633 research outputs found
On a class of 2-surface observables in general relativity
The boundary conditions for canonical vacuum general relativity is
investigated at the quasi-local level. It is shown that fixing the area element
on the 2- surface S (rather than the induced 2-metric) is enough to have a well
defined constraint algebra, and a well defined Poisson algebra of basic
Hamiltonians parameterized by shifts that are tangent to and divergence-free on
$. The evolution equations preserve these boundary conditions and the value of
the basic Hamiltonian gives 2+2 covariant, gauge-invariant 2-surface
observables. The meaning of these observables is also discussed.Comment: 11 pages, a discussion of the observables in stationary spacetimes is
included, new references are added, typos correcte
Stationary untrapped boundary conditions in general relativity
A class of boundary conditions for canonical general relativity are proposed
and studied at the quasi-local level. It is shown that for untrapped or
marginal surfaces, fixing the area element on the 2-surface (rather than the
induced 2-metric) and the angular momentum surface density is enough to have a
functionally differentiable Hamiltonian, thus providing definition of conserved
quantities for the quasi-local regions. If on the boundary the evolution vector
normal to the 2-surface is chosen to be proportional to the dual expansion
vector, we obtain a generalization of the Hawking energy associated with a
generalized Kodama vector. This vector plays the role for the stationary
untrapped boundary conditions which the stationary Killing vector plays for
stationary black holes. When the dual expansion vector is null, the boundary
conditions reduce to the ones given by the non-expanding horizons and the null
trapping horizons.Comment: 11 pages, improved discussion section, a reference added, accepted
for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit
Total angular momentum from Dirac eigenspinors
The eigenvalue problem for Dirac operators, constructed from two connections
on the spinor bundle over closed spacelike 2-surfaces, is investigated. A class
of divergence free vector fields, built from the eigenspinors, are found,
which, for the lowest eigenvalue, reproduce the rotation Killing vectors of
metric spheres, and provide rotation BMS vector fields at future null infinity.
This makes it possible to introduce a well defined, gauge invariant spatial
angular momentum at null infinity, which reduces to the standard expression in
stationary spacetimes. The general formula for the angular momentum flux
carried away be the gravitational radiation is also derived.Comment: 34 pages, typos corrected, four references added, appearing in Class.
Quantum Gra
On certain quasi-local spin-angular momentum expressions for small spheres
The Ludvigsen-Vickers and two recently suggested quasi-local spin-angular
momentum expressions, based on holomorphic and anti-holomorphic spinor fields,
are calculated for small spheres of radius about a point . It is shown
that, apart from the sign in the case of anti-holomorphic spinors in
non-vacuum, the leading terms of all these expressions coincide. In non-vacuum
spacetimes this common leading term is of order , and it is the product of
the contraction of the energy-momentum tensor and an average of the approximate
boost-rotation Killing vector that vanishes at and of the 3-volume of the
ball of radius . In vacuum spacetimes the leading term is of order ,
and the factor of proportionality is the contraction of the Bel-Robinson tensor
and an other average of the same approximate boost-rotation Killing vector.Comment: 16 pages, Plain Te
Gravitational energy and cosmic acceleration
Cosmic acceleration is explained quantitatively, as an apparent effect due to
gravitational energy differences that arise in the decoupling of bound systems
from the global expansion of the universe. "Dark energy" is a misidentification
of those aspects of gravitational energy which by virtue of the equivalence
principle cannot be localised, namely gradients in the energy due to the
expansion of space and spatial curvature variations in an inhomogeneous
universe. A new scheme for cosmological averaging is proposed which solves the
Sandage-de Vaucouleurs paradox. Concordance parameters fit supernovae
luminosity distances, the angular scale of the sound horizon in the CMB
anisotropies, and the effective comoving baryon acoustic oscillation scale seen
in galaxy clustering statistics. Key observational anomalies are potentially
resolved, and unique predictions made, including a quantifiable variance in the
Hubble flow below the scale of apparent homogeneity.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. An essay which received Honorable Mention in the
2007 GRF Essay Competition. To appear in a special issue of Int. J. Mod.
Measuring eccentricity in binary black-hole initial data
Initial data for evolving black-hole binaries can be constructed via many
techniques, and can represent a wide range of physical scenarios. However,
because of the way that different schemes parameterize the physical aspects of
a configuration, it is not alway clear what a given set of initial data
actually represents. This is especially important for quasiequilibrium data
constructed using the conformal thin-sandwich approach. Most initial-data
studies have focused on identifying data sets that represent binaries in
quasi-circular orbits. In this paper, we consider initial-data sets
representing equal-mass black holes binaries in eccentric orbits. We will show
that effective-potential techniques can be used to calibrate initial data for
black-hole binaries in eccentric orbits. We will also examine several different
approaches, including post-Newtonian diagnostics, for measuring the
eccentricity of an orbit. Finally, we propose the use of the ``Komar-mass
difference'' as a useful, invariant means of parameterizing the eccentricity of
relativistic orbits.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Physical Review D, revtex
Witten spinors on maximal, conformally flat hypersurfaces
The boundary conditions that exclude zeros of the solutions of the Witten
equation (and hence guarantee the existence of a 3-frame satisfying the
so-called special orthonormal frame gauge conditions) are investigated. We
determine the general form of the conformally invariant boundary conditions for
the Witten equation, and find the boundary conditions that characterize the
constant and the conformally constant spinor fields among the solutions of the
Witten equations on compact domains in extrinsically and intrinsically flat,
and on maximal, intrinsically globally conformally flat spacelike
hypersurfaces, respectively. We also provide a number of exact solutions of the
Witten equation with various boundary conditions (both at infinity and on inner
or outer boundaries) that single out nowhere vanishing spinor fields on the
flat, non-extreme Reissner--Nordstr\"om and Brill--Lindquist data sets. Our
examples show that there is an interplay between the boundary conditions, the
global topology of the hypersurface and the existence/non-existence of zeros of
the solutions of the Witten equation.Comment: 23 pages, typos corrected, final version, accepted in Class. Quantum
Extremality conditions for isolated and dynamical horizons
A maximally rotating Kerr black hole is said to be extremal. In this paper we
introduce the corresponding restrictions for isolated and dynamical horizons.
These reduce to the standard notions for Kerr but in general do not require the
horizon to be either stationary or rotationally symmetric. We consider physical
implications and applications of these results. In particular we introduce a
parameter e which characterizes how close a horizon is to extremality and
should be calculable in numerical simulations.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, added reference; v3 appendix added with proof of
result from section IIID, some discussion and references added. Version to
appear in PR
A comment on Liu and Yau's positive quasi-local mass
Liu and Yau (Phys.Rev.Lett. 90, 231102, 2003) propose a definition of quasi-local mass for any space-like, topological 2-sphere with positive Gauss curvature (and subject to a second, convexity, condition). They are able to show it is positive using a result of Shi and Tam (J.Diff.Geom. 62, 79, 2002). However, as we show here, their definition can give a strictly positive mass for a sphere in flat space
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