7,880 research outputs found
The origin of the phase separation in partially deuterated -(ET)Cu[N(CN)]Br studied by infrared magneto-optical imaging spectroscopy
The direct observation of the phase separation between the metallic and
insulating states of 75 %-deuterated -(ET)Cu[N(CN)]Br ()
using infrared magneto-optical imaging spectroscopy is reported, as well as the
associated temperature, cooling rate, and magnetic field dependencies of the
separation. The distribution of the center of spectral weight () of
did not change under any of the conditions in which data were taken and
was wider than that of the non-deuterated material. This result indicates that
the inhomogenity of the sample itself is important as part of the origin of the
metal - insulator phase separation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Solid State Commu
The segment as the minimal planning unit in speech production and reading aloud: evidence and implications.
Speech production and reading aloud studies have much in common, especially the last stages involved in producing a response. We focus on the minimal planning unit (MPU) in articulation. Although most researchers now assume that the MPU is the syllable, we argue that it is at least as small as the segment based on negative response latencies (i.e., response initiation before presentation of the complete target) and longer initial segment durations in a reading aloud task where the initial segment is primed. We also discuss why such evidence was not found in earlier studies. Next, we rebut arguments that the segment cannot be the MPU by appealing to flexible planning scope whereby planning units of different sizes can be used due to individual differences, as well as stimulus and experimental design differences. We also discuss why negative response latencies do not arise in some situations and why anticipatory coarticulation does not preclude the segment MPU. Finally, we argue that the segment MPU is also important because it provides an alternative explanation of results implicated in the serial vs. parallel processing debate
Microscopic observation of superconducting fluctuations in -(BEDT-TTF)Cu[N(CN)]Br by C NMR spectroscopy
We performed C-NMR experiment and measured spin-lattice relaxation
rate divided by temperature near the superconducting (SC) transition
temperature in -(BEDT-TTF)Cu[N(CN)]Br (-Br
salt), and -(BEDT-TTF)Cu(NCS) (-NCS salt). We
observed the reduction of starting at the temperature higher than
in -Br salt. Microscopic observation of quasi-particle density of
states in the fluctuating SC state revealed the effects of short-range Cooper
pairs induced in the normal state to the quasi-particle density of states. We
also performed systematic measurements in the fields both parallel and
perpendicular to the conduction plane in -Br and -NCS salts,
and confirmed that the reduction of above is observed only
in -Br salt regardless of the external field orientation.Comment: Accepted for publication in PR
The bosonic string and superstring models in 26+2 and 10+2 dimensional space--time, and the generalized Chern-Simons action
We have covariantized the Lagrangians of the U(1)_V * U(1)_A models, which
have U(1)_V * U(1)_A gauge symmetry in two dimensions, and studied their
symmetric structures. The special property of the U(1)_V * U(1)_A models is the
fact that all these models have an extra time coordinate in the target
space-time. The U(1)_V * U(1)_A models coupled to two-dimensional gravity are
string models in 26+2 dimensional target space-time for bosonic string and in
10+2 dimensional target space-time for superstring. Both string models have two
time coordinates. In order to construct the covariant Lagrangians of the U(1)_V
* U(1)_A models the generalized Chern-Simons term plays an important role. The
supersymmetric generalized Chern-Simons action is also proposed. The
Green-Schwarz type of U(1)_V * U(1)_A superstring model has another fermionic
local symmetry as well as \kappa-symmetry. The supersymmetry of target
space-time is different from the standard one.Comment: 27 pages, no figure
Structure of air shower disc near the core
The longitudinal structure of the air shower disk is studied by measuring the arrival time distributions of air shower particles for showers with electron size in the range 3.2 x 10 to the 5.5. power to 3.2 x 10 to the 7.5 power in the Akeno air-shower array (930 gcm squared atmospheric depth). The average FWHM as a parameter of thickness of air shower disk increases with core distances at less than 50m. AT the present stage, dependence on electron size, zenith angle and air shower age is not apparent. The average thickness of the air shower disk within a core distance of 50m could be determined by an electromagnetic cascade starting from the lower altitude
Transfer Matrix Formalism for Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity and Fractal Structures of Space-time
We develop a transfer matrix formalism for two-dimensional pure gravity. By
taking the continuum limit, we obtain a "Hamiltonian formalism'' in which the
geodesic distance plays the role of time. Applying this formalism, we obtain a
universal function which describes the fractal structures of two dimensional
quantum gravity in the continuum limit.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, phyzz
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