142 research outputs found

    Water pair potential of near spectroscopic accuracy. II. Vibration-rotation-tunneling levels of the water dimer

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    Water pair potential of near spectroscopic accuracy. I. Analysis of potential surface and virial coefficients

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    Contains fulltext : 14099.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access

    Helium nanodroplet isolation ro-vibrational spectroscopy: methods and recent results

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    In this article, recent developments in HElium NanoDroplet Isolation (HENDI) spectroscopy are reviewed, with an emphasis on the infrared region of the spectrum. Topics discussed include experimental details, comparison of radiation sources, symmetry issues of the helium solvation structure, sources of line broadening, changes in spectroscopic constants upon solvation, and applications including formation of novel chemical structures.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables; to be published in the Journal of Chemical Physic

    Intriguing Electrostatic Potential of CO: Negative Bond-ends and Positive Bond-cylindrical-surface

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    The strong electronegativity of O dictates that the ground state of singlet CO has positively charged C and negatively charged O, in agreement with ab initio charge analysis, but in disagreement with the dipole direction. Though this unusual phenomenon has been fairly studied, the study of electrostatic potential (EP) for noncovalent interactions of CO is essential for better understanding. Here we illustrate that both C and O atom-ends show negative EP (where the C end gives more negative EP), favoring positively charged species, whereas the cylindrical surface of the CO bond shows positive EP, favoring negatively charged ones. This is demonstrated from the interactions of CO with Na+, Cl-, H2O, CO and benzene. It can be explained by the quadrupole driven electrostatic nature of CO (like N2) with very weak dipole moment. The EP is properly described by the tripole model taking into account the electrostatic multipole moments, which has a large negative charge at a certain distance protruded from C, a large positive charge on C, and a small negative charge on O. We also discuss the EP of the first excited triplet COopen0

    Critical Review of Theoretical Models for Anomalous Effects (Cold Fusion) in Deuterated Metals

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    We briefly summarize the reported anomalous effects in deuterated metals at ambient temperature, commonly known as "Cold Fusion" (CF), with an emphasis on important experiments as well as the theoretical basis for the opposition to interpreting them as cold fusion. Then we critically examine more than 25 theoretical models for CF, including unusual nuclear and exotic chemical hypotheses. We conclude that they do not explain the data.Comment: 51 pages, 4 Figure

    Anisotropic Charge Distribution and Anisotropic van der Waals Radius Leading to Intriguing Anisotropic Noncovalent Interactions

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    Although group (IV-VII) nonmetallic elements do not favor interacting with anionic species, there are counterexamples including the halogen bond. Such binding is known to be related to the charge deficiency because of the adjacent atom's electron withdrawing effect, which creates s/p-holes at the bond-ends. However, a completely opposite behavior is exhibited by N-2 and O-2, which have electrostatically positive/negative character around cylindrical-bond-surface/bond-ends. Inspired by this, here we elucidate the unusual features and origin of the anisotropic noncovalent interactions in the ground and excited states of the 2nd and 3rd row elements belonging to groups IV-VII. The anisotropy in charge distributions and van der Waals radii of atoms in such molecular systems are scrutinized. This provides an understanding of their unusual molecular configuration, binding and recognition modes involved in new types of molecular assembling and engineering. This work would lead to the design of intriguing molecular systems exploiting anisotropic noncovalent interactions.open