3,390 research outputs found
Quadrupole Susceptibility of Gd-Based Filled Skutterudite Compounds
It is shown that quadrupole susceptibility can be detected in Gd compounds
contrary to our textbook knowledge that Gd ion induces pure spin moment
due to the Hund's rules in an coupling scheme. The ground-state multiplet
of Gd is always characterized by =7/2, where denotes total
angular momentum, but in a - coupling scheme, one electron in =7/2
octet carries quadrupole moment, while other six electrons fully occupy =5/2
sextet, where denotes one-electron total angular momentum. For realistic
values of Coulomb interaction and spin-orbit coupling, the ground-state
wavefunction is found to contain significant amount of the - coupling
component. From the evaluation of quadrupole susceptibility in a simple
mean-field approximation, we point out a possibility to detect the softening of
elastic constant in Gd-based filled skutterudites.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
Electric Dipolar Susceptibility of the Anderson-Holstein Model
The temperature dependence of electric dipolar susceptibility \chi_P is
discussed on the basis of the Anderson-Holstein model with the use of a
numerical renormalization group (NRG) technique. Note that P is related with
phonon Green's function D. In order to obtain correct temperature dependence of
P at low temperatures, we propose a method to evaluate P through the Dyson
equation from charge susceptibility \chi_c calculated by the NRG, in contrast
to the direct NRG calculation of D. We find that the irreducible charge
susceptibility estimated from \chi_c agree with the perturbation calculation,
suggesting that our method works well.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
Kondo Effect in an Electron System with Dynamical Jahn-Teller Impurity
We investigate how Kondo phenomenon occurs in the Anderson model dynamically
coupled with local Jahn-Teller phonons. It is found that the total angular
moment composed of electron pseudo-spin and phonon angular moments is screened
by conduction electrons. Namely, phonon degrees of freedom essentially
contribute to the formation of singlet ground state. A characteristic
temperature of the Kondo effect due to dynamical Jahn-Teller phonons is
explained by an effective - Hamiltonian with anisotropic exchange
interaction obtained from the Jahn-Teller-Anderson model in a non-adiabatic
region.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
Generation of twist on magnetic flux tubes at the base of the solar convection zone
Using two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics calculations, we investigate a
twist gen- eration mechanism on a magnetic flux tube at the base of the solar
convection zone based on the idea of Choudhuri, 2003, Sol. Phys., 215, 31 in
which a toroidal mag- netic field is wrapped by a surrounding mean poloidal
field. During generation of the twist, the flux tube follows four phases. (1)
It quickly splits into two parts with vortex motions rolling up the poloidal
magnetic field. (2) Owing to the physical mechanism similar to that of the
magneto-rotational instability, the rolled-up poloidal field is bent and
amplified. (3) The magnetic tension of the disturbed poloidal magnetic field
re- duces the vorticity, and the lifting force caused by vortical motion
decreases. (4) The flux tube gets twisted and begins to rise again without
splitting. Investigation of these processes is significant because it shows
that a flux tube without any initial twist can rise to the surface in
relatively weak poloidal fields.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figur
Singular Vertices in the Strong Coupling Phase of Four-Dimensional Simplicial Gravity
We study four-dimensional simplicial gravity through numerical simulation
with special attention to the existence of singular vertices, in the strong
coupling phase, that are shared by abnormally large numbers of four-simplices.
We attempt to cure this disease by adding a term to the action which
suppresses such singular vertices. For a sufficiently large coefficient of the
additional term, however, the phase transition disappears and the system is
observed to be always in the branched polymer phase for any gravitational
constant.Comment: 11 pages, 7 Postscript figure
Electron Mass Enhancement due to Anharmonic Local Phonons
In order to understand how electron effective mass is enhanced by anharmonic
local oscillation of an atom in a cage composed of other atoms, i.e., {\it
rattling}, we analyze anharmonic Holstein model by using a Green's function
method. Due to the evaluation of an electron mass enhancement factor , we
find that becomes maximum when zero-point energy is comparable with
potential height at which the amplitude of oscillation is rapidly enlarged.
Cooperation of such quantum and rattling effects is considered to be a key
issue to explain the electron mass enhancement in electron-rattling systems.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Suppl.
(Proceedings for International Conference on Heavy Electrons
Nonabelian Duality and Higgs Multiplets in Supersymmetric Grand Unified Theories
We consider strongly interacting supersymmetric gauge theories which break
dynamically the GUT symmetry and produce the light Higgs doublets naturally.
Two models we proposed in the previous articles are reanalyzed as two phases of
one theory and are shown to have desired features. Furthermore, employing
nonabelian duality proposed recently by Seiberg, we study the dual theory of
the above one and show that the low-energy physics of the original and dual
models are the same as expected. We note that the Higgs multiplets in the
original model are regarded as composite states of the elementary hyperquarks
in its dual theory. Theories with other hypercolors and similar matter contents
are also analyzed in the same way.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, no figur
Effective Crystalline Electric Field Potential in a j-j Coupling Scheme
We propose an effective model on the basis of a - coupling scheme to
describe local -electron states for realistic values of Coulomb interaction
and spin-orbit coupling , for future development of microscopic
theory of magnetism and superconductivity in -electron systems, where
is the number of local electrons. The effective model is systematically
constructed by including the effect of a crystalline electric field (CEF)
potential in the perturbation expansion in terms of . In this paper,
we collect all the terms up to the first order of . Solving the
effective model, we show the results of the CEF states for each case of
=25 with symmetry in comparison with those of the Stevens
Hamiltonian for the weak CEF. In particular, we carefully discuss the CEF
energy levels in an intermediate coupling region with in the order
of 0.1 corresponding to actual -electron materials between the and
- coupling schemes. Note that the relevant energy scale of is the
Hund's rule interaction. It is found that the CEF energy levels in the
intermediate coupling region can be quantitatively reproduced by our modified
- coupling scheme, when we correctly take into account the corrections in
the order of in addition to the CEF terms and Coulomb interactions
which remain in the limit of =. As an application of the
modified - coupling scheme, we discuss the CEF energy levels of filled
skutterudites with symmetry.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Typeset with jpsj2.cl
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