37 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Umpan Nabati, Hewani dan Campuran Keduanya terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Udang Galah (Macrobracium Rosenbergii)

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    Field Experiment was carry out to study the effect of vegetable and animalbase baits and combination of both on shrimp catches (Macrobrachiumrosenbergii de Man). This Fishing Experiment was using a simple randompattern, with three treatments as following U1 =Bran, U2=Fish Flour, U3=Mixing of Bran and Fish Flour. This experiment was undertaken from 7th till 13thjuli 2009.The treatments effected on number and weight of catches shrimp differentlyas the fish was bring highest catches, followed by mixed bait and the lowestcatches is bran in respectively were 16 shrimps (380 grams), 12 shrimps ( 240grams) and 10 shrimps (170 grams)

    Sinking Speed Yarn PE (Polyethylene) is Preserved with Guava Leaf Extract (Psidium Guajava L), Papaya (Carica Papaya) and Betel Leaves (Xylocarpus Moluccensis M.Roem)

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    Husband of research has been done in December 2014 gear Materials Laboratory of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Riau Pekanbaru. Early studies aimed to determine the effect of guava leaf extract preservatives, papaya leaf, betel leaf and Against Speed sink (sink rate) Yarn PE. Initial studies using experimental methods with object using research is preserved Threads tested in the laboratory. Value Speed sink Yarn PE can be seen on Speed drowned in the sea Yarn berisih air tube. Speed maximum sink is necessary to look at the things that affect Extracts Against Speed heart sank sautu Yarn Material Test time is usually determined by the liver seconds. The difference from the average - average Speed with sink Yarn benangyang not well maintained preserved guava leaf extract as much as 0.89%, while the average difference - average Thread Thread unpreserved with papaya leaf extract's been preserved as much as 1.68%, and the difference Of Threads yet preserved yarns with Already preserved with betel leaf extract as much as 3.04%

    Studi Kualitas Air untuk Kesehatan Ikan dalam Budidaya Perikanan pada Aliran Sungai Kampar Kiri

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    This research is done on October 2010 at Kampar Kiri river stream area,Riau Province. The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of goldmines without license activity to water quality and fish health. The method used issurvey method by measuring environmental factors of territorial water. Theconcideration that used namely the estimation to the source of contamination andwaste burden accepted by territorial water of development of aquaculture. Asreference, here include water quality of Kampar River completely as RiauGovernor Decree no 23 in 2003 (that guidances on PP 82/2001), about allotmentand permanent quality of water at Kampar River, Riau Province. Meanwhile, thefish area sampled from pond and cage that existed in every development area.From this research is known that generally each the quality of river water for fishhealth in aquaculture is still in tolerance level. The result of measurement waterquality is the fulfill permanent quality of first class water except some ofparameters in development aquaculture area in distric, like Kampar kiri River andhall fish breeding (BBI) Teso. Mophologically, fish health that watched is still beoptimal

    Studies of Water Hyacinth ( Eichhornia Crassipes ) as the Base of Fishing Gear Material

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    The research was conducted on 15 September to 20 October 2014 Capture Device Materials Laboratoryof Water Resource Utilization Department of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Scieces, University of Riau. The method used in this research is the method ofobservation and experimental methods. This study aims to assess the utilization of water hyacinth as a basic ingredient of fishing gear through histological studies, testing water absorption, breaking strength and elongation of the fiber.Based on theresearch of water hyacinth (E. crassipes) with a length of 25 cm, the average value obtained rupture strength was 14.6 kgf, elongation value is equal to 37.4 mm and the average value of water absorption of the sample hyacinth is 2.05103 grams or by 61.923%

    Under Water Lamp Colour Lamp Effect To Catch Of Fish With Use Kelong (Lift Net) In Malang Rapat Village District Gunung Kijang Bintan Regency Province Kepulauan Riau

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    This research was conducted in September 2015 in the village of Malang Meeting Gunung Kijang Bintan regency of Riau Islands Province. The purpose of this study was to determine whies colour of the light is bring the best catches of kelong. This experimental are composible elboot blue and yellow submesible lamps on kelong catches. Results of this study showed that blue submesible lamp nigher catches no much 140,5 Kg while yellow submesible lamp only 90 Kg