66 research outputs found
Complex Physics in Cluster Cores: Showstopper for the Use of Clusters for Cosmology?
The influence of cool galaxy cluster cores on the X-ray
luminosity--gravitational mass relation is studied with Chandra observations of
64 clusters in the HIFLUGCS sample. As preliminary results we find (i) a
significant offset of cool core (CC) clusters to the high luminosity (or low
mass) side compared to non-cool core (NCC) clusters, (ii) a smaller scatter of
CC clusters compared to NCC clusters, (iii) a decreasing fraction of CC
clusters with increasing cluster mass, (iv) a reduced scatter in the
luminosity--mass relation for the entire sample if the luminosity is scaled
properly with the central entropy. The implications of these results on the
intrinsic scatter are discussed.Comment: 6 pages; to appear in the proceedings of the conference Heating vs.
Cooling in Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies, edited by H. Boehringer, P.
Schuecker, G.W. Pratt, and A. Finoguenov. Dedicated to the memory of Peter
Astrophysical Tests of Modified Gravity: A Screening Map of the Nearby Universe
Astrophysical tests of modified modified gravity theories in the nearby
universe have been emphasized recently by Hui, Nicolis and Stubbs (2009) and
Jain and VanderPlas (2011). A key element of such tests is the screening
mechanism whereby general relativity is restored in massive halos or high
density environments like the Milky Way. In chameleon theories of gravity,
including all f(R) models, field dwarf galaxies may be unscreened and therefore
feel an extra force, as opposed to screened galaxies. The first step to study
differences between screened and unscreened galaxies is to create a 3D
screening map. We use N-body simulations to test and calibrate simple
approximations to determine the level of screening in galaxy catalogs. Sources
of systematic errors in the screening map due to observational inaccuracies are
modeled and their contamination is estimated. We then apply our methods to
create a map out to 200 Mpc in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey footprint using
data from the Sloan survey and other sources. In two companion papers this map
will be used to carry out new tests of gravity using distance indicators and
the disks of dwarf galaxies. We also make our screening map publicly available.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure
XMM-Newton X-ray and HST weak gravitational lensing study of the extremely X-ray luminous galaxy cluster Cl J120958.9+495352 (z = 0.902)
Large scale structure and cosmolog
Cluster Masses Accounting for Structure along the Line of Sight
Weak gravitational lensing of background galaxies by foreground clusters
offers an excellent opportunity to measure cluster masses directly without
using gas as a probe. One source of noise which seems difficult to avoid is
large scale structure along the line of sight. Here I show that, by using
standard map-making techniques, one can minimize the deleterious effects of
this noise. The resulting uncertainties on cluster masses are significantly
smaller than when large scale structure is not properly accounted for, although
still larger than if it was absent altogether.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
Constraints on Decaying Dark Matter from Fermi Observations of Nearby Galaxies and Clusters
We analyze the impact of Fermi gamma-ray observations (primarily
non-detections) of selected nearby galaxies, including dwarf spheroidals, and
of clusters of galaxies on decaying dark matter models. We show that the fact
that galaxy clusters do not shine in gamma rays puts the most stringent limits
available to-date on the lifetime of dark matter particles for a wide range of
particle masses and decay final states. In particular, our results put strong
constraints on the possibility of ascribing to decaying dark matter both the
increasing positron fraction reported by PAMELA and the high-energy feature in
the electron-positron spectrum measured by Fermi. Observations of nearby dwarf
galaxies and of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) do not provide as strong limits as
those from galaxy clusters, while still improving on previous constraints in
some cases.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, submitted to JCAP, revised version with some
additions and correction
CMB-Cluster Lensing
Clusters of galaxies are powerful cosmological probes, particularly if their
masses can be determined. One possibility for mass determination is to study
the cosmic microwave background (CMB) on small angular scales and observe
deviations from a pure gradient due to lensing of massive clusters. I show
that, neglecting contamination, this technique has the power to determine
cluster masses very accurately, in agreement with estimates by Seljak and
Zaldarriaga (1999). However, the intrinsic small scale structure of the CMB
significantly degrades this power. The resulting mass constraints are useless
unless one imposes a prior on the concentration parameter c. With even a modest
prior on c, an ambitious CMB experiment (0.5' resolution and 1 microK per
pixel) could determine masses of high redshift (z>0.5) clusters with ~ 30%
accuracy.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure
New constraints on H_0 and Omega_M from SZE/X-RAY data and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
The Hubble constant, , sets the scale of the size and age of the
Universe and its determination from independent methods is still worthwhile to
be investigated. In this article, by using the Sunyaev-Zel`dovich effect and
X-ray surface brightness data from 38 galaxy clusters observed by Bonamente
{\it{et al.}} (2006), we obtain a new estimate of in the context of a
flat CDM model. There is a degeneracy on the mass density parameter
() which is broken by applying a joint analysis involving the
baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) as given by Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS).
This happens because the BAO signature does not depend on . Our basic
finding is that a joint analysis involving these tests yield km s Mpc and
. Since the hypothesis of spherical geometry
assumed by Bonamente {\it {et al.}} is questionable, we have also compared the
above results to a recent work where a sample of triaxial galaxy clusters has
been considered.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, accepted version in the general
relativity and gravitatio
Magnetic Fields, Relativistic Particles, and Shock Waves in Cluster Outskirts
It is only now, with low-frequency radio telescopes, long exposures with
high-resolution X-ray satellites and gamma-ray telescopes, that we are
beginning to learn about the physics in the periphery of galaxy clusters. In
the coming years, Sunyaev-Zeldovich telescopes are going to deliver further
great insights into the plasma physics of these special regions in the
Universe. The last years have already shown tremendous progress with detections
of shocks, estimates of magnetic field strengths and constraints on the
particle acceleration efficiency. X-ray observations have revealed shock fronts
in cluster outskirts which have allowed inferences about the microphysical
structure of shocks fronts in such extreme environments. The best indications
for magnetic fields and relativistic particles in cluster outskirts come from
observations of so-called radio relics, which are megaparsec-sized regions of
radio emission from the edges of galaxy clusters. As these are difficult to
detect due to their low surface brightness, only few of these objects are
known. But they have provided unprecedented evidence for the acceleration of
relativistic particles at shock fronts and the existence of muG strength fields
as far out as the virial radius of clusters. In this review we summarise the
observational and theoretical state of our knowledge of magnetic fields,
relativistic particles and shocks in cluster outskirts.Comment: 34 pages, to be published in Space Science Review
Cosmological parameters from CMB and other data: a Monte-Carlo approach
We present a fast Markov Chain Monte-Carlo exploration of cosmological
parameter space. We perform a joint analysis of results from recent CMB
experiments and provide parameter constraints, including sigma_8, from the CMB
independent of other data. We next combine data from the CMB, HST Key Project,
2dF galaxy redshift survey, supernovae Ia and big-bang nucleosynthesis. The
Monte Carlo method allows the rapid investigation of a large number of
parameters, and we present results from 6 and 9 parameter analyses of flat
models, and an 11 parameter analysis of non-flat models. Our results include
constraints on the neutrino mass (m_nu < 0.3eV), equation of state of the dark
energy, and the tensor amplitude, as well as demonstrating the effect of
additional parameters on the base parameter constraints. In a series of
appendices we describe the many uses of importance sampling, including
computing results from new data and accuracy correction of results generated
from an approximate method. We also discuss the different ways of converting
parameter samples to parameter constraints, the effect of the prior, assess the
goodness of fit and consistency, and describe the use of analytic
marginalization over normalization parameters.Comment: Quintessence results now include perturbations. Changes to match
version accepted by PRD. MCMC code and data are available at
http://cosmologist.info/cosmomc/ along with a B&W printer-friendly version of
the pape
Constraints on Dark Matter Annihilation in Clusters of Galaxies with the Fermi Large Area Telescope
Nearby clusters and groups of galaxies are potentially bright sources of
high-energy gamma-ray emission resulting from the pair-annihilation of dark
matter particles. However, no significant gamma-ray emission has been detected
so far from clusters in the first 11 months of observations with the Fermi
Large Area Telescope. We interpret this non-detection in terms of constraints
on dark matter particle properties. In particular for leptonic annihilation
final states and particle masses greater than ~200 GeV, gamma-ray emission from
inverse Compton scattering of CMB photons is expected to dominate the dark
matter annihilation signal from clusters, and our gamma-ray limits exclude
large regions of the parameter space that would give a good fit to the recent
anomalous Pamela and Fermi-LAT electron-positron measurements. We also present
constraints on the annihilation of more standard dark matter candidates, such
as the lightest neutralino of supersymmetric models. The constraints are
particularly strong when including the fact that clusters are known to contain
substructure at least on galaxy scales, increasing the expected gamma-ray flux
by a factor of ~5 over a smooth-halo assumption. We also explore the effect of
uncertainties in cluster dark matter density profiles, finding a systematic
uncertainty in the constraints of roughly a factor of two, but similar overall
conclusions. In this work, we focus on deriving limits on dark matter models; a
more general consideration of the Fermi-LAT data on clusters and clusters as
gamma-ray sources is forthcoming.Comment: accepted to JCAP, Corresponding authors: T.E. Jeltema and S. Profumo,
minor revisions to be consistent with accepted versio
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