48 research outputs found
広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(保健学)Doctor of Philosophy in Health Sciencedoctora
Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck
Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is a malignant neoplasm derived from nonkeratinizing cells that originate from the basal layer of the epidermis and is the most frequent type of skin cancer in humans, with cumulative exposure to ultraviolet radiation as an important risk factor. BCC occurs most frequently at sun-exposed sites, with the head and neck being common areas. Tumors can be classified as nodular, superficial, morpheaform, infiltrating, metatypic, and fibroepithelioma of Pinkus. Several treatment options such as surgical excision and nonsurgical procedures are available. The choice of treatment should be determined based on the histological subtype of a lesion, cost, its size and location, patient age, medical condition of the patient, treatment availability, and the patient's wishes. The aim of any therapy selected for BCC treatment involving the head and neck is to ensure complete removal, the preservation of function, and a good cosmetic outcome
Early Detection of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a unique disease with a clinical presentation, epidemiology, and histopathology differing from other squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck. NPC is an Epstein-Barr virus-associated malignancy with a marked racial and geographic distribution. Specifically, it is highly prevalent in southern China, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. To date, most NPC patients have been diagnosed in the advanced stage, but the treatment results for advanced NPC are not satisfactory. This paper provides a brief overview regarding NPC, with the focus on the early detection of initial and recurrent NPC lesions
Inhibitory effect of guinea pig serum on JTC-11 cell growth in vitro
The growth of JTC-11 cell line which was established from Ehrlich ascites carcinoma in vitro was inhibited by the addition of 2 per cent guinea pig serum to the control medium composed of 10 per cent bovine serum, 0.4 per cent
lactalbumin hydrolysate and saline D. The concentration of guinea pig serum could be reduced to 0.02 per cent (lOγ of guinea pig serum protein/ml) with
positive result, but 0.002 per cent guinea pig serum did not inhibit the growth at all. The inhibitory effect was not abolished by heating at 56°C, 66°C, and 70°C for 30 min but it was completely lost by heating at 100°C for 30 min. The inhibitory factor was undialyzable, and was inactivated with the treatment of 1mM HgCl2- Morphologically, the cells exposed to guinea pig serum
showed pycnotic changes of the nuclei, accompanied by the formation of fine vacuole-like particles in the cytoplasm. Electron microscopic study revealed poor development of endoplasmic reticulum. There were more multivesicular bodies and large vacuoles with amorphous content in the cytoplasm of the damaged cells. The DNA synthesis in these cells was remarkably disturbed by 2 per cent guinea pig serum.</p
Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury of the Cochlea: Pharmacological Strategies for Cochlear Protection and Implications of Glutamate and Reactive Oxygen Species
A large amount of energy produced by active aerobic metabolism is necessary for the cochlea to maintain its function. This makes the cochlea vulnerable to blockade of cochlear blood flow and interruption of the oxygen supply. Although certain forms of human idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss reportedly arise from ischemic injury, the pathological mechanism of cochlear ischemia-reperfusion injury has not been fully elucidated. Recent animal studies have shed light on the mechanisms of cochlear ischemia-reperfusion injury. It will help in the understanding of the pathology of cochlear ischemia-reperfusion injury to classify this injury into ischemic injury and reperfusion injury. Excitotoxicity, mainly observed during the ischemic period, aggravates the injury of primary auditory neurons. On the other hand, oxidative damage induced by hydroxyl radicals and nitric oxide enhances cochlear reperfusion injury. This article briefly summarizes the generation mechanisms of cochlear ischemia-reperfusion injury and potential therapeutic targets that could be developed for the effective management of this injury type
Ceramide-1-phosphate protection of cochlear hair cells against cisplatin ototoxicity
BackgroundCeramide-1-phosphate (C1P) is a phosphorylated form of ceramide. While ceramide is known to be an inducer of apoptosis of cochlear hair cells in cisplatin ototoxicity, little is known about the function of C1P in cochlear diseases.PurposeThe present study was designed to examine whether C1P could protect cochlear hair cells against cisplatin ototoxicity.Materials and methodsExplants of cochlear basal turns collected from C57BL/6J mice at postnatal days 3–5 were used in all experiments. Cochlear explants were exposed to 5 or 10 μM cisplatin for 48 h to assess the effects of C1P, NVP-231 (a ceramide kinase inhibitor), or ceramide. Western blotting of pAkt/Akt and pMAPK/MAPK was examined to check whether this pathway was modulated by C1P.ResultsC1P activated the Akt and MAPK pathway and significantly reduced cochlear cell death induced by cisplatin. Coadministration of cisplatin and ceramide significantly increased cochlear hair cell death. In addition, when treating cochlear hair cells with NVP-231 in the presence of cisplatin or ceramide, a remarkable increase in apoptosis of hair cells was observed.ConclusionThe present findings confirmed the protective effects of C1P in the cisplatin ototoxicity. The balance between ceramide and C1P may play a critical role in the determination of hair cell fate in cisplatin ototoxicity
Influence of dosing times on cisplatin-induced peripheral neuropathy in rats
Background: Although cis-diamminedichloro-platinum (CDDP) exhibits strong therapeutic effects in cancer chemotherapy, its adverse effects such as peripheral neuropathy, nephropathy, and vomiting are dose-limiting factors. Previous studies reported that chronotherapy decreased CDDP-induced nephropathy and vomiting. In the present study, we investigated the influence of dosing times on CDDP-induced peripheral neuropathy in rats. Methods: CDDP (4 mg/kg) was administered intravenously at 5:00 or 17:00 every 7 days for 4 weeks to male Sprague-Dawley rats, and saline was given to the control group. To assess the dosing time dependency of peripheral neuropathy, von-Frey test and hot-plate test were performed. Results: In order to estimate hypoalgesia, the hot-plate test was performed in rats administered CDDP weekly for 4 weeks. On day 28, the withdrawal latency to thermal stimulation was significantly prolonged in the 17:00-treated group than in the control and 5:00-treated groups. When the von-Frey test was performed to assess mechanical allodynia, the withdrawal threshold was significantly lower in the 5:00 and 17:00-treated groups than in the control group on day 6 after the first CDDP dose. The 5:00-treated group maintained allodynia throughout the experiment with the repeated administration of CDDP, whereas the 17:00-treated group deteriorated from allodynia to hypoalgesia. Conclusions: It was revealed that the severe of CDDP-induced peripheral neuropathy was inhibited in the 5:00-treated group, whereas CDDP-treated groups exhibited mechanical allodynia. These results suggested that the selection of an optimal dosing time ameliorated CDDP-induced peripheral neuropathy
Effects of NSAIDs on the Inner Ear: Possible Involvement in Cochlear Protection
Cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase, two important enzymes involved in arachidonic acid metabolism, are major targets of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Recent investigations suggest that arachidonic cascades and their metabolites may be involved in maintaining inner ear functions. The excessive use of aspirin may cause tinnitus in humans and impairment of the outer hair cell functions in experimental animals. On the other hand, NSAIDs reportedly exhibit protective effects against various kinds of inner ear disorder. The present review summarizes the effects of NSAIDs on cochlear pathophysiology. NSAIDs are a useful ameliorative adjunct in the management of inner ear disorders
科学研究費助成事業 研究成果報告書:基盤研究(C)2012-2016課題番号 : 2459254