2 heterobilayers. The photoluminescence intensities of the
infrared interlayer exciton are proportional to the twist angle in
the heterobilayers. These results suggest the potential for exploiting
the orientation-dependent phenomena of transition metal dichalcogenides
Defect Control and <i>n</i>‑Doping of Encapsulated Graphene by Helium-Ion-Beam Irradiation
We study with Raman spectroscopy
the influences of He<sup>+</sup> bombardment and the environment on
beam-induced defects in graphene encapsulated in hexagonal boron nitride
(h-BN). We show for the first time experimentally the autonomous behavior
of the D′ defect Raman peak: in contrast to the D defect peak,
the D′ defect peak is sensitive to the local environment. In
particular, it saturates with ion dose in the encapsulated graphene.
Electrical measurements reveal <i>n</i>-type conduction
in the BN-encapsulated graphene. We conclude that unbound atoms (“interfacials”)
between the sp<sup>2</sup>-layers of graphene and h-BN promote self-healing
of the beam-induced lattice damage and that nitrogen–carbon
exchange leads to <i>n</i>-doping of graphene
Nonlinear Landau Fan Diagram for Graphene Electrons Exposed to a Moiré Potential
Due to Landau quantization,
the conductance of two-dimensional
electrons exposed to a perpendicular magnetic field exhibits oscillations
that generate a fan of linear trajectories when plotted in the parameter
space spanned by density and field. This fan looks identical, irrespective
of the dispersion and field dependence of the Landau level energy.
This is no surprise because the position of conductance minima depends
solely on the level degeneracy that is linear in flux. The fractal
energy spectrum that emerges within each Landau band when electrons
are also exposed to a two-dimensional superlattice potential produces
numerous additional oscillations, but they also create just linear
fans for identical reasons. Here, we report conductance oscillations
of graphene electrons exposed to a moiré potential that defy
this general rule and form nonlinear trajectories in the density-field
plane. We attribute this anomalous behavior to the simultaneous occupation
of multiple minibands and magnetic breakdown-induced open orbits
Three-Dimensional Location of a Single Dopant with Atomic Precision by Aberration-Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
Materials properties, such as optical
and electronic response,
can be greatly enhanced by isolated single dopants. Determining the
full three-dimensional single-dopant defect structure and spatial
distribution is therefore critical to understanding and adequately
tuning functional properties. Combining quantitative Z-contrast scanning
transmission electron microscopy images with image simulations, we
show the direct determination of the atomic-scale depth location of
an optically active, single atom Ce dopant embedded within wurtzite-type
AlN. The method represents a powerful new tool for reconstructing
three-dimensional information from a single, two-dimensional image
Tunneling Spin Valves Based on Fe<sub>3</sub>GeTe<sub>2</sub>/hBN/Fe<sub>3</sub>GeTe<sub>2</sub> van der Waals Heterostructures
van der Waals (vdW) layered magnetic materials hold the possibility
of realizing vdW heterostructures with new functionalities. Here,
we report on the realization and investigation of tunneling spin valves
based on van der Waals heterostructures consisting of an atomically
thin hBN layer acting as tunnel barrier and two exfoliated Fe<sub>3</sub>GeTe<sub>2</sub> crystals acting as ferromagnetic electrodes.
Low-temperature anomalous Hall effect measurements show that thin
Fe<sub>3</sub>GeTe<sub>2</sub> crystals are metallic ferromagnets
with an easy axis perpendicular to the layers and a very sharp magnetization
switching at magnetic field values that depends slightly on their
geometry. In Fe<sub>3</sub>GeTe<sub>2</sub>/hBN/Fe<sub>3</sub>GeTe<sub>2</sub> heterostructures, we observe textbook behavior of the tunneling
resistance, which is minimum (maximum) when the magnetization in the
two electrodes is parallel (antiparallel) to each other. The magnetoresistance
is 160% at low temperature, from which we determine the spin polarization
of Fe<sub>3</sub>GeTe<sub>2</sub> to be 0.66, corresponding to 83%
and 17% of the majority and minority carriers, respectively. The measurements
also show that, with increasing temperature, the evolution of the
spin polarization extracted from the tunneling magnetoresistance is
proportional to the temperature dependence of the magnetization extracted
from the analysis of the anomalous Hall conductivity. This suggests
that the magnetic properties of the surface are representative of
those of the bulk, as may be expected for vdW materials
Long Rayleigh length confocal microscope: A fast evaluation tool for obtaining quantum propensities of color centers
Color centers in wide band-gap semiconductors, which have superior quantum properties even at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, have been actively applied to quantum sensing devices. Characterization of the quantum properties of the color centers in the semiconductor materials and ensuring that these properties are uniform over a wide area are key issues for developing quantum sensing devices based on color center. In this article, we will describe the principle and performance of a newly developed confocal microscope system with a long Rayleigh length (LRCFM). This system can characterize a wider area faster than the confocal microscope systems commonly used for color center evaluation
Optical Imaging and Spectroscopic Characterization of Self-Assembled Environmental Adsorbates on Graphene
studies using scanning probes have found that graphene
surfaces are often covered by micron-scale domains of periodic stripes
with a 4 nm pitch. These stripes have been variously interpreted as
structural ripples or as self-assembled adsorbates. We show that the
stripe domains are optically anisotropic by imaging them using a polarization-contrast
technique. Optical spectra between 1.1 and 2.8 eV reveal that the
anisotropy in the in-plane dielectric function is predominantly real,
reaching 0.6 for an assumed layer thickness of 0.3 nm. The spectra
are incompatible with a rippled graphene sheet but would be quantitatively
explained by the self-assembly of chainlike organic molecules into
nanoscale stripes
Exciton-Sensitized Second-Harmonic Generation in 2D Heterostructures
efficient optical second-harmonic generation (SHG) of two-dimensional
(2D) crystals, coupled with their atomic thickness, which circumvents
the phase-match problem, has garnered considerable attention. While
various 2D heterostructures have shown promising applications in photodetectors,
switching electronics, and photovoltaics, the modulation of nonlinear
optical properties in such heterosystems remains unexplored. In this
study, we investigate exciton-sensitized SHG in heterobilayers of
transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), where photoexcitation of
one donor layer enhances the SHG response of the other as an acceptor.
We utilize polarization-resolved interferometry to detect the SHG
intensity and phase of each individual layer, revealing the energetic
match between the excitonic resonances of donors and the SHG enhancement
of acceptors for four TMD combinations. Our results also uncover the
dynamic nature of interlayer coupling, as made evident by the dependence
of sensitization on interlayer gap spacing and the average power of
the fundamental beam. This work provides insights into how the interlayer
coupling of two different layers can modify nonlinear optical phenomena
in 2D heterostructures
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