11 research outputs found
Analisis Waste (Pemborosan) pada Instalasi Farmasi Rawat Jalan Menggunakan Pendekatan Lean Management di RS PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul
Background: Pharmacy installation is the last unit that determines patient satisfaction in hospital services, so that the good or bad service provided will affect the related service units. Problems that often occur include slow pharmacy services, complicated procedures and difficulties for patients. Lean is an effort to eliminate waste and increase the value added of products both goods and services that take place continuously with the aim of providing value to customers. Outpatient Pharmacy Services at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Bantul have not applied Lean. The purpose of this study is to find out the existence of waste in Outpatient Pharmacy Installation of PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Bantul
Method: This type of research is a case study with a qualitative approach. Location of research in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital, Bantul. The subject of this study was the pharmacy manager and head of the outpatient pharmaceutical unit. The instruments in this study used observation and interview guides. Data analysis uses triangulation methods and sources.
Results: Based on Value Stream Mapping (VSM) mapping, non-racic Non Value Added (NVA) values were obtained 68.21% and 57.59%, which meant that the hospital had not been said to be lean. The critical waste that occurs is waste waiting and overprocessing. The cause of waste waitting is that the SIM sometimes has errors, many officers have double jobs, while overprocessing is caused by many repeated activities, such as repeated prescription studies and etiquette writing twice.
Conclusion: This NVA value is more than 30% indicating that the service has not been effective and efficient and there is waste. Waste that often occurs in outpatient pharmaceutical installations in PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul Hospital, namely waiting, is good for non-racial and cosmetic prescription services while over-processing occurs in non-racial prescription services
Penerapan kewajiban penuntut umum melakukan penyidikan dalam rangka percepatan penyelesaian perkara pidana perusakan hutan (studi kasus/perkara perusakan hutan pada kejaksaan tinggi sumatera selatan) difokuskan terhadap adanya pemberian wewenang kepada penuntut umum untuk melakukan penyidikan serta faktor yang menyebabkan penyidikan oleh penyidik yang tertuang dalam berkas acara pemeriksaan dianggap kurang lengkap oleh jaksa penuntut umum. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian normatif. Bahan penelitian diperoleh dari bahan hukum primer, bahan hokum sekunder dan bahan hokum tersier. Dikumpulkan melalui studi kepustakaan yang didukung wawancara Menggunakan pendekatan penelitian deskriftif kualitatif dengan teknik penarikan kesimpulan deduktif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah kelengkapan persyaratan berkas perkara perusakan hutan yang harus dilengkapi oleh penyidik berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2013 tentang Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Perusakan Hutan pada dasarnya masih mengacu KUHAP, dan/atau alat bukti lain berupa informasi elektronik, dokumen elektronik, dan/atau peta. faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan PPNS tidak dapat memenuhi kelengkapan berkas berdasrkan Studi Kasus/Perkara Perusakan Hutan Pada Kejaksaan Tinggi Sumatera Selatan adalah : 1. Faktor Peraturan Perundang-undangan, 2. Faktor Internal, 3. Fakor Fasilitas. Tindakan Jaksa Penuntut Umum untuk dapat menyelesaikan perkara perusakan hutan, yaitu : Koordinasi antara penuntut umum dengan penyidik sejak awal penerbitan SPDP; melakukan pendekatan multi rezim hukum yang mengandalkan berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan terkait. Dalam pelaksanaan percepatan penyelesaian perkara pidana perusakan hutan di masa mendatang hendaknya ada aturan yang jelas, defenitif, spesifik dan lengkap mengenai kedudukan penyidik dalam tindak pidana perusakan hutan dan harus ada SOP yang jelas dalam pengambil alihan kewenangan penyidik oleh Penuntut Umum.Kata Kunci: Hutan, Pidana Perusakan Hutan, Penyidikan, Penuntut Umum kewenangan
Jaminan akan kehalalan produk merupakan prioritas utama bagi seorang muslim dalam memilih makanan dan minuman, maka pelaku usaha yang bergerak di bidang tersebut punya kewajiban untuk memenuhinya, baik pelaku usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) ataupun yang skala besar. Namun, faktanya masih ada pelaku usaha terutama usaha mikro yang belum mengetahui tentang regulasi tersebut, termasuk para mitra kami dalam kegiatan ini. Berdasarkan permasalahan mitra tersebut maka diadakanlah kegiatan pengabdian ini dengan tujuan memberi edukasi kepada mitra di Desa Cipotakari tentang jaminan produk halal. Metode dalam pengabdian ini adalah melakukan sosialisasi mengenai regulasi jaminan produk halal kepada para mitra. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah para pelaku usaha rumah tangga yang mayoritasnya adalah perempuan dengan berbagai macam jenis usaha makanan dan minuman. Hasil dari pengabdian ini telah berdampak pada mitra sehingga mereka memahami tentang pentingnya jaminan produk halal dan cara untuk mengajukannya
Penilaian Pengetahuan Siswa Dengan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Algoritma Perceptron
In the process of student assessment in SD Negeri 1 Kota Ternate, they still use MS Excel software and it takes approximately 2 to 4 days, so it is assumed to be less effective. This study aims to apply the Perceptron Artificial Neural Network to facilitate the work of teacher assessment in SD Negeri 1 Kota Ternate. Artificial neural network is an information processing system that is designed to mimic the workings of the human brain in solving problems quickly and accurately. In processing the assessment using the perceptron algorithm, training data and testing are needed to classify student learning outcomes data. The system development method used is prototype. System testing is done by the white box method’s. The data used are data classification of student learning outcomes in the realm of knowledge, namely Daily Assessment Results (HPH), Mid Semester Assessment Results (HPTS), and Final Semester Assessment Results (HAS). The results showed that the highest level of accuracy occurred in the initial treatment with an accuracy of 96%, so it can be concluded that the Artificial Neural Network system with the Perceptron algorithm can be implemented for student assessment in the 2013 curriculum
Languange Learning Adapatation Model In The Era of Society 5.0
This article aims to explain the adaptation model of language learning in the 5.0 society era. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The data used a library study on various studies of Language learning in the 5.0 era of society. The data were then identified and analyzed to build an understanding of the adaptation model of language learning in the 5.0 era as a form of response to future learning. The results of this study indicate that the adaptation model of Language learning to the era of society 5.0 is closely related to mastery of the field of Language which is integrated with mastery of the latest Information Technology, and mastery of 21st-century skills, namely creative thinking, critical thinking and problem solving, communication, and collaboration. However, the adaptation process and its results are largely determined by the ability of lecturers, students, and supporting facilities and infrastructure so that they can run well
Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadappengeboman Ikan di Perairan Wilayah Hukum Polda Sulawesi Selatan
This article aims to look at the problems of Islamic education that occur in the present and in the future so that they can become a solution to improve Islamic education. The method used in this study is the library, where the data in this study were obtained from various relevant literature and then analyzed comprehensively. The results of the study found that the problems that exist in Islamic education today are paradigm problems, objective problems, material problems, method problems, evaluation problems. Meanwhile, the future challenges are a crisis of values, a crisis of concepts, a lack of idealism, pragmatism, and technolog
This article aims to look at the problems of Islamic education that occur in the present and in the future so that they can become a solution to improve Islamic education. The method used in this study is the library, where the data in this study were obtained from various relevant literature and then analyzed comprehensively. The results of the study found that the problems that exist in Islamic education today are paradigm problems, objective problems, material problems, method problems, evaluation problems. Meanwhile, the future challenges are a crisis of values, a crisis of concepts, a lack of idealism, pragmatism, and technolog
Penilaian Pengetahuan Siswa dengan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Algoritma Perceptron
In the process of student assessment in SD Negeri 1 Kota Ternate, they still use MS Excel software and it takes approximately 2 to 4 days, so it is assumed to be less effective. This study aims to apply the Perceptron Artificial Neural Network to facilitate the work of teacher assessment in SD Negeri 1 Kota Ternate. Artificial neural network is an information processing system that is designed to mimic the workings of the human brain in solving problems quickly and accurately. In processing the assessment using the perceptron algorithm, training data and testing are needed to classify student learning outcomes data. The system development method used is prototype. System testing is done by the white box method's. The data used are data classification of student learning outcomes in the realm of knowledge, namely Daily Assessment Results (HPH), Mid Semester Assessment Results (HPTS), and Final Semester Assessment Results (HAS). The results showed that the highest level of accuracy occurred in the initial treatment with an accuracy of 96%, so it can be concluded that the Artificial Neural Network system with the Perceptron algorithm can be implemented for student assessment in the 2013 curriculum
Peran UMKM dalam Peningkatan Pendapatan Masyarakat di Desa Kaloling
Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peran lembaga ekonomi desa dalam kontribusinya terhadap peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat desa. Era industri 4.0, pengetahuan teknologi, khususnya teknologi informasi sangat penting. BUMDes sebagai lembaga ekonomi desa sebagai ujung tombak peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat di Desa Kaloling. UMKM adalah perusahaan mikro yang seharusnya menggunakan akses informasi untuk kesejahteraan ekonomi suatu daerah, hal ini terlihat saat masa Pandemic Covid-19. Masalah saat ini dengan UMKM termasuk kurangnya modal dan pengetahuan tentang teknologi informasi. Desa Kaloling merupakan desa di Kabupaten Bantaeng dengan ketersediaan sarana sangat minim dalam pemasaran produk unggulan desa secara digital. Membangun keunggulan bersaing potensi desa melalui rekayasa bisnis berkelanjutan dengan penerapan inovasi teknologi bisnis digital di Desa Kaloling Kecamatan Gantarangkeke Kabupaten Bantaeng. Kegiatan pelatihan ini dihadiri oleh 50 peserta yang terdiri dari pejabat desa, pelaku UMKM, dan Pengurus BUMDes. Â Kata Kunci: Ekonomi, Digital, Peningkatan Pendapatan Des