317 research outputs found
Predicting Organizational Performance through Workplace Spirituality
The purpose of this research study was to investigate the relationship of workplace spirituality and Perceived Organizational Performance in private education sector of Pakistan. Mainly, the study was conducted in private schools of Lahore. To represent education sector of private schools in Lahore, five large schools from DHA schools systems were chosen for data collection. Total of 450 questionnaires were floated among respondents. Total 319 questionnaires were received which were useful for further processing so the response rate remained 70.8 percent. Different statistical techniques were used like factor loading, Reliability analysis, Descriptive statistics, Correlation analysis and regression analysis. Results revealed that workplace spirituality has a positive impact on perceived organizational performance. Furthermore, all three dimensions of workplace spirituality contribute significantly and positively to predict perceived organizational performance in private schools of Lahore Pakistan. Keywords: workplace spirituality, organizational performance, Inner life, sense of community, Pakista
Enhancing Customer Purchase Intentions through Service Brand Credibility
Purpose – The basic aim of present study was to test the construct of brand credibility and its impact on purchase intentions with moderation effect of brand image in service sector of Pakistan.Design/methodology/approach – for the sake of data collection, A questionnaire was used from the customers of fast food users from the city of Lahore Pakistan. Regression and correlation analysis along with others were used for data analysis and hypothesis testing. Findings – Based of the statistical evidences of present study it is found that brand credibility and purchase intentions are positively related whereas brand image moderates this relationship.Practical implications – This study will help survey marketers and mangers to understand the importance of brand credibility for enhancing customer purchase intentions, furthermore it will guide them to incorporate the brand image in crafting different marketing and branding strategies to increase brand royalty.Originality/value – According to researcher, this is a pioneer study to propose the impact of service-brand-credibility and its impact on customer purchase intentions with moderating effect of brand image in the context of Pakistan. Keywords: Brand credibility, Purchase intentions, Brand image, Brands, Pakistan. Paper type: Research pape
Papel dos trabalhadores emocionalmente inteligentes para a eficácia organizacional
The purpose of this paper is to describe how the understanding of emotional intelligence has evolved since last few decades and to see how emotional intelligence of an organizational member can improve organizational effectiveness by addressing the Cherniss model. This paper reviews the historic literature on emotional intelligence and relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational effectiveness. The findings indicate that as a field of study, emotional intelligence developed gradually. Its origin can be traced back to 1920s, till its official conceptualization in 1990. Although, it is a relatively new construct, but is a widely recognized management discipline now owing to its remarkable influence on organizational effectiveness. The current complex era of globalization has brought dynamic changes to the working of modern organizations. Businesses now greatly focus on achieving competitive advantage by dramatically improving the overall organizational effectiveness.El propósito de este documento es describir cómo ha evolucionado la comprensión de la inteligencia emocional desde las últimas décadas y ver cómo la inteligencia emocional de un miembro de la organización puede mejorar la efectividad de la organización al abordar el modelo de Cherniss. Este artículo revisa la literatura histórica sobre la inteligencia emocional y la relación entre la inteligencia emocional y la efectividad organizacional. Los hallazgos indican que, como campo de estudio, la inteligencia emocional se desarrolló gradualmente. Su origen se remonta a la década de 1920, hasta su conceptualización oficial en 1990. Aunque es un constructo relativamente nuevo, pero es una disciplina de gestión ampliamente reconocida ahora debido a su notable influencia en la efectividad de la organización. La actual era compleja de la globalización ha traído cambios dinámicos al funcionamiento de las organizaciones modernas. Las empresas ahora se enfocan en gran medida en lograr una ventaja competitiva al mejorar dramáticamente la efectividad organizacional general.O objetivo deste artigo é descrever como a compreensão da inteligência emocional evoluiu desde as últimas décadas e ver como a inteligência emocional de um membro da organização pode melhorar a eficácia organizacional, abordando o modelo de Cherniss. Este artigo revisa a literatura histórica sobre inteligência emocional e relação entre inteligência emocional e eficácia organizacional. Os resultados indicam que, como campo de estudo, a inteligência emocional se desenvolveu gradualmente. Sua origem pode ser rastreada até 1920, até sua conceituação oficial em 1990. Embora seja um construto relativamente novo, mas é uma disciplina de gerenciamento amplamente reconhecida agora devido à sua notável influência na eficácia organizacional. A atual era complexa da globalização trouxe mudanças dinâmicas para o funcionamento das organizações modernas. As empresas agora se concentram muito em obter vantagem competitiva, melhorando drasticamente a eficácia organizacional geral
Effects of Organizational Cultural Changes in Organizational Development, Case Study on Od Practitioners/Consultants
This qualitative study examine organizational development (OD) consultants point of view regarding Organizational culture change and organizational performance. Investigation based on this main question: How organizational cultural changes can affect the performance of organizations? The main objective of this study is to critically evaluate the strategies of organizational development regarding cultural change. Study reveals that organizational performance is related with organizational culture change. The study finds that people behaviors in organizations, environment of organization and process of change can play a vital role in culture change process. Keywords: Organizational development; Organizational Culture; Performance; Consultants.
The purpose of this study was to determine the ethics of the State Civil Apparatus in carrying out public service tasks at the Camba District Office, Maros Regency. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with 7 informants. Data collection techniques using observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the ethics of the State Civil Apparatus in the implementation of public services at the Camba District Office, Maros Regency, shows that in terms of equality, it has been implemented without discriminating against the social background of the community, but it is not yet optimal because there are still people who think that if they want to take care of the files it is necessary acquaintances who work in the office in order to get management faster. Loyalty, in this case, employees are obedient and loyal to the rules, leaders, and co-workers. The responsibilities given in public services are still not optimal, regarding employees at the Camba District Office there are still those who don't arrive on time so that sometimes hampers services
In vitro studija utjecaja hipoksije na uzgoj mješovite kulture astroglije i neurona
INTRODUCTION: Stroke is the second most common cause of death in the world and 85% of strokes are ischemic due to obstruction of blood vessels. This leads to deprivation of oxygen and glucose, which causes energy failure and neuronal death. There is an increasing interest in developing new therapies for ischemic stroke due to short therapeutic window and lack of
currently available treatments. Astrocytes provide a major role in brain’s response to ischemic injury by providing antioxidant protection, growth factors and glutamate clearance. A detailed understanding of astrocyte-neuron interaction can provide valuable therapeutic targets. This study aims to use astroglial-neuronal co-cultures to investigate affect of hypoxia on interaction between astrocytes and neurons. ----- METHODS: Primary astrocytes were obtained from mouse newborns and NSCs from E14.5 mouse embryos. Astrocytes and NSCs were seeded together to develop astroglial-neuronal co-cultures, which were incubated in normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Co-cultures were characterized using live imagining and immunocytochemistry, quantification of cellular motility and relative gene expression of apoptotic (caspase 8) and necroptotic marker (MLKL) was performed using live cell tracing and rt-PCR respectively. ----- RESULTS: The characterization of co-cultures in hypoxic conditions showed NSCs differentiation into unipolar and bipolar neurons and presence of flat and epithelioid astrocytes. The average and maximum speed of cells in astroglial-neuronal co-cultures was higher in hypoxic conditions, but less than NSCs single culture in normoxia. Relative gene expression of caspase 8 was higher than MLKL in both hypoxic and normoxic conditions. ----- DISCUSSION: There was better differentiation and survival of NSCs in astroglial-neuronal co-cultures in hypoxic conditions. This was also reflected in better cellular motility of astroglialneuronal co-cultures in hypoxic conditions. Caspase 8 and MLKL exhibited reciprocal relationship of expression in both normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Although we observed
difference in expression of caspase 8 and MLKL in normoxic and hypoxic conditions, more samples will be needed to define precise levels of statistical significance of this finding. ----- CONCLUSION: In this work we observed responses of astrocytes and neurons in astroglialneuronal co-cultures, which were fairly consistent with what happens in ischemia. More studies will be required to characterize and understand observed phenomena in the astroglialneuronal co-cultures.UVOD: Moždani udar je drugi najčešći uzrok smrti u svijetu. U 85% slučajeva se radi o ishemijskom moždanom udaru uzrokovanom prekidom protoka krvi, a time glukoze i kisika, kroz krvnu žilu, što uzrokuje energetski disbalans i smrt neurona. Trenutno dostupni terapijski pristupi mogu se primjeniti u ograničenom vremenskom razdoblju te stoga postoji
potreba za novim pristupima u liječenju ishemijskog moždanog udara. Astrociti imaju važnu ulogu u odgovoru na ishemiju mozga jer pružaju antioksidativnu zaštitu, proizvode faktore rasta te uklanjaju glutamat. Bolje poznavanje interakcija između neurona i astrocita moglo bi iznjedriti neke nove terapijske mete. Cilj ovog rada je bio uspostaviti kokulture astrocita i neurona te istražiti utjecaj hiposksije na interakciju astrocita i neurona. ----- METODE: Primarni astrociti izolirani su iz novorođenih miševa, dok su živčane matične stanice izolirane iz embrija miševa starih 14.5 dana. Astrociti i živčane matične stanice su nasađeni zajedno kako bi se dobila mješovita kultura, uzgajana u u normalnim uvjetima te u uvjetima hipoksije. Mješovite kulture su analizirane imunohistokemijski, praćena je mobilnost stanica i analizirana je ekspresija apoptotičkog (Casp8) i nekroptotičkog markera (Mlkl) metodom qRT-PCR. ----- REZULTATI: Karaterizacija mješovitih kultura u hipoksičnim uvjetima pokazala je da su se živčane matične stanice diferencirale u unipolarne i bipolarne neurone te je pokazana prisutnost plosnatih i elipsoidnih astrocita. Vrijednosti prosječne i maksimalne brzine stanica u mješovitim kulturama su bile veće u hipoksičnim uvjetima, ali manje od onih zabilježenih u kulturi samih živčanih matičnih stanica u normalnim uvjetima. Relativna ekspresija gena Casp8 bila je veća od ekspresije Mlkl i u hipoksičnim i normalnim uvjetima. ----- DISKUSIJA: U hipoksičnim uvjetima zabilježena je bolja diferencijacija i preživljenje živčanih matičnih stanica te bolja mobilnost stanica u kokulturi. Iako je zabilježena razlika u relativnoj ekspresiji gena Casp8 i Mlkl u normalnim i hipoksičnim uvjetima, za određivanje razine statističke značajnosti će biti potrebno imati veći broj bioloških replika. ----- ZAKLJUČAK: U mješovitoj kulturi astrocita i neurona smo opazili promjene koje se inače dešavaju u ishemiji. Potrebna su nova istraživanja na ovim stanicama koja će dovesti do boljeg razumijevanja interakcija prisutnih u hipoksiji
In vitro studija utjecaja hipoksije na uzgoj mješovite kulture astroglije i neurona
INTRODUCTION: Stroke is the second most common cause of death in the world and 85% of strokes are ischemic due to obstruction of blood vessels. This leads to deprivation of oxygen and glucose, which causes energy failure and neuronal death. There is an increasing interest in developing new therapies for ischemic stroke due to short therapeutic window and lack of
currently available treatments. Astrocytes provide a major role in brain’s response to ischemic injury by providing antioxidant protection, growth factors and glutamate clearance. A detailed understanding of astrocyte-neuron interaction can provide valuable therapeutic targets. This study aims to use astroglial-neuronal co-cultures to investigate affect of hypoxia on interaction between astrocytes and neurons. ----- METHODS: Primary astrocytes were obtained from mouse newborns and NSCs from E14.5 mouse embryos. Astrocytes and NSCs were seeded together to develop astroglial-neuronal co-cultures, which were incubated in normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Co-cultures were characterized using live imagining and immunocytochemistry, quantification of cellular motility and relative gene expression of apoptotic (caspase 8) and necroptotic marker (MLKL) was performed using live cell tracing and rt-PCR respectively. ----- RESULTS: The characterization of co-cultures in hypoxic conditions showed NSCs differentiation into unipolar and bipolar neurons and presence of flat and epithelioid astrocytes. The average and maximum speed of cells in astroglial-neuronal co-cultures was higher in hypoxic conditions, but less than NSCs single culture in normoxia. Relative gene expression of caspase 8 was higher than MLKL in both hypoxic and normoxic conditions. ----- DISCUSSION: There was better differentiation and survival of NSCs in astroglial-neuronal co-cultures in hypoxic conditions. This was also reflected in better cellular motility of astroglialneuronal co-cultures in hypoxic conditions. Caspase 8 and MLKL exhibited reciprocal relationship of expression in both normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Although we observed
difference in expression of caspase 8 and MLKL in normoxic and hypoxic conditions, more samples will be needed to define precise levels of statistical significance of this finding. ----- CONCLUSION: In this work we observed responses of astrocytes and neurons in astroglialneuronal co-cultures, which were fairly consistent with what happens in ischemia. More studies will be required to characterize and understand observed phenomena in the astroglialneuronal co-cultures.UVOD: Moždani udar je drugi najčešći uzrok smrti u svijetu. U 85% slučajeva se radi o ishemijskom moždanom udaru uzrokovanom prekidom protoka krvi, a time glukoze i kisika, kroz krvnu žilu, što uzrokuje energetski disbalans i smrt neurona. Trenutno dostupni terapijski pristupi mogu se primjeniti u ograničenom vremenskom razdoblju te stoga postoji
potreba za novim pristupima u liječenju ishemijskog moždanog udara. Astrociti imaju važnu ulogu u odgovoru na ishemiju mozga jer pružaju antioksidativnu zaštitu, proizvode faktore rasta te uklanjaju glutamat. Bolje poznavanje interakcija između neurona i astrocita moglo bi iznjedriti neke nove terapijske mete. Cilj ovog rada je bio uspostaviti kokulture astrocita i neurona te istražiti utjecaj hiposksije na interakciju astrocita i neurona. ----- METODE: Primarni astrociti izolirani su iz novorođenih miševa, dok su živčane matične stanice izolirane iz embrija miševa starih 14.5 dana. Astrociti i živčane matične stanice su nasađeni zajedno kako bi se dobila mješovita kultura, uzgajana u u normalnim uvjetima te u uvjetima hipoksije. Mješovite kulture su analizirane imunohistokemijski, praćena je mobilnost stanica i analizirana je ekspresija apoptotičkog (Casp8) i nekroptotičkog markera (Mlkl) metodom qRT-PCR. ----- REZULTATI: Karaterizacija mješovitih kultura u hipoksičnim uvjetima pokazala je da su se živčane matične stanice diferencirale u unipolarne i bipolarne neurone te je pokazana prisutnost plosnatih i elipsoidnih astrocita. Vrijednosti prosječne i maksimalne brzine stanica u mješovitim kulturama su bile veće u hipoksičnim uvjetima, ali manje od onih zabilježenih u kulturi samih živčanih matičnih stanica u normalnim uvjetima. Relativna ekspresija gena Casp8 bila je veća od ekspresije Mlkl i u hipoksičnim i normalnim uvjetima. ----- DISKUSIJA: U hipoksičnim uvjetima zabilježena je bolja diferencijacija i preživljenje živčanih matičnih stanica te bolja mobilnost stanica u kokulturi. Iako je zabilježena razlika u relativnoj ekspresiji gena Casp8 i Mlkl u normalnim i hipoksičnim uvjetima, za određivanje razine statističke značajnosti će biti potrebno imati veći broj bioloških replika. ----- ZAKLJUČAK: U mješovitoj kulturi astrocita i neurona smo opazili promjene koje se inače dešavaju u ishemiji. Potrebna su nova istraživanja na ovim stanicama koja će dovesti do boljeg razumijevanja interakcija prisutnih u hipoksiji
Molecular Characterization of Wheat Genotypes Using SSR Markers
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) rusts are the most destructive and widespread among all other diseases of wheat because of their wide distribution, and their capacity to form new races that can attack previously resistant cultivars which result in serious yield losses. The molecular characterization and genetic diversity of 20 wheat genotypes was investigated using 34 polymorphic Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) screened primers. About thirty-one loci were found. Lr-19 gene was present in all 20 wheat genotypes that cause resistance against wheat rust. Shalimar-86 and Chakwal-86 showed the highest genetic diversity with SH-02 and Ufaq respectively, giving a 98.94% genetic similarity and a minimum genetic diversity was observed between Chakwal-50 and Bhakar which showed that they are 74% similar. The current research found that SSR makers could distinguish and characterize all of the genotypes, more screened primers could be used for study and for saturation of different regions in further research. The identification of rust resistant genes in Pakistani wheat germplasm will help in accelerating the breeding program in future, including pyramiding of different wheat resistant genes in wheat genotypes and varieties
We examine the time-varying effect of stock market volatility due to infectious diseases on industrial sectorsin the US from 2012 to 2021. We extend the current literature by exploring the diverse impact of infectiousdiseases on various industrial sectors and decomposing industrial volatility into good and bad volatility toquantify how good and bad components vary in response to the transmission of shocks due to infectiousdiseases. The results show that the transmission of volatile shocks from the stock market more stronglyenhances the good component of industrial volatility as compared with bad volatility during COVID-19. Weconclude that the relationship between infectious disease equity market volatility and industrial volatilitydepends on the good and bad volatile components and their respective conditions at different quantiles
This paper is an attempt to study Siddhartha’s spiritual quest for self-knowledge in psychological perspective. It is meant to explore how far and in what ways is the mystical experience on par with secondary integration of personality that occurs only in the wake of the disintegration of several existing psychological structures. The protagonist’s act of overcoming ego-consciousness and disassociating himself with the social labels and ultimately realizing his ‘self’ are analyzed psychologically using Kazimierz Dabrowski’s theory of positive disintegration as a conceptual framework. Herman Hesse’s novel Siddhartha is selected for the study, and textual analysis is employed as a tool to analyse the text culling the relevant passages as evidence. The study reveals that the protagonist of the novel achieves higher level of personality development and the previously held assumptions which confuse spirituality with psychic disorders are overruled. It also asserts the validity of mystical experiences as higher form of consciousness yielding wisdom allowing mystics to transcend the temporal cum spatial barriers thereby elevating to the level of humanity. This paper suggests that the study of different mystical traditions may well lead to one’s personal development and may prove a step towards gaining maturity.Keywords: Mysticism, mystical experience, self-realization, positive disintegration, secondary integration. Cite as: Imran, M., Bhatti, A. G., & Naveed, R.T. (2018). Psychological analysis of mystical experiences in Herman Hesse’s Siddhartha. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 3(2), 66-79. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol3iss2pp66-7
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