59,940 research outputs found
On the Fixed-Point Structure of Scalar Fields
In a recent Letter (K.Halpern and K.Huang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74 (1995) 3526),
certain properties of the Local Potential Approximation (LPA) to the Wilson
renormalization group were uncovered, which led the authors to conclude that
dimensional scalar field theories endowed with {\sl non-polynomial}
interactions allow for a continuum of renormalization group fixed points, and
that around the Gaussian fixed point, asymptotically free interactions exist.
If true, this could herald very important new physics, particularly for the
Higgs sector of the Standard Model. Continuing work in support of these ideas,
has motivated us to point out that we previously studied the same properties
and showed that they lead to very different conclusions. Indeed, in as much as
the statements in hep-th/9406199 are correct, they point to some deep and
beautiful facts about the LPA and its generalisations, but however no new
physics.Comment: Typos corrected. A Comment - to be published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 1
page, 1 eps figure, uses LaTeX, RevTex and eps
Sensitivity of Nonrenormalizable Trajectories to the Bare Scale
Working in scalar field theory, we consider RG trajectories which correspond
to nonrenormalizable theories, in the Wilsonian sense. An interesting question
to ask of such trajectories is, given some fixed starting point in parameter
space, how the effective action at the effective scale, Lambda, changes as the
bare scale (and hence the duration of the flow down to Lambda) is changed. When
the effective action satisfies Polchinski's version of the Exact
Renormalization Group equation, we prove, directly from the path integral, that
the dependence of the effective action on the bare scale, keeping the
interaction part of the bare action fixed, is given by an equation of the same
form as the Polchinski equation but with a kernel of the opposite sign. We then
investigate whether similar equations exist for various generalizations of the
Polchinski equation. Using nonperturbative, diagrammatic arguments we find that
an action can always be constructed which satisfies the Polchinski-like
equation under variation of the bare scale. For the family of flow equations in
which the field is renormalized, but the blocking functional is the simplest
allowed, this action is essentially identified with the effective action at
Lambda = 0. This does not seem to hold for more elaborate generalizations.Comment: v1: 23 pages, 5 figures, v2: intro extended, refs added, published in
Scheme Independence to all Loops
The immense freedom in the construction of Exact Renormalization Groups means
that the many non-universal details of the formalism need never be exactly
specified, instead satisfying only general constraints. In the context of a
manifestly gauge invariant Exact Renormalization Group for SU(N) Yang-Mills, we
outline a proof that, to all orders in perturbation theory, all explicit
dependence of beta function coefficients on both the seed action and details of
the covariantization cancels out. Further, we speculate that, within the
infinite number of renormalization schemes implicit within our approach, the
perturbative beta function depends only on the universal details of the setup,
to all orders.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures; Proceedings of Renormalization Group 2005,
Helsinki, Finland, 30th August - 3 September 2005. v2: Published in jphysa;
minor changes / refinements; refs. adde
Gas flowmeter
Mass flowmeter measures rates of flow of all common gases from purges and collected leaks at leak ports. Without dependence on gravity, it measures rates between 5 and 650 cc/min with pressures ranging from 0.001 to 10 to the minus thirteenth torr at temperatures between 70 and 500 degrees K
Basic research in wake vortex alleviation using a variable twist wing
The variable twist wing concept was used to investigate the relative effects of lift and turbulence distribution on the rolled up vortex wake. Several methods of reducing the vortex strength behind an aircraft were identified. These involve the redistribution of lift spanwise on the wing and drag distribution along the wing. Initial attempts to use the variable twist wing velocity data to validate the WAKE computer code have shown a strong correlation, although the vorticity levels were not exactly matched
Cost effective power amplifiers for pulsed NMR sensors
Sensors that measure magnetic resonance relaxation times are increasingly finding applications in areas such as food and drink authenticity and waste water treatment control. Modern permanent magnets are used to provide the static magnetic field in many commercial instruments and advances in electronics, such as field programmable gate arrays, have provided lower cost console electronics for generating and detecting the pulse sequence. One area that still remains prohibitively expensive for many sensor applications of pulsed NMR is the requirement for a high frequency power amplifier. With many permanent magnet sensors providing a magnetic field in the 0.25T to 0.5T range, a power amplifier that operates in the 10MHz to 20MHz rage is required. In this work we demonstrate that some low cost commercial amplifiers can be used, with minor modification, to operate as pulsed NMR power amplifiers. We demonstrate two amplifier systems, one medium power that can be constructed for less than Euro 100 and a second much high power system that produces comparable results to commercial pulse amplifiers that are an order of magnitude more expensive. Data is presented using both the commercial NMR MOUSE and a permanent magnet system used for monitoring the clog state of constructed wetlands
Properties of derivative expansion approximations to the renormalization group
Approximation only by derivative (or more generally momentum) expansions,
combined with reparametrization invariance, turns the continuous
renormalization group for quantum field theory into a set of partial
differential equations which at fixed points become non-linear eigenvalue
equations for the anomalous scaling dimension . We review how these
equations provide a powerful and robust means of discovering and approximating
non-perturbative continuum limits. Gauge fields are briefly discussed.
Particular emphasis is placed on the r\^ole of reparametrization invariance,
and the convergence of the derivative expansion is addressed.Comment: (Minor touch ups of the lingo.) Invited talk at RG96, Dubna, Russia;
14 pages including 2 eps figures; uses LaTeX, epsf and sprocl.st
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