2,185 research outputs found

    Notes on S-Matrix of Non-critical N=2 String

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    In this paper we discuss the scattering S-matrix of non-critical N=2 string at tree level. First we consider the \hat{c}<1 string defined by combining the N=2 time-like linear dilaton SCFT with the N=2 Liouville theory. We compute three particle scattering amplitudes explicitly and find that they are actually vanishing. We also find an evidence that this is true for higher amplitudes. Next we analyze another \hat{c}<1 string obtained from the N=2 time-like Liouville theory, which is closely related to the N=2 minimal string. In this case, we find a non-trivial expression for the three point functions. When we consider only chiral primaries, the amplitudes are very similar to those in the (1,n) non-critical bosonic string.Comment: 27 pages, harvmac, section 5 modified: a relation to (1,n) non-critical bosonic string adde

    Topological String on OSP(1|2)/U(1)

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    We propose an equivalence between topological string on OSP(1|2)/U(1) and \hat{c} \leq 1 superstring with N=1 world-sheet supersymmetry. We examine this by employing a free field representation of OSP(1|2) WZNW model and find an agreement on the spectrum. We also analyze this proposal at the level of scattering amplitudes by applying a map between correlation functions of OSP(1|2) WZNW model and those of N=1 Liouville theory.Comment: 25 pages, refereces adde

    Boundary States for Supertubes in Flat Spacetime and Godel Universe

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    We construct boundary states for supertubes in the flat spacetime. The T-dual objects of supertubes are moving spiral D1-branes (D-helices). Since we can obtain these D-helices from the usual D1-branes via null deformation, we can construct the boundary states for these moving D-helices in the covariant formalism. Using these boundary states, we calculate the vacuum amplitude between two supertubes in the closed string channel and read the open string spectrum via the open closed duality. We find there are critical values of the energy for on-shell open strings on the supertubes due to the non-trivial stringy correction. We also consider supertubes in the type IIA Godel universe in order to use them as probes of closed timelike curves. This universe is the T-dual of the maximally supersymmetric type IIB PP-wave background. Since the null deformations of D-branes are also allowed in this PP-wave, we can construct the boundary states for supertubes in the type IIA Godel universe in the same way. We obtain the open string spectrum on the supertube from the vacuum amplitude between supertubes. As a consequence, we find that the tachyonic instability of open strings on the supertube, which is the signal of closed time like curves, disappears due to the stringy correction.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures, v2: explanations added, references added, v3: explanations adde
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