456 research outputs found
The One Dimensional Damped Forced Harmonic Oscillator Revisited
In this paper we give a general solution to the problem of the damped
harmonic oscillator under the influence of an arbitrary time-dependent external
force. We employ simple methods accessible for beginners and useful for
undergraduate students and professors in an introductory course of mechanics.Comment: 4 Latex page
On the regular-geometric-figure solution to the N-body problem
The regular-geometric-figure solution to the -body problem is presented in
a very simple way. The Newtonian formalism is used without resorting to a more
involved rotating coordinate system. Those configurations occur for other kinds
of interactions beyond the gravitational ones for some special values of the
parameters of the forces. For the harmonic oscillator, in particular, it is
shown that the -body problem is reduced to one-body problems.Comment: To appear in Eur. J. Phys. (5 pages
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