40 research outputs found

    Estimasi Penghematan Biaya Operasi PLTU Dengan Cara Penggantian Bahan Bakar

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    Per capita electricity consumption is a living standard index in a country. In Indonesia, as number of people and industries are increasing, the need of electricity is also increasing. As a result of the rising world's price of fossil fuel, PT. PLN (Persero), a local state utility, needs to find a better way to reduce its operational cost, 75% of which is the price of plant's fuel. One possible solution is to replace liquid fuel (HSD and MFO) with LNG or coals. This research aimed at fuel cost comparison between the use of LNG, coals and the liquid fuel in a steam power plant. The research focus on the cost reduction but neglects the actual operational implementation. The results of analysis, based on 51465 kW power and 85% boiler efficiency assumption, showed that the mass rate flow of HSD, MFO, LNG and coal are 13446,95 kg/h, 14328,98 kg/h, 1156,7 kg/h and 29032,52 kg/h respectively. Furthermore, annual fuel cost of HSD, MFO, LNG and coal are 890.73, 530.61, 154.63 and 87,61 billions respectively. The fuel cost saving from the replacement of HSD with LNG and coals are 736.1 and 803.12 billion/year respectively. As comparison, the fuel cost saving from the replacement of MFO with LNG and coals are 375.98 and 443.0 billion/year respectively

    Remediasi Kesalahan Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Menggunakan Strategi Heuristik Polya Berbantuan Lks di SMP

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    This study aims to try out the application of Polya\u27s heuristic strategy aided with students\u27 worksheet to remediate eighth grade students who experienced the error in solving problems on the material about mirror. The form of this research is Pre-Experimental with One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The participants are all students of class VIII C who get involved in all remediation activities (28 students). The results of pre-test and post-test are compared to see the profile of Polya\u27s heuristic steps in solving the problem. The results show that there is an increase in the use of Polya\u27s heurisitic steps thus decreasing the number of students\u27 mistakes. The decline in students\u27 mistakes is calculated by using the Wilcoxon test which shows a significant reduction in errors (Zhiung = -4.58 with α = 5%; dk = 1; Ztabel = 1.645). While the effectiveness of the use of Polya\u27s heuristic strategies is calculated by proportion with the level of effectiveness is moderate (0.35). The results of this study are expected to be developed further to improve the effectiveness of remediation

    Quantum Teaching dengan Kerangka Tandur untuk Meremediasi Kesulitan Belajar Siswa Man 1 Kubu Raya

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of quantum teaching\u27s model TANDUR method in remediating learning difficulties by grade X science students at MAN 1 Kubu Raya on heat transfer. The research method used was Pre-Experimental with One Group Pretest-Posttest Design that involved 33 students as sample selected by intact group. The results shows students\u27 difficulties of understanding concept was decreased by 35,60% and in mathematical calculations was decreased by 55,49% after remediation. Quantum teaching\u27s model TANDUR method is effective to remediate the students\u27 learning difficulties on heat transfer with the average price of the proportion the number of errors students in understanding the concept of 0,42 (moderate) and in mathematical calculations proportion of 0,56 (moderate). This research is expected to be used as an alternative in remediation activity for the students in order to solve students\u27 learning difficulties

    Kaji Sifat Mekanik Sambungan Las Butt Weld dan Double Lap Joint pada Material Baja Karbon Rendah

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    Teknologi di bidang konstruksi baja terus berkembang dan maju dengan pesat, terutama dalam perancangan dan desain produk. Dalam penerapannya konstruksi baja ini seringkali tidak dapat dihindari dan merupakan keharusan agar melakukan proses penyambungan logam, atau yang sering disebut dengan pengelasan. Setiap proses pengelasan pasti memiliki desain sambungan yang berfungsi untuk mendapatkan hasil sambungan yang baik atau lolos pengujian sesuai standart atau code yang dianut. Oleh karena itu pemilihan jenis sambungan pengelasan sangat penting sebelum melakukan proses pengelasan. Tujuan dilaksanakan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai kekuatan tarik dan lengkung (sifat mekanik) sambungan las butt weld dan double lap joint pada material baja struktur SS400. Berdasarkan data pengujian diperoleh bahwa kekuatan uji tarik paling tinggi adalah pada sambungan las butt weld sebesar 49.8 kgf/ dibandingkan nilai kekuatan tarik untuk sambungan las double lap joint sebesar 48.65 kgf/. Sedangkan nilai kekuatan bending lebih besar pada jenis sambungan las double lap joint dari pada sambungan las butt weld baik untuk kategori root bend maupun face bend

    Hubungan Keterampilan Matematika dengan Kemampuan Menyelesaikan Soal Fisika terhadap Miskonsepsi Siswa pada Impuls Momentum

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between mathematics skill with the ability to solve physics problems to students misconception about impuls and momentum. Method of the research is descriptive correlation. The sample are 25 students. The instrument used 5 essay about elastic collision and inelastic collision. The data showed that mathematics skill and ability to solve physics problem have a significant relationship with a correlation coefficient 0,9041 that included in the high category. It shows someone that have high mathematics skills, the ability to solve problem be high too. There are some students that have high mathematics skill but the ability to solve problem is low. This is because the student have misconception there are physical and mathematical errors with each of these errors by 75% and 65%


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    AbstractThe use of visual aids as the media in learning is choosed because of  its efficiency and multitasking potential that can be used for the learning activities. The purpose of this research is to identify and develop the visual aid in order to improve the students’ learning outcomes, about the energy of electricity in Science subject of 11 Danau Kadung Suli Elementary School . This development research uses Borg & Gall Research and Development approach (1983:772). The subjects in this research are the 14 fourth grader students of 11 Danau Kandung Suli in the school year of 2018/ 2019, Jongkong District, Kapuas Hulu Regency. As for the data gathering in this research are: (1) Interview; (2) Observation; (3) Documentary Study; (4) Test; and (5) Validation. The data analysis in this research consists of qualitative analysis and T-Test. The result of this research shows that the Danau Kandang Suli (DKS) Solar Ship visual aid that has been developed is effective  to improve students’ learning outcomes. To get that result, the datas were being analyzed to know, how big its effect to improve students’ learning outcomes. The result of pretest and posttest  shows that the effect of the visual aid has the signification of= 0,00 0,8 , and the gained ES score of the used visual aid  was 1,47.Keyword: Development, Eenergy of electicity, Visual aid

    Remediasi Miskonsepsi Siswa Pada Materi Rangkaian Listrik Sederhana Menggunakan Wawancara Klinis Dalam Bahasa Ibu

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    This research aims to design a clinical interview in mother tonque that can be used for decreasing elementary school students' misconceptions especially about simple electrical circuit. Participants were 9 grade-6 students who speak Thionghua “Khek” as their mother tongue. They are respectively divided into three levels of knowledge such as high, medium, and low. Each of the level of knowledge consists of three students that have been chosen by purposive random sampling. Students' conceptual understanding and misconceptions were prompted by a set of diagnostic test with three alternative answers and followed a clinical interview about simple electrical circuit to remediate their misconceptions. There is no significant difference of conceptual change between student with high, medium, and low level of knowledge. Usage of a mother tongue in the posttest is better than in Bahasa for the students' conceptual change. This design of clinical interview in mother tongue can be used to foster conceptual understanding and to decrease most of the students' misconceptions in simple electrical circuit

    Remediasi Miskonsepsi Siswa Pada Materi Hukum I Newton Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Tgt Di SMP

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    This study aims to find out the effectiveness of Teams Games Tournament (TGT) Model in remediating students\u27 misconception on the topic of Newton\u27s First Law in SMPN 3 Ketapang. This study was done in Pre-experimental method with one-group pre-test posttest design. The 29 sample were randomly chosen through intact group technique to the Class IX E students. The data collecting technique were 12 multiple choices questions for the pretest and postest to see the students\u27 misconception changes. From the analysis, the average percentage of students\u27 misconception before remediation given by using TGT Learning Model was 39,08%, while the average percentage of students\u27 misconception on the topic of Newton\u27s First Law after remediation given by using TGT Learning Model was 9,48%. The calculation of McNemar statistic test and Binomial test show that there is significant conceptual change of 5,93 point in each question answered by the students before and after the remediation. Based on the average value of proportion, ΔS = 0,75 was obtained with high effectiveness level. Therefore, remediating the students\u27 misconception by using TGT model on the topic of Newton\u27s First Law is effective in SMPN 3 Ketapang. Hopefully this result can be an alternative for the teacher in remediating students\u27 misconception on the topic of Newton\u27s First Law

    Remediasi Miskonsepsi Siswa Menggunakan Metode Demonstrasi Disertai Booklet di SMP

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    The purpose of this research was to know the decreasing students number of miscoception after remediation using the demonstration method accompanied by booklet about refraction of light on the lens in SMP Negeri 13 Pontianak. The form of this research was a quasy experimental design with nonequivalent control group design. The sample of this research are IXD as control class and the IXC as experiment class totaled 74. In experiment class average decreasing the percentage students number of miscoception is 58,86% and control class average is 32,67%. Mc Nemar test results show that changes in the number of students who misconceptions each concept significantly in the experimental class and the control class changes in the number of students significantly misconception occurs in 2 concepts. Based on the results of the Mann-Whitney U with significance level α = 5% Zhitung <-Ztabel (-3.027 <-1.96) indicates that there is a difference between the number of misconceptions students follow a remediation method booklet demonstration accompanied by students who take remediation using conventional methods. So that the learning method demonstration accompanied by a booklet can be used as an alternative for teachers to improve student misconceptions in physics lessons