9,060 research outputs found
A voice for the voiceless: lessons from a Hmong community's approach to music and self-expression
Since the turn of the century, the world has witnessed a rise in violence promulgated on American soil. From terrorism to bullying, citizens across the United States are left wondering, "What’s next or what can I do about it?" I imagine that I am not alone in feeling powerlessness, out of control, and sometimes apathetic about the constant newsfeed heralding bad news both at home and abroad. With this kind ofuncertainty, it is no surprise that our students might feel just as overwhelmed and confused as we teachers. What, then, can music educators do to be a voice for and with students and how will their songs be a voice for those who will not or cannot sing songs of their own? This essay is an account of how I connect what I learned in a Hmong community of rappers and poets to music education, what critical pedagogy might mean for music educators, and how teachers can employ "voice for the voiceless" strategies with their ensemble or general music students
Analogues of Lusztig's higher order relations for the q-Onsager algebra
Let be the generators of the Onsager algebra. Analogues of
Lusztig's higher order relations are proposed. In a first part, based on
the properties of tridiagonal pairs of Racah type which satisfy the
defining relations of the Onsager algebra, higher order relations are
derived for generic. The coefficients entering in the relations are
determined from a two-variable polynomial generating function. In a second
part, it is conjectured that satisfy the higher order relations
previously obtained. The conjecture is proven for . For generic,
using an inductive argument recursive formulae for the coefficients are
derived. The conjecture is checked for several values of .
Consequences for coideal subalgebras and integrable systems with boundaries at
a root of unity are pointed out.Comment: 19 pages. v2: Some basic material in subsections 2.1,2.2,2.3 of pages
3-4 (Definitions 2.1,2.2, Lemma 2.2, Theorem 1) from Terwilliger's and
coauthors works (see also arXiv:1307.7410); Missprints corrected; Minor
changes in the text; References adde
On the permanent of random Bernoulli matrices
We show that the permanent of an matrix with iid Bernoulli
entries is of magnitude with probability .
In particular, it is almost surely non-zero
Cyclic tridiagonal pairs, higher order Onsager algebras and orthogonal polynomials
The concept of cyclic tridiagonal pairs is introduced, and explicit examples
are given. For a fairly general class of cyclic tridiagonal pairs with
cyclicity N, we associate a pair of `divided polynomials'. The properties of
this pair generalize the ones of tridiagonal pairs of Racah type. The algebra
generated by the pair of divided polynomials is identified as a higher-order
generalization of the Onsager algebra. It can be viewed as a subalgebra of the
q-Onsager algebra for a proper specialization at q the primitive 2Nth root of
unity. Orthogonal polynomials beyond the Leonard duality are revisited in light
of this framework. In particular, certain second-order Dunkl shift operators
provide a realization of the divided polynomials at N=2 or q=i.Comment: 32 pages; v2: Appendices improved and extended, e.g. a proof of
irreducibility is added; v3: version for Linear Algebra and its Applications,
one assumption added in Appendix about eq. (A.2
Using a novel source-localized phase regressor technique for evaluation of the vascular contribution to semantic category area localization in BOLD fMRI.
Numerous studies have shown that gradient-echo blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) fMRI is biased toward large draining veins. However, the impact of this large vein bias on the localization and characterization of semantic category areas has not been examined. Here we address this issue by comparing standard magnitude measures of BOLD activity in the Fusiform Face Area (FFA) and Parahippocampal Place Area (PPA) to those obtained using a novel method that suppresses the contribution of large draining veins: source-localized phase regressor (sPR). Unlike previous suppression methods that utilize the phase component of the BOLD signal, sPR yields robust and unbiased suppression of large draining veins even in voxels with no task-related phase changes. This is confirmed in ideal simulated data as well as in FFA/PPA localization data from four subjects. It was found that approximately 38% of right PPA, 14% of left PPA, 16% of right FFA, and 6% of left FFA voxels predominantly reflect signal from large draining veins. Surprisingly, with the contributions from large veins suppressed, semantic category representation in PPA actually tends to be lateralized to the left rather than the right hemisphere. Furthermore, semantic category areas larger in volume and higher in fSNR were found to have more contributions from large veins. These results suggest that previous studies using gradient-echo BOLD fMRI were biased toward semantic category areas that receive relatively greater contributions from large veins
Distributed Data Summarization in Well-Connected Networks
We study distributed algorithms for some fundamental problems in data summarization. Given a communication graph G of n nodes each of which may hold a value initially, we focus on computing sum_{i=1}^N g(f_i), where f_i is the number of occurrences of value i and g is some fixed function. This includes important statistics such as the number of distinct elements, frequency moments, and the empirical entropy of the data.
In the CONGEST~ model, a simple adaptation from streaming lower bounds shows that it requires Omega~(D+ n) rounds, where D is the diameter of the graph, to compute some of these statistics exactly. However, these lower bounds do not hold for graphs that are well-connected. We give an algorithm that computes sum_{i=1}^{N} g(f_i) exactly in {tau_{G}} * 2^{O(sqrt{log n})} rounds where {tau_{G}} is the mixing time of G. This also has applications in computing the top k most frequent elements.
We demonstrate that there is a high similarity between the GOSSIP~ model and the CONGEST~ model in well-connected graphs. In particular, we show that each round of the GOSSIP~ model can be simulated almost perfectly in O~({tau_{G}}) rounds of the CONGEST~ model. To this end, we develop a new algorithm for the GOSSIP~ model that 1 +/- epsilon approximates the p-th frequency moment F_p = sum_{i=1}^N f_i^p in O~(epsilon^{-2} n^{1-k/p}) roundsfor p >= 2, when the number of distinct elements F_0 is at most O(n^{1/(k-1)}). This result can be translated back to the CONGEST~ model with a factor O~({tau_{G}}) blow-up in the number of rounds
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