58,371 research outputs found
The Akulov-Volkov Lagrangian, Symmetry Currents and Spontaneously Broken Extended Supersymmetry
A generalization of the Akulov-Volkov effective Lagrangian governing the self
interactions of the Nambu-Goldstone fermions associated with spontaneously
broken extended supersymmetry as well as their coupling to matter is presented
and scrutinized. The resulting currents associated with R-symmetry,
supersymmetry and space-time translations are constructed and seen to form a
supermultiplet structure.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX; Title, abstract and introduction changes, references
Twisted Boundary Conditions and Matching to the Effective Four Dimensional Theory
Nontrivial twisted boundary conditions associated with extra compact
dimensions produce an ambiguity in the value of the four dimensional coupling
constants of the renormalizable interactions of the twisted fields' zero modes.
Resolving this indeterminancy would require a knowledge of the exact form of
the higher dimensional action including the coefficients of higher dimensional
operators. For the case of moderately sized extra dimensions, the uncertainty
in the coupling constants can be of order one and may lead to modifications in
the stability of the model.Comment: 8 pages, REVTe
The Effective Potential And Additional Large Radius Compactified Space-Time Dimensions
The consequences of large radius extra space-time compactified dimensions on
the four dimensional one loop effective potential are investigated for a model
which includes scalar self interactions and Yukawa coupling to fermions. The
Kaluza-Klein tower of states associated with the extra compact dimensions
shifts the location of the effective potential minimum and modifies its
curvature. The dependence of these effects on the radius of the extra dimension
is illustrated for various choices of coupling constants and masses. For large
radii, the consequence of twisting the fermion boundary condition on the
compactified dimensions is numerically found to produce but a negligible effect
on the effective potential.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, 6 Postscript figure
The Supercurrent In Supersymmetric Field Theories
A supercurrent superfield whose components include a conserved
energy-momentum tensor and supersymmetry current as well as a (generally
broken) R-symmetry current is constructed for a generic effective N=1
supersymmetric gauge theory. The general form of the R-symmetry breaking is
isolated. Included within the various special cases considered is the
identification of those models which exhibit an unbroken R-symmetry. One such
example corresponds to a non-linearly realized gauge symmetry where the chiral
field R-weight is required to vanish.Comment: 26 pages, LaTe
Nonlinear Realization of Supersymmetric AdS Space Isometries
The isometries of space and supersymmetric space
are nonlinearly realized on four dimensional Minkowski space. The resultant
effective actions in terms of the Nambu-Goldstone modes are constructed. The
dilatonic mode governing the motion of the Minkowski space probe brane into the
covolume of supersymmetric space is found to be unstable and the bulk
of the space is unable to sustain the brane. No such instablility
appears in the non-supersymmetric case.Comment: 18 page
Nonlinear Realization of Supersymmetry and Superconformal Symmetry
Nonlinear realizations describing the spontaneous breakown of supersymmetry
and R symmetry are constructed using the Goldstino and R axion fields. The
associated R current, supersymmetry current and energy-momentum tensor are
shown to be related under the nonlinear supersymmetry transformations.
Nonlinear realizations of the superconformal algebra carried by these degrees
of freedom are also displayed. The divergences of the R and dilatation currents
are related to the divergence of the superconformal currents through nonlinear
supersymmetry transformations which in turn relates the explicit breakings of
these symmetries.Comment: 22 pages, LaTe
Colliders and Brane Vector Phenomenology
Brane world oscillations manifest themselves as massive vector gauge fields.
Their coupling to the Standard Model is deduced using the method of nonlinear
realizations of the spontaneously broken higher dimensional space-time
symmetries. Brane vectors are stable and weakly interacting, and therefore
escape particle detectors unnoticed. LEP and Tevatron data on the production of
a single photon in conjunction with missing energy are used to delineate
experimentally excluded regions of brane vector parameter space. The additional
region of parameter space accessible to the LHC as well as a future lepton
linear collider is also determined by means of this process.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure
Supersymmetric multi-Higgs doublet model with non-linear electroweak symmetry breaking
The electroweak symmetry is nonlinearly realized in an extension of the
minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) through an additional pair of
constrained Higgs doublet superfields. The superpotential couplings of this
constrained Higgs doublet pair to the MSSM Higgs doublet pair catalyze their
vacuum expectation values. The Higgs and Higgsino-gaugino mass spectrum is
presented for several choices of supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking and Higgs
superpotential mass parameters. The additional vacuum expectation values
provided by the constrained fields can produce a phenomenology quite different
than that of the MSSM .Comment: 41 pages, 16 figure
Brane Dynamics From Non-Linear Realizations
The action for a non-BPS p=2 brane embedded in a flat N=1, D=4 target
superspace is obtained through the method of nonlinear realizations of the
associated super-Poincare symmetries. The brane excitation modes correspond to
the Nambu-Goldstone degrees of freedom resulting from the broken space
translational symmetry and the target space supersymmetries. The action for
this p=2 brane is found to be an invariant synthesis of the Akulov-Volkov and
Nambu-Goto actions. The dual D2-brane Born-Infeld action is derived. The
invariant coupling of matter fields localized on the brane to the
Nambu-Goldstone modes is also obtained.Comment: 37 pages, no figures, revised version to appear in Phys. Rev.
Using the Twentieth Century Reanalysis to assess climate variability for the European wind industry
We characterise the long-term variability of European near-surface wind
speeds using 142 years of data from the Twentieth Century Reanalysis (20CR),
and consider the potential of such long-baseline climate data sets for wind
energy applications. The low resolution of the 20CR would severely restrict its
use on its own for wind farm site-screening. We therefore perform a simple
statistical calibration to link it to the higher-resolution ERA-Interim data
set (ERAI), such that the adjusted 20CR data has the same wind speed
distribution at each location as ERAI during their common period. Using this
corrected 20CR data set, wind speeds and variability are characterised in terms
of the long-term mean, standard deviation, and corresponding trends. Many
regions of interest show extremely weak trends on century timescales, but
contain large multidecadal variability. Since reanalyses such as ERAI are often
used to provide the background climatology for wind farm site assessments, but
contain only a few decades of data, our results can be used as a way of
incorporating decadal-scale wind climate variability into such studies,
allowing investment risks for wind farms to be reduced.Comment: 18 pages, plus 4 page supplementary information included here as
Appendix D. This is the authors' corrected version, matching the content of
the version accepted by Theoretical and Applied Climatolog
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