143 research outputs found

    Two-points boundary value problems for Carath\ue8odory second order equations

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    Using a suitable version of Mawhin's continuation principle, we obtains an existence result for the Floquet boundary value problem for second order Carath\ue8odory differential equations by means of strictly localized C^2 bounding function

    Solutions of half-linear differential equations in the classes Gamma and Pi

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    We study asymptotic behavior of (all) positive solutions of the non-oscillatory half-linear differential equation of the form (r(t)|y'|^ {alpha-1} sgn y')'=p(t)|y|^{alpha-1}sgn y, where alpha>1 and r,p are positive continuous functions, with the help of the Karamata theory of regularly varying functions and the de Haan theory. We show that increasing resp. decreasing solutions belong to the de Haan class Gamma resp. Gamma- under suitable assumptions. Further we study behavior of slowly varying solutions for which asymptotic formulas are established. Some of our results are new even in the linear case alpha=2

    Nonlocal semilinear second-order differential inclusions in abstract spaces without compactness

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    summary:We study the existence of a mild solution to the nonlocal initial value problem for semilinear second-order differential inclusions in abstract spaces. The result is obtained by combining the Kakutani fixed point theorem with the approximation solvability method and the weak topology. This combination enables getting the result without any requirements for compactness of the right-hand side or of the cosine family generated by the linear operator

    Nonlocal problems in Hilbert spaces

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    An existence result for differential inclusions in a separable Hilbert space is furnished. A wide family of nonlocal boundary value problems is treated, including periodic, anti-periodic, mean value and multipoint conditions. The study is based on an approximation solvability method. Advanced topological methods are used as well as a Scorza Dragoni-type result for multivalued maps. The conclusions are original also in the single-valued setting. An application to a nonlocal dispersal model is given

    Strictly localized bounding functions and Floquet boundary value problems

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    Semilinear multivalued equations are considered, in separable Ba-nach spaces with the Radon-Nikodym property. An effective criterion for the existence of solutions to the associated Floquet boundary value problem is showed. Its proof is obtained combining a continuation principle with a Liapunov-like technique and a Scorza-Dragoni type theorem. A strictly localized transversality condition is assumed. The employed method enables to localize the solution values in a not necessarily invariant set; it allows also to introduce nonlinearities with superlinear growth in the state variable

    Controllability for systems governed by semilinear evolution equations without compactness

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    We study the controllability for a class of semilinear differential inclusions in Banach spaces. Since we assume the regularity of the nonlinear part with respect to the weak topology, we do not require the compactness of the evolution operator generated by the linear part. As well we are not posing any conditions on the multivalued nonlinearity expressed in terms of measures of noncompactness. We are considering the usual assumption on the controllability of the associated linear problem. Notice that, in infinite dimensional spaces, the above mentioned compactness of the evolution operator and linear controllability condition are in contradiction with each other. We suppose that the nonlinear term has convex, closed, bounded values and a weakly sequentially closed graph when restricted to its second argument. This regularity setting allows us to solve controllability problem under various growth conditions. As application, a controllability result for hyperbolic integro-differential equations and inclusions is obtained. In particular, we consider controllability of a system arising in a model of nonlocal spatial population dispersal and a system governed by the second order one-dimensional telegraph equation

    On solvability of the impulsive Cauchy problem for integro-differential inclusions with non-densely defined operators

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    We prove the existence of at least one integrated solution to an impulsive Cauchy problem for an integro-differential inclusion in a Banach space with a non-densely defined operator. Since we look for integrated solution we do not need to assume that A is a Hille Yosida operator. We exploit a technique based on the measure of weak non-compactness which allows us to avoid any hypotheses of compactness both on the semigroup generated by the linear part and on the nonlinear term. As the main tool in the proof of our existence result, we are using the Glicksberg–Ky Fan theorem on a fixed point for a multivalued map on a compact convex subset of a locally convex topological vector space

    Nonlocal semilinear evolution equations without strong compactness: theory and applications

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    A semilinear multivalued evolution equation is considered in a reflexive Banach space. The nonlinear term has convex, closed, bounded values and a weakly sequentially closed graph when restricted to its second argument. No strong compactness is assumed, neither on the evolution operator generated by the linear part, or on the nonlinear term. A wide family of nonlocal associated boundary value problems is investigated by means of a fixed point technique. Applications are given to an optimal feedback control problem, to a nonlinear hyperbolic integro-differential equation arising in age-structure population models, and to a multipoint boundary value problem associated to a parabolic partial differential equation

    Semilinear evolution equations in abstract spaces and applications

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    The existence of mild solutions is obtained, for a semilinear multivalued equation in a reflexive Banach space. Weakly compact valued nonlinear terms are considered, combined with strongly continuous evolution operators generated by the linear part. A continuation principle or a fixed point theorem are used, according to the various regularity and growth conditions assumed. Applications to the study of parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential equations are given
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