3,218 research outputs found
Asymptotic Behavior of Perturbations in Randall-Sundrum Brane-World
The asymptotic behavior of metric perturbations in Randall-Sundrum infinite
brane world is carefully investigated. Perturbations generated by matter fields
on the brane are shown to be regular even at the future Cauchy horizon.Comment: 5 page
Implication of Classical Black Hole Evaporation Conjecture to Floating Black Holes
In Randall-Sundrum single-brane (RS-II) model, it was conjectured that there
is no static large black hole localized on the brane based on adS/CFT
correspondence. Here we consider the phase diagram of black objects in the
models extended from the RS-II model. We propose a scenario for the phase
diagram consistent with the classical black hole evaporation conjecture. The
proposed scenario indicates the existence of a rich variety of the families of
black objects.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Removed ambiguous discussions and corrected
errors. Added reference
Decoherence on Quantum Tunneling in the Multi-Dimensional Wave Function Approach
We consider fundamental problems on the understanding of the tunneling
phenomena in the context of the multi-dimensional wave function. In this paper,
we reconsider the quantum state after tunneling and extend our previous
formalism to the case when the quantum state before tunneling is in a squeezed
state. Through considering this problem, we reveal that the quantum decoherence
plays a crucial role to allow us of the concise description of the quantum
state after tunneling.Comment: 27 pages revtex file, uuencoded postscript figure file is avilable
from [email protected] upon request, KUNS129
Gravitational radiation reaction
We give a short personally-biased review on the recent progress in our
understanding of gravitational radiation reaction acting on a point particle
orbiting a black hole. The main motivation of this study is to obtain
sufficiently precise gravitational waveforms from inspiraling binary compact
stars with a large mass ratio. For this purpose, various new concepts and
techniques have been developed to compute the orbital evolution taking into
account the gravitational self-force. Combining these ideas with a few
supplementary new ideas, we try to outline a path to our goal here.Comment: 26 pages, contribution to "The Next Chapter in Einstein's Legacy"
(YKIS2005), some changes in section 5.
Classical black hole evaporation in Randall-Sundrum infinite braneworld
After the gravity induced on the brane in the Randall-Sundrum (RS) infinite
braneworld is briefly reviewed, we discuss the possibility that black holes
evaporate as a result of classical evolution in this model based on the AdS/CFT
correspondence. If this possibility is really the case, the existence of
long-lived solar mass black holes will give the strongest constraint on the
bulk curvature radius. At the same time, we can propose a new method to
simulate the evaporation of a 4D black hole due to the Hawking radiation as a
5D process.Comment: Style file changed, Proceedings for YITP workshop "Braneworld
-Dynamics of spacetime boundary
Bigravity from gradient expansion
We discuss how the ghost-free bigravity coupled with a single scalar field
can be derived from a braneworld setup. We consider DGP two-brane model without
radion stabilization. The bulk configuration is solved for given boundary
metrics, and it is substituted back into the action to obtain the effective
four-dimensional action. In order to obtain the ghost-free bigravity, we
consider the gradient expansion in which the brane separation is supposed to be
sufficiently small so that two boundary metrics are almost identical. The
obtained effective theory is shown to be ghost free as expected, however, the
interaction between two gravitons takes the Fierz-Pauli form at the leading
order of the gradient expansion, even though we do not use the approximation of
linear perturbation. We also find that the radion remains as a scalar field in
the four-dimensional effective theory, but its coupling to the metrics is
non-trivial.Comment: 16 page
Second order perturbations in the radius stabilized Randall-Sundrum two branes model II -- Effect of relaxing strong coupling approximation --
We discuss gravitational perturbations in the Randall-Sundrum two branes
model with radius stabilization. Following the idea by Goldberger and Wise for
the radius stabilization, we introduce a scalar field which has potentials
localized on the branes in addition to a bulk potential. In our previous paper
we discussed gravitational perturbations induced by static, spherically
symmetric and nonrelativistic matter distribution on the branes under the
condition that the values of the scalar field on the respective branes cannot
fluctuate due to its extremely narrow brane potentials. We call this case the
strong coupling limit. Our concern in this paper is to generalize our previous
analysis relaxing the limitation of taking the strong coupling limit. We find
that new corrections in metric perturbations due to relaxing the strong
coupling limit enhance the deviation from the 4D Einstein gravity only in some
exceptional cases. In the case that matter fields reside on the negative
tension brane, the stabilized radion mass becomes very small when the new
correction becomes large.Comment: 12 pages, No figures, typos correcte
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