19 research outputs found


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    This research aims to determine the classification of articles in journal of Pustakaloka, and specifically to identify the largest and smallest subject groups based on JITA Classification System of Library and Information Science. Data for this research consist of 174 articles from 2009-2021 publication. To assign the subject of an article, its title and keywords were analyzed. Abstract and article content were also analyzed if the title and keywords were not able to reflect the subject. The data were coded according to the JITA scheme, sorted and counted to build up subject groups. The three largest subject groups are Users, literacy and reading, followed by Information sources, supports, channels, then by Management and Information technology and library technology. Meanwhile, the three smallest subject groups are Information use and sociology of information, followed by Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information, Housing technologies, and the last is Publishing and legal issues. This research identified that in general, the articles in Pustakaloka are concentrated on some of intermediate and specific level that cover the aspect of users, directional and management functions, pragmatic and technical issues


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    Democratization of information is a manifestation of a nation's democratic life in which people participate in all aspect of development. Participation requires openness and freedom to get access to information. Availability of information in the global era must be accompanied by competence to filter, process and utilize information, which is known as information literacy. Among various formats of information media, printed materials especially books are mostly preferred because they are easy and convenient to use. Books as information media are closely related to libraries, particularly public libraries which are the most democratic and enable all members of community to interact with information and knowledge. However, it is unfortunate that public libraries and libraries in general have not been given proper attention in Indonesia. Keywords : information literacy, public libraries, public library manifest

    Analisis Keinternasionalan Jurnal-Jurnal Keislaman PTKI

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    The internationality of Al Jami'ah, Studia Islamika and Journal of Indonesian Islam were analyzed based on country distribution of editors, country distribution of authors, international authors collaboration and international citation. A total of 240 articles were analyzed: 86 from al-Jami'ah, 74 from Studia Islamika, and 80 from JII during the period of 2012-2016. For country distribution editors and authors, the three journals use editors from different countries which internationally represent Asia, Europe, America and Australia, where most of the editors come from Indonesia. Therefore, the contribution of global scholarship still has not reached 50% of each edition. Based on international collaboration, Al Jami'ah published a little number of articles from collaboration by Indonesian and overseas authors, while Studia Islamika and Journal of Indonesian Islam had no contribution from international collaboration. International citation for all three journals are in balance during five years. They have not been much cited by authors who publish their writing globally. However, the citation may increase if international journals that cited them publish their latest edition in the future


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui klasifikasi artikel-artikel jurnal Pustakaloka, dan secara spesifik mengetahui kelompok subjek terbesar dan kelompok subjek terkecilnya berdasarkan JITA Classification System of Library and Information Science. Data penelitian terdiri atas 174 artikel dari tahun 2009-2021. Untuk menentukan subjek, dilakukan analisis terhadap judul dan kata kunci. Abstrak dan konten artikel ikut dianalisis jika judul dan kata kunci tidak mampu merefleksikan subjek artikel. Data diberi kode menurut skema JITA, diurutkan dan dihitung hingga menghasilkan kelompok-kelompok subjek. Tiga kelompok terbesar adalah Users, literacy and reading, diikuti Information sources, supports, channels, kemudian Management dan Information technology and library technology. Tiga kelompok terkecil adalah Information use and sociology of information, diikuti Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information, Housing technologies, dan yang terakhir adalah Publishing and legal issues. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi bahwa secara garis besar, artikel-artikel di dalam jurnal Pustakaloka terkonsentrasi pada sebagian level intermediate dan specific yaitu aspek pengguna, fungsi pengarahan dan manajemen, isu pragmatis dan teknis

    STANDING ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS: Perspektif Kritis Kepustakawanan Mengenai Plagiarisme Sebagai Penyimpangan Intelektual

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    Examined by Merton's social strain theory, academic plagiarism is a deviant act in which intellectuals are unable to fill norms and can not pursue the path of conformity. The deviance by these intellectuals threaten academic integrity. Librarians as part of the educational process need to look at this issue with a critical perspective: First, building self-awareness as an antiplagiarism agent. Second, integrating sense of plagiarism into the user's education syllabus. Third, becoming partner of teaching staff in antiplagiarism education

    Persebaran Subjek Artikel-Artikel Jurnal Tik Ilmeu 2017-2022

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persebaran subjek dari artikel-artikel jurnal Tik Ilmeu. Data penelitian berupa 86 artikel dalam enam volume selama tahun 2017-2022. Subjek dihasilkan melalui analisis terhadap judul, abstrak dan kata-kata kunci. Subjek dikelompokkan menurut JITA Classification System of Library and Information Science. Selama enam tahun terbit, terdapat subjek yang mendapat perhatian tinggi yaitu Information sources, supports, channels sebanyak 15 kali (17%), disusul Users, literacy and reading 14 kali (16%), diikuti Information technology & library technology 13 kali (15%). Subjek Information treatment for information services 3 kali (4%), subjek Theoretical and general aspects of lib & Info, dan Industry, profession and education, sama-sama 4 kali (5%). Subjek Publishing and legal issues dan subjek Housing technologies hanya 1 (1%) dalam masa yang sama. Kedua subjek sama-sama diabaikan oleh penulis selama 5 tahun. Dari tahun ke tahun subjek yang konsisten terwakili dan mendapat perhatian terbanyak adalah Information sources, supports, channels. Subjek Information technology and library technology, meskipun persentasenya tinggi, tidak terwakili di tahun pertama. Subjek ini mencapai puncak tertinggi di tahun 2019 (36%) kemudian turun, dan di akhir periode hanya 12%


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    Konsep digital wisdom yang diperkenalkan Marc Prensky mendorong peningkatan kapasitas intelektual menggunakan teknologi dan meninggikan dimensi moral manusia melalui penggunaan teknologi itu. Digital wisdom merupakan kearifan agar mampu mengatasi keterbatasan-keterbatasan pada diri manusia di dalam memperoleh dan mengolah informasi. Media sosial digunakan orang untuk berkomunikasi dan menyebarkan informasi dengan segala konsekuensinya. Ketika media sosial menjadi ruang publik virtual, tetap tidak terlepas dari problem-problem seperti di alam fisik, di antaranya hak cipta, privasi, etika, identitas, dan masalah-masalah sosial. Artikel ini berupaya menemukakan relevansi digital wisdom di dalam ruang publik virtual. Kearifan atau sikap bijaksana semakin diperlukan agar ruang publik virtual itu tetap berfungsi sebagai ruang untuk berpartisipasi dalam demokras


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    This study examined the struggle of the mutant human as a grotesque characters in Futurama animated series. The grotesque theory that is being used are from Bakhtin, Bloom, Haar and Thomson to analyze the mutant character in the story. The aims of this study was to identify the struggle of the mutant caused by their grotesque body as well as how the grotesque body has impacted their life in the story. The study examines a couple of material mainly scenes and the visual of the series. it does this using a qualitative research methodology. In order to be interpreted, the researchers specify the research into two section, the first section is analyzing Leela’s struggle as a grotesque character because she was one of the main cast of the character, and the second one is analyzing the mutant human as a whole. The finding demonstrate that all of the mutant kind faced struggle caused by their body deformity, those struggle are usually in the form of discrimination, prejudice and degradation


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    Egri's three-dimensional theory (1923) was employed to examine the multifaceted aspects of Catherine Danielle Clark, the main character in Delia Owens' novel "Where the Crawdads Sing." This qualitative study utilized a narrative approach to gather and analyze data through inductive and deductive techniques. The findings revealed several three-dimensional aspects of Catherine Danielle Clark. Physically, she possessed beauty, long black hair, and a well-proportioned body with a deep-tanned complexion, which improved as she matured. Socially, she hailed from a lower-class American family, held various jobs as a seafood seller, book writer, and poet, and experienced discrimination and singledom. Her hobbies included reading books and collecting organisms from the marsh. Psychologically, she exhibited introversion, insecurity, sensitivity, irritability, selfishness, anxiety, and a reluctance to forgive. However, she also displayed independence, optimism, and a determined fighting spirit for survival, showcasing remarkable talent in painting and writing. Overall, the study found that the psychological dimension was more pronounced than the physiological and social dimensions. Keywords: main character, physiological dimension, psychological dimension, sociological dimension, three-dimensional aspect

    Dosis Optimum Larutan Kapur untuk Netralisasi pH Air Limbah Penambangan Batubara

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    Abstrak: Optimum Dose of Hydrated Lime for pH Neutralizing  in Coal Mine Waste-water. Coal mines release chemicals such as pyrite (Fe2S), produce acid waste water (H2SO4). This research aims to know the optimum dose of hydrated lime to neutralize the pH of coal mining wastewater. This research was experimental study with pretest-postest with control group design, measured pH before and after treatment. Coal mines wastewater was sampled with composite sampling method. The result showed that the average of waste-water’s pH before added 2% hydrated lime were 4,9, while wastewater added by variated dose of hydrated lime, the pH changed. Added 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 ml hydrated lime, the pH particularly to be 5,3, 7,1, 8,2, 9,7 and 10,5. Statistical test using One Way Anova showed the p value = 0,000, ore less than α = 0,05. There was the difference significantly between pH’s average of coal mine wastewater at variation in dose of 2% hydrated lime. Test of Linier regression found equation; y = 4,906 + 0,649x with correlation value (R) = 0,982. Optimum dose of 2% hydrated lime for pH neutralizing 1 litre of coal mine wastewater was 3,23, pH=7.Keyword:  Air limbah batubara; larutan kapur; pH