15 research outputs found

    Den nya kvinnan behöver den nye mannen. Konstruktion av manliga identiteter i "Fru Marianne" av Victoria Benedictsson och "Dotter till en dotter" av Inger Alfvén

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    The purpose of this paper is to problematize and compare the construction of masculine identity in two Swedish novels, FruMarianne (1887) by Victoria Benedictsson and Dotter till en dotter (1977) by Inger Alfvén. The analysis is focused on how the male characters in these novels are constructed in the light of masculinity studies. In order to do that two types of masculine identity are considered: the New Man and hegemonic man. In both novels a change of the masculine identity pattern from the hegemonic masculinity towards the identity of the New Man can be observed, even though this process is performed differently. In the construction of male protagonists both authors refer to the same materialistic and symbolic attributes, however, these attributes are valued differently and play a different role in construction of masculine identity. In construction of the masculine identity Benedictsson combines the attributes of the New Man with the positive features of the hegemonic man, whereas Alfvén rejects the hegemonic masculinity as oppressive and constructs the male protagonist as the New Man

    Manlighet i kris? Några anmärkningar om mans-porträtt i tre populärlitterära romaner

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    The aim of this article is to c cconfront Susan Faludi’s and Thomas Johansson’s theory concerning the masculinity crisis with images of men presented in modern Swedish popular literature. The masculinity crisis theory has risen in relation to feminism and presents the crisis manifesting itself in men’s difficulties in building deep relationships as a consequence of fear of getting close with other people, fears of not living up to the idea of an ideal man and loneliness. Three contemporary Swedish popular novels: Pappadagar i Råttans år (Paternity leave in Rat Year) by Daniel Möllberg (2007), Vi som aldrig sa hora (We who have never said whore) by Ronnie Sandahl (2007) and Vi har redan sagt hej då (We have already said good bye) by Daniel Åberg (2010) have been analysed in the light of the masculinity crisis theory. The analysis focuses on presentation of male characters in those novels, feelings they experience and ways of coping with their personal crisis. The author points out that men’s problems as claimed by the masculinity crisis theory are reflected in the analysed novels to some extent. However, since the characters are able to overcome adversities, one cannot unambiguously state that their masculinity is in crisis

    Opinia rodziców na temat odmowy wykonania szczepień ochronnych u dzieci Parents’ opinion on the refusal of childhood vaccines

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    Wstęp: Szczepienia ochronne są najbardziej skutecznym oraz najtańszym sposobem zwalczania oraz zapobiegania chorobom zakaźnym. Uniemożliwiają rozwój powikłań oraz ograniczają rozprzestrzenianie się infekcji. Na przestrzeni lat obserwuje się znaczny rozwój i wzrost profilaktyki chorób poprzez wprowadzanie programów ochronnych szczepień – zalecanych oraz obowiązkowych. Cel:  Celem pracy było poznanie opinii rodziców na temat odmowy wykonania szczepień ochronnych u dzieci. Materiał i metody: Badaniem objęto 100 pacjentów oddziału położniczego w SSZOZ  „Zdroje” w Szczecinie. Do badań wykorzystano autorską ankietę, z zastosowaniem sondażu diagnostycznego. Wyniki badań wykonano za pomocą programu R, wersja 3.4.3. R Core Team (2017).Wyniki: Spośród 100 respondentów jedynie 12,0% uważało, że szczepienia ochronne wykonywane u dzieci nie są potrzebne. Wykazano, że 32,0% rodziców nie zapoznało się w ogóle z obowiązującym kalendarzem szczepień. Większa część respondentów nie wykonuje dodatkowych, zalecanych szczepień u swoich dzieci (61,0%). Ponad połowa badanych (60,0%) obawia się szczepień ochronnych. Nieco więcej niż połowa ankietowanych rezygnuje ze szczepień refundowanych i kupuje szczepionki (52,0%). Jednym z głównych źródeł wiedzy rodziców na temat szczepień ochronnych jest lekarz, pielęgniarka, położna oraz Internet (po 81,0%). Większa część ankietowanych (53,0%) uważała, iż powinno się nanieść kary na opiekunów, którzy nie szczepią swoich dzieci.Wnioski: 1. Poziom wiedzy rodziców na temat chorób zakaźnych oraz zasadności wykonywania szczepień ochronnych u dzieci ulega pogorszeniu z uwagi na wpływ nierzetelnych źródeł informacji. 2. Ważnym źródłem wiedzy na temat szczepień jest Internet, 3. Wskazane jest zintensyfikowanie i ukierunkowanie działań pracowników ochrony zdrowia w dysponowaniu rzetelną oraz wiarygodną wiedzą na temat szczepień ochronnych przekazywaną rodzicom.AbstractIntroduction: Preventive vaccinations are the most effective and the cheapest method of fighting and preventing infectious diseases. They preclude the development of complications and limit the spread of infections. Over the years, there has been a significant development and growth in disease prevention due to the implementation of preventive vaccination plans, both recommended and compulsory. Aim: The aim of the study was to examine parents’ opinions on the refusal of preventive childhood vaccines. Material and methods: The study covered 100 patients of the obstetric ward at the Independent Public Complex of Healthcare Facilities ‘Zdroje’ in Szczecin. The diagnostic survey method in the form of authors’ self-designed questionnaire was used in the study. The results were prepared using the R program, version 3.4.3. R Core Team (2017).Results: Among 100 respondents, only 12.0% think that preventive vaccinations of children are unnecessary. The study shows that 32.0% of parents are not familiar with the obligatory vaccination calendar. Most respondents do not carry out any additional recommended vaccinations on their children (61.0%). More than half of the respondents (60.0%) are afraid of preventive vaccinations. A slight majority of the respondents buy vaccines instead of using the reimbursed vaccinations (52.0%). The main sources of parents’ knowledge on the issue of preventive vaccinations are doctors, nurses, midwives and the Internet (81.0% each). Most respondents (53.0%) think that there should be penalties for guardians who do not vaccinate their children. Conclusions: 1. The level of parents’ knowledge on infectious diseases and the rationale of vaccinating children is deteriorating due to the influence of unreliable sources of information, 2. The Internet is an important source of knowledge on the issue of vaccinations, 3. It is advisable to intensify and concentrate the efforts of healthcare professionals in having reliable and accurate knowledge on preventive vaccinations that they convey to parents

    Women’s opinions regarding gynaecological examination in a hospital

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    Summary A visit to the gynaecologist is connected with considerable embarrassment and stress for most women. Aim of the research: To ascertain patients’ opinions about gynaecological examination, frequency of visits, and doctors’ attitudes towards patients. Material and methods: A hundred women from Western-Pomeranian region underwent an anonymous examination. The women were divided into three age groups: 20-40, 41–60 and 61+. The study was carried out in two hospital clinics of the Pomeranian Medical University: the Clinic of Procreation and Gynaecology and the Clinic of Obstetric and Gynaecology, between 2006-2007. Results: 70% of the respondents find the gynaecological examination embarrassing and stressful. According to patients, the most unpleasant moment during their visit to the gynaecologist is time spent in the gynaecological chair (47%) and preparation for the examination (30%), whereas the least embarrassing moment is the gynaecological examination itself (21%). However, the most embarrassing moment of the examination is vaginal examination (40%), rectal examination (33%), colposcopy (27%), and breast examination (2%). All the women stated that gynaecological examination is necessary; with 40% of them having examinations once every twelve months, 32% once every six months, 9% once every twenty-four months and 19% even more seldom. Sense of safety and psychical comfort during the examination is ensured by the presence of a qualified midwife (46%), presence of another doctor (9%), privacy (only the doctor and the patient are present) (36%). 53% of the respondents stated that the doctor ensures intimacy during the examination and 47% gave negative answer. Analysis of the doctor’s gender indicated that 56% women prefer to be examined by a woman, 37% by a man, and 7% find the gender to be of no importance. The respondents would prefer if the doctor were nice, good-tempered and communicative. Conclusions: 1. Gynaecological examination is embarrassing and stressful for women and that is why patients expect the gynaecologist to ensure intimacy and sense of safety during the examination, as well as a pleasant individual approach to a patient, and presence of a midwife. 2. The most embarrassing moment is climbing to the gynaecological chair and the most unpleasant moment is the vaginal examination. 3. The fact that women go to the gynaecologist so rarely is particularly worrisom

    Masculinity crisis? Some comments on the images of men presented in three contemporary Swedish popular novels

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    I artikeln konfronteras Susan Faludis och Thomas Johanssons teori om manlighetskris med mansporträtt i tre svenska populärlitterära romaner. Teorin om manlighetskris uppstod i samband med feminism. Enligt forskarna visar sig manlighetskrisen i mäns oförmåga att ingå nära relationer, ensamhet och rädsla att inte leva upp till mansidealet. Tre svenska populärromaner Pappadagar i Råttans år av Daniel Möllberg (2007), Vi som aldrig sa hora av Ronnie Sandahl (2007) and Vi har redan sagt hej då av Daniel Åberg (2010) har analyserats i ljuset av teorin om manlighetskris. Analysen fokuserar på hur manliga huvudpersoner skildras i de analyserade romanerna, vilka känslor som de hyser samt hur de klarar sig ur sin personliga kris. Männens problem som påpekas av teorin om manlighetskris återspeglas till en viss utsträckning i de analyserade romanerna, men eftersom gestalterna kan besegra motgångar, kan man inte entydigt fastställa att deras manlighet befinner sig i kris.The aim of this article is to confront Susan Faludi’s and Thomas Johansson’s theory concerning the masculinity crisis with images of men presented in modern Swedish popular literature. The masculinity crisis theory has risen in relation to feminism and presents the crisis manifesting itself in men’s difficulties in building deep relationships as a consequence of fear of getting close with other people, fears of not living up to the idea of an ideal man and loneliness. Three contemporary Swedish popular novels: Pappadagar i Råttans år (Paternity leave in Rat Year) by Daniel Möllberg (2007), Vi som aldrig sa hora (We who have never said whore) by Ronnie Sandahl (2007) and Vi har redan sagt hej då (We have already said good bye) by Daniel Åberg (2010) have been analysed in the light of the masculinity crisis theory. The analysis focuses on presentation of male characters in those novels, feelings they experience and ways of coping with their personal crisis. The author points out that men’s problems as claimed by the masculinity crisis theory are reflected in the analysed novels to some extent. However, since the characters are able to overcome adversities, one cannot unambiguously state that their masculinity is in crisis

    The New Woman Requires the New Man. Construction of Masculine Identity in "Fru Marianne" by Victoria Benedictsson and "Dotter till en dotter" by Inger Alfvén

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    The purpose of this paper is to problematize and compare the construction of masculine identity in two Swedish novels, Fru Marianne (1887) by Victoria Benedictsson and Dotter till en dotter (1977) by Inger Alfvén. The analysis is focused on how the male characters in these novels are constructed in the light of masculinity studies. In order to do that two types of masculine identity are considered: the New Man and hegemonic man. In both novels a change of the masculine identity pattern from the hegemonic masculinity towards the identity of the New Man can be observed, even though this process is performed differently. In the construction of male protagonists both authors refer to the same materialistic and symbolic attributes, however, these attributes are valued differently and play a different role in construction of masculine identity. In construction of the masculine identity Benedictsson combines the attributes of the New Man with the positive features of the hegemonic man, whereas Alfvén rejects the hegemonic masculinity as oppressive and constructs the male protagonist as the New Man

    Let women out and men in - the swedish gender equality politics on labour market and in families

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    Tyt. z nagłówka.Bibliogr. s. 70-[71].Celem artykułu jest analiza wpływu szwedzkiej polityki równouprawnienia na rynek pracy oraz rodzinę od lat 70. XX wieku do XXI wieku. W artykule zaprezentowano problemy, z którymi kobiety i mężczyźni spotykali się na rynku pracy oraz w rodzinie (różnice płacowe, segregacja płciowa na rynku pracy oraz nierówny podział pracy opłacanej i nieopłacanej) i które przyczyniły się do wprowadzenia przez Szwecję polityki równouprawnienia. Obejmowała ona między innymi ustawę o rozdzielnym opodatkowaniu małżonków oraz ustawę o równouprawnieniu na rynku pracy. Celem zmian wprowadzonych w polityce rodzinnej było zachęcenie kobiet i mężczyzn do równego podziału opieki nad dzieckiem oraz obowiązków domowych. Analiza zebranego materiału pozwala stwierdzić, że polityka równouprawnienia w Szwecji przyczyniła się z jednej strony do zwiększenia aktywności zawodowej kobiet, większej integracji płciowej na rynku pracy, zminimalizowania różnic płacowych oraz do równego podziału opieki nad dzieckiem. Z drugiej jednak strony wydaje się, że nie można mówić o całkowitym sukcesie polityki równouprawnienia, ponieważ żaden z analizowanych problemów na rynku pracy oraz w rodzinie nie został całkowicie rozwiązany. Pomimo tego, że szwedzka polityka równouprawnienia kobiet i mężczyzn przyczyniła się w znacznym stopniu do zwiększenia świadomości obywateli oraz do zwiększenia stopnia równouprawnienia na rynku pracy i w rodzinie, to jednak nie pozwoliła ona na całkowite rozwiązanie analizowanych problemów.The aim of this article is to analyze the Swedish gender equality politics and its infl uence on the gender equality on the Swedish labour market and within families in period between 1970s and 2000s. Problems such as wage differentials, occupational sex segregation and unequal distribution of paid and unpaid work between the sexes were faced from the beginning of the 20th century up to 1960s. In order to address those issues gender equality politics was launched in 1970s including enacting of the law on separate taxation and law on gender equality. Moreover, a special family politics was launched encouraging men and women to divide childcare and housework equally. On one hand Swedish gender equality politics contributed to the growth of women’s participation in labour market, to minimize wage differentials and it also made sex distribution between the occupations and at the leading positions in companies and institutions more equal. Moreover, this politics led to more equal distribution of unpaid work between men and women at home. On the other hand it must be pointed out that none of these problems has been completely solved. Women’s wages are still generally lower than men’s and women and men tend to work in different sectors. Women still take greater part of parental leave and tend to do the bigger part of unpaid work. Although a signifi cant change in the level of gender equality has been made since 1960s, which can be considered a success of the Swedish gender equality politics, there is still much that needs to be done in order to achieve gender equality both on labour market and in families.Dostępny również w formie drukowanej.SŁOWA KLUCZOWE: polityka równouprawnienia, kobiety i mężczyźni, rynek pracy, rodzina, Szwecja. KEYWORDS: gender equality politics, men and women, labour market, family, Sweden