190 research outputs found
FROM MODERATISM TO FUNDAMENTALISM; Portrait of Shifting the Religious Understanding of Makassar Islamic Students
Students have been asked as intellectuals who have high critical power. Therefore students are not only a driver of a social change, but at the same time are not easily influenced or participate in certain currents of thought and understanding, especially if it is related to religious understanding. Students' critical attitude becomes a kind of filter to sort and filter out various religious ideas and ideas. But the view that sees students, especially Muslim students as a critical group, seems to be faltering lately. Instead of being a critical community group with a variety of new religious understandings, Muslim students actually became the target of the new Islamic doctrine of religious understanding. The doctrine of religious understanding is precisely textualism and fundamentals. This qualitative research shows that several large campuses in Makassar were exposed to the Islamic understanding and changed them from moderate Muslim students to Muslim fundamentalist students
Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pertumbuhan Output Sektor Pertanian di Sumatra Selatan
The purpose of this study is to kow factors that affect growth rate of production of agricultural sector in South Sumatera province. It is assumed that total factor productivity, capital, and labor determine the growth rate of output of the sector. A Cobb-Douglas production function is used to determine those factors that may influence the growth rate of output of agricultural sector. The results indicate that total factor productivity has a positive dominant effect on growth rate of production of agricultural sector, while capital and labor have a negative effect. Therefore, it suggests that the growth rate could be raised if there is a reduction in the use of capital and labor. However care should be taken because agricultural sector play an important role in absorbing labor force in South Sumatera province
Kondisi Psikologis Mahasiswa PGSD Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton (UMB) dalam Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Daring di Masa Pandemi
Pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring di masa pandemi memunculkan berbagai masalah bagi peserta didik termasuk keluhan kondisi psikologis, maka dari itu perlu dilakukan suatu penelitian untuk mendeteksi bagaimana kondisi psikologi mahasiswa selama penerapan pembelajaran daring. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode Survey. Variabel  penelitian yaitu keluhan psikologis dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring dan mahasiswa PGSD Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton.  Subyek penelitian ialah mahasiswa PGSD Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton (UM. Buton) yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik simple Random Sampling sehingga diperoleh 80 sampel penelitian.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara deskriptif bahwa mahasiswa mengalami keluhan psikologis dalam mengikuti pembelajaran daring dimasa pandemic, hal tersebut diukur menggunakan indikator psikologis. Adapun keluhan psikologis yang dialami oleh mahasiwa yakni; 77,5% mahasiswa bosan dan tidak bosan 22,5%, cemas 45% dan tidak cemas adalah 55%, stress 57,5% dan tidak stress 42,5%, resah 57,5% dan tidak resah ada 42,5%, pusing 73,8% dan tidak pusing ada 26,2% dan mahasiswa yang berharap agar pembelajaran daring segera berakhir ada 95% dan yang merasa tidak resah ada,5%. Kesimpulannya adalah terdapat keluhan psikologi yang dialami mahasiswa PGSD Universitas Muhammadiya Buton (UMB) dalam mengikuti pembelajaran daring di masa pendemi. Dengan hasil penelitian ini diharapkan pendidik lebih selektif dalam memilih metode dan sarana pembelajaran darin
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan pelaksanaan pembelajaran terbalik (Reciprocal Teaching) terhadap hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas V SD Negeri I Topa Kota Baubau. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang terdiri dari dua siklus, masing-masing sikluas 3 kali pertemuan. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa Kelas V SD Negeri I Topa Kota Baubau tahun ajaran 2018/2019 sebanyak 20 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan terdiri dari lembar observasi guru dan siswa serta tes berupa essay untuk melihat hasil belajar IPA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (i) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran terbalik (Reciprocal Teaching) mengalami peningkatan di setiap pertemuan baik dari segi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran maupun aktivitas belajar siswa. (ii) Terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar IPA siswa dari siklus I ke siklus II dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran terbalik (Reciprocal Teaching) pada siswa Kelas V SD Negeri I Topa Kota Baubau
The purpose of this research is to know the effects of rice production, rice stock, and road & brige condition on rate of inflation in South Sumatera province. The data used in this study are aggregative secondary data from year 2000 to year 2007, and are utilized to estimate a multiple regression modelĂÂ in the form of double-logaritm. The results of estimation show that rice production, rice stock, and road & brige condition neither totally nor partially influence the rate of inflation in South Sumatera significantly. However, the results show that they are theoretically consistent with and support the expectation. It suggests that one who wants to do the same kind of further research, she or he should use disaggregative data to allow more variation in the data set in order to obtainĂÂ sound results statistically. Key Words: Inflation, rice production, rice stock, and road & bridge condition
The purpose of this research is; 1) describe the linguistic landscape used in the Makassar City shopping center; 2) describe the dominant use of language in the linguistic landscape; and 3) knowing the reasons for using foreign languages in the linguistic landscape in shopping centers in Makassar. This research is a qualitative research designed descriptively. The locus of this research was in three shopping centers in Makassar City, namely Panakukang Mall, Nipah Mall and Ratu Indah Mall. Data is collected through documentation techniques. Analysis was carried out using qualitative techniques through data collection procedures, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion/verification. The results of the study show that the types of landscapes found in shopping centers in Makassar City are top-down and bottom-up linguistic landscapes. The bottom-up landscape type is dominant in shopping centers in Makassar. In addition, foreign languages, especially English dominate the linguistic landscape in shopping centers in Makassar City. This is motivated by several factors, self-image (business image) and efforts to strengthen brand makers as an attraction for consumer
The purposes of this study are to know the direct effects of education and health on per capita income level and the indirect effect of health on per capita income level through its effect on education. A system of equations was formulated and was estimated using maximum likelihood estimation procedure. The results indicated that parameter estimates are not statistically significant at the 5 percent level of significance. However, those are theoritically sound, since the sign of coefficients in the variables is in line with existing theory. The efect of education on per capita income is positive and the indirect effect of health throuth its effect on education is also positive. The results of study suggest that the per capita income might be increased if education level of society increased through expansion of government budget on education, while health level of society should not be ignored eventhough it negates per capita income. Key Words: Health, Education, and per capita income
Kekerasan Berbingkai Agama; Menelusuri Genealogi dan Perkembangan Fundamentalisme dalam Dunia Islam
This article examines the dynamic relationship between Islam and local tradition in Indonesia with special reference to Java and Sulawesi. Based on historical and anthropological sources, the article seeks to understand variety of interpretation and application of Islam among local Muslims within their particular context. With this aim, the article tries to examines the intricate process of religious change as world religion interacts with local forces. The article argues that since the âlocalizationâ of Islam was continuing nature in the expansion of Islam beyond the Arab homeland, the same development in Southeast Asia can be expected. By focusing on the frameworks of âpractical Islamâ rather than ânormative Islamâ and both accommodation and conflict between shariâah and adat as a whole system, rather than as separate entities, the article found a common feature of Islam as it is interpreted and applied by local Muslims in Java and Sulawesi. In this two region, Islam became the dominant force but did not completely obliterate the indigenous beliefs and practices. Despite this common feature, Javanese people have been more diverse than Sulawesi people in terms of religious spectrum particularly due to the fact that animism, Hindu-Buddhism, and Islam have been incorporated into Javanese cultural system.
The purpose of this research is to know the effects of rice production, rice stock, and road & brige condition on rate of inflation in South Sumatera province. The data used in this study are aggregative secondary data from year 2000 to year 2007, and are utilized to estimate a multiple regression modelĂÂ in the form of double-logaritm. The results of estimation show that rice production, rice stock, and road & brige condition neither totally nor partially influence the rate of inflation in South Sumatera significantly. However, the results show that they are theoretically consistent with and support the expectation. It suggests that one who wants to do the same kind of further research, she or he should use disaggregative data to allow more variation in the data set in order to obtainĂÂ sound results statistically. Key Words: Inflation, rice production, rice stock, and road & bridge condition
Kontroversi Imam Perempuan; Study Maudhuâiy Terhadap Hadist-Hadist Imam Perempuan dalam Shalat
Issu imam perempuan landasan hukumnya dimulai dari hadist-hadist Rasulullah SAW, oleh karena itu kajian terhadapnya harus pula dititik beratkan dengan melakukan study terhadap hadist-hadist yang terkait. Khususnya untuk konteks ini kajian difokuskan pada hadist-hadist tentang imam perempuan yang berasal dari Ummu Waraqah dan juga hadist lain yang terkait dengan persoalan imam perempuan ini. Jumhur ulama menyatakan bahwa hadits dari Abu Daud yang diriwayatkan dari Ummu Waraqah lemah berdasarkan adanya kecacatan pada dua periwayat tadi. Namun hadits yang melarang perempuan menjadi imam shalatpun dinilai oleh banyak ulama lemah karena adanya perawi yang bermasalah. Saya sendiri tidak berani mengambil kesimpulan terhadap keberadaan hadits Abu Daud, meski arah argumentasi dari makalah ini menilai hadits tersebut tidak dhaif. Dengan demikian tidak boleh ditutup kemungkinan perempuan menjadi imam shalat (dengan maâmum laki-laki), karena ada ulama yang membolehkan hal tersebut
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