39 research outputs found
Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene/Polycarbonate Blends
Nowadays Polypropylene (PP) I Polycarbonate (PC) blends have received interest in
polymer study and tests have been done to explore its properties and behavior. This
project aim to further characterize PP/PC blends compatibilized with polypropylenegraft-
maleic anhydride (PP-g-MA) with varying weight composition in the area of water
absorption and tensile strength. In a practical field, organic polymer materials have been
shown to express some advantages such as light weight, high strength, anti-rust, and
easily processable. These advantages were based on the comparison with metal and
inorganic materials. However, polymer materials degrade under various circumstances
for example low and high temperature, exposure to rain and sunlight, and under the
water or soil. Some plastics absorb very little water at room temperature but at higher
temperature it tends to absorb high amount of water and will lose properties rapidly.
Eight weight ratios are considered and they are 85/10/5, 75/20/5, 65/30/5, 55/40/5,
85/15/0, 75/25/0, 65/35/0, and 55/45/0 in PP/PC/PP-g-MA respectively. The glass
transitional and melting temperatures of PP, PC, and PP-g-MA were obtained by
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and the values were consistent with literature.
Meanwhile, degradation temperatures of samples were obtained by thermogravimetric
analysis (TGA). Then, the polymers were compounded in twin screw extruder and
fabricated by compression and injection moulding. Water absorption test were follow
the ASTM Standards: D 570-98 (Reapproaved 2005) Standard Test Method for Water
Absorption of Plastics and Tensile Test were follow ASTM D638 Standard Test Method
for Tensile properties of rigid plastic
Menafsirkan Al-Quran berarti berupaya untuk menjelaskan maksud dan
kandungan Al-Quran, dan oleh karena objek tafsir adalah Al-Quran yang
merupakan sumber utama dari ajaran Islam sekaligus sebagai petunjuk bagi
manusia. Maka penafsiran terhadap ayat-ayatnya bukan hanya merupakan hal
yang diperbolehkan, bahkan lebih dari itu, penafsiran Al-Quran merupakan
suatu kewajiban bagi orang-orang yang memiliki kualifikasi untuk
melakukannya. Seperti halnya salah satu term atau kosa kata yang dibicarakan
dan tersurat di dalam Al-Quran ialah kata An-Nakhl, An-Nakhiil, An-Nakhlah
dan An-Nakhlan yang berarti pohon kurma, kebun kurma dan buah kurma.
Dan yang menjadi permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah, apakah
sebab keistimewaan buah kurma ini jika di banding buah-buah lain dan
bagaimana keistimewaannya buah kurma ditinjau dari perspektif ilmu
kesehatan. Maka penulis melakukan penelitian dengan judul “Keistimewaan
Kurma Dalam Al-Quran DiTinjau Dari Perspektif Ilmu Kesehatan.”
Kata An-Nakhl, An-Nankhiil, An-Nakhlah dan An-Nakhlan dalam kitab
Mu’jam Al-Mufarras Al-fadhul Quran, menyebutkan kata An-Nakhl, An-
Nakhiil, An-Nakhlah dan An-Nakhlan sebanyak 20 kali dalam 16 surat. Namun,
penulis membatasi penelitian ini dengan mengambil 6 ayat dari 5 surat yaitu,
surat Ar-Ra'd: 4, surat Maryam: 23 & 25, surat Al-Mukminun:19, surat Yasin:
34 dan surat Ar-Rahman: 68.
Maka untuk mengungkapkan masalah ini, penulis melakukan penelitian
dengan menggunakan metode maudhu’i atau tematik. Karena penelitian ini
termasuk dalam penelitian perpustakaan (Library Reseach), yang merujuk
kepada literatur buku, maka penulis menggunakan kitab-kitab tafsir dan bukubuku
berkaitan kurma. Sementara yang lainnya menggunakan kitab-kitab
hadis, dan buku yang berkaitan dengan ilmu kesehatan.
Berdasarkan penelitian yang penulis lakukan, keistimewaan kurma
berbanding buah-buah yang lain amatlah banyak dan mempunyai manfa’at
yang cukup tinggi terhadap kita sebagai manusia dalam aspek rohani dan
jasmani. Sebagaimana Allah SWT menceritakan dalam Al-Quran Al-‘Azim
peristiwa Maryam saat ingin melahirkan.
Didalam pendekatan ilmu kesehatan, penulis mendapati khasiat kurma
yang bergizi, berbagai vitamin dan mineral terkandung dalamnya dapat
menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit karena semua bahan itu adalah penawar
atau obat.
Kesimpulan yang penulis peroleh antaranya yaitu :
1. Kurma adalah buah yang sangat tinggi nilai gizinya dan amat sesuai
dengan tubuh badan manusia yang di ciptakan Allah SWT.
2. Manfa’at darinya bisa diperolehi semua peringkat umur dari bayi hingga
orang tua.
3. Ternyata hampir semua dari kurma boleh diambil manfa’at bermula dari
pangkal hingga batang.
Dan dalam pendekatan ilmu kesehatan kurma berupaya:
1. Mencegah struk dan serangan jantung
2. Mempercepat penyembuhan demam berdarah
3. Mencegah pendarahan rahim
4. Membuat otak jadi encer dan menyuplai kebutuhan energi saat berpuasa
5. Melindungi kulit dari infeksi
An Investigation On The Synthesis And Characterization Of Flexible 3d Graphene Foam
Carbon materials, with their many different allotropes, have played important roles in our everyday lives as well as the advancement of material science and engineering. Since 2004, 2D graphene materials with their unique and interesting features have received significant attention after the discovery of 0D C60 and 1D carbon nanotube. 2D graphene is a single atomic layer of sp2 bonded carbon atoms which crystallizes in a honeycomb/hexagonal structure. It has an outstanding electrical property due to its two-dimensional shape, as well as a very high carrier mobility that is symmetrical for electrons and holes. Over the last decade, 3D structures have been produced out of graphene sheets which give rise to a new type of graphene materials called 3D graphene which had better and improved electrical conductivity, easy of functionalization, and large area.
In this final year project, the synthesis of 3D graphene foam on copper foam was produced using methane (CH4) as a carbon source through chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process. The effect of some CVD parameters on the growth of 3D graphene on copper foam template such as growth temperature and growth time were manipulated. Afterwards, the sample was coated with poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) to preserve the 3D graphene during transfer process. Then, the copper matrix was removed using nitric acid (HNO3). Next, the PMMA coating was removed by heating the samples in a Carbolite furnace. Afterwards, the 3D graphene samples
produced were characterized by Raman spectroscopy and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA). Based on the ID/IG ratio, the sample produced at 1000°C, 40 minutes growth time has the fewest number of defects while the sample produced at 800°C, 40 minutes growth time has the highest number of defects. As the growth temperature increased from 800°C to 1000°C, the ID/IG ratio decreased which indicates that the graphene synthesized at 1000°C has fewer defects and better crystallinity than graphene synthesized at 800°C. Based on the ID/IG ratio approximates that all the graphene samples produced were multi-layered. Based on the I2D/IG ratio, the sample produced at 1000°C, 10 minutes is single layer graphene while the rest of the samples are few-layered graphene.
The final mass percentage of 3D graphene and PMMA-coated 3D graphene sample is 18.46% and 13.84%, respectively. The remaining mass was the residue that was left behind which indicates that the 3D graphene was not completely pure and can be considered as low purity. Apart from that, a greater amount of heat energy is required to burn carbon nanotubes (CNT) compared to 3D graphene. This suggests that CNT is more heat resistant and have higher thermal stability than 3D graphene
Comparison of shariah stock screening methodology between Malaysia and International / Eirfan Syamil Ahmad Norisham
Shariah is an Islamic law derived from the divine revelation and practice of the prophet namely, al-Quran and al-Hadith. Shariah prohibits elements such as usury (riba’), gambling (maysir) and uncertainty (gharar). These elements are present in many conventional financial activities. For a Muslim, this means getting involved indirectly in prohibited practices, which is considered as a grave sin. To tackle this
problem, Shariah scholars have set some acceptable boundaries for companies to do their business activities and outline steps to purify the sinful earnings. Thus, the
purpose of this paper is to compare the criteria used among Islamic Indices, specifically between the FTSE Global Islamic Index (FTSE) and the Dow Jones Islamic Market Index (DJIM) in screening a permissible company for investment purposes. A comparative analysis is performed to highlight the variances of the Shariah-compliant methods and principles practiced by these renowned institutions with the latest compiled data. The two controversial criteria examined are level of debt and level of liquidity of the company. This paper will discuss the criteria, processes as well as the matters involved in the screening for Shariah-compliant and. Two sets of
business screens and financial screens are profiled separately to clearly examine the similarities and differences between the different methodologies. Some of these practitioners are more specific in their listing of Shariah-impermissible activities, while some are more general in allowing more businesses to be included as
permissible. The majority of these users practice a two-tier method of screening which is qualitative and quantitative. Under the quantitative screen, the range of allowable
threshold ratios on non-permissible criteria differs slightly between them
Auto Rejection merupakan sistem penolakan otomatis yang diterapkan
dalam sistem perdagangan saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia terhadap laju
pergerakan harga suatu saham. Dalam penerapannya, sistem auto rejection
memiliki dasar hukum atas penerapannya, juga penerapan sistem auto rejection
itu sendiri yang akan dikaji lebih lanjut dalam penelitian ini.
Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) Untuk mengkaji pengaturan tentang penerapan
Auto Rejection dalam sistem perdagangan saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia, (2)
Untuk mengkaji penerapan Auto Rejection dalam sistem perdagangan saham di
Bursa Efek Indonesia.
Jenis penelitian merupakan penelitian kepustakaan (library research),
pendekatan yang digunakan merupakan pendekatan normatif, teknik pengumpulan
datanya melalui Studi Pustaka, dan dianalisis dengan metode kualitatif.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengaturan terbaru atas
penerapan auto rejection dalam sistem perdagangan saham di Bursa Efek
Indonesia diatur melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi PT Bursa Efek Indonesia
Nomor: Kep-00025/BEI/03-2020 perihal Perubahan batasan Auto Rejection.
Perubahan batasan auto rejection dilakukan oleh Bursa Efek Indonesia guna
mengurangi tekanan, juga mencegah tekanan lebih lanjut pada perdagangan
saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia atas dampak dari pandemi corona. Juga
berdasarkan penerapan langsung sistem auto rejection yang telah diberikan dalam
penelitian ini, dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa sistem auto rejection berjalan
sebagaimana semestinya sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku saat ini.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, diharapkan akan menjadi bahan informasi
dan masukan bagi mahasiswa, akademisi, praktisi, dan semua pihak yang
membutuhkan di lingkungan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pancasakti Tegal.
Kata Kunci: sistem perdagangan saham, Auto Rejection, Bursa Efek Indonesi
Pengaruh brand image, brand ambassador, brand awareness dan brand loyalty terhadap keputusan pembelian produk Erigo: Studi pada konsumen Erigo mahasiswa Malang
Penelitian ini menginvestigasi pengaruh variabel brand image (X1), brand ambassador (X2), brand awareness (X3), dan brand loyalty (X4) terhadap keputusan pembelian (Y) konsumen pada produk Erigo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner dari 172 responden, dengan menggunakan metode pengambilan sampel purposive. Kriteria sampel yang dikumpulkan adalah mahasiswa yang pernah membeli produk Erigo minimal 1 kali pembelian dengan kategori usia diatas 17 tahun dan sedang tinggal di Kota Malang. Analisis data yang diolah menggunakan SPSS 26 menunjukan hasil bahwa brand image dan brand ambassador memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Namun, brand awareness tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan, sementara brand loyalty memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Temuan ini memberikan wawasan bagi perusahaan Erigo untuk lebih mempertimbangkan strategi pemasaran yang menekankan brand image dan brand ambassador guna meningkatkan daya tarik konsumen dan mengoptimalkan keputusan pembelian. Rekomendasi diberikan untuk mengakomodasi preferensi konsumen dan mempertahankan tingkat loyalty dengan memfokuskan pada kualitas produk dan harga. Penelitian ini memberikan sumbangan kontributif terhadap pemahaman faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi keputusan pembelian dalam konteks konsumen mahasiswa di Kota Malang.
This study investigates the effect of brand image (X1), brand ambassador (X2), brand awareness (X3), and brand loyalty (X4) variables on consumer purchasing decisions (Y) on Erigo products. This research uses descriptive quantitative methods. Data were collected through questionnaires from 172 respondents, using purposive sampling method. The sample criteria collected were students who had purchased Erigo products at least once with the age category above 17 years and were living in Malang City. Data analysis processed using SPSS 26 shows the results that brand image and brand ambassador have a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions. However, brand awareness does not have a significant effect, while brand loyalty has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. These findings provide insights for Erigo companies to further consider marketing strategies that emphasise brand image and brand ambassadors to increase consumer appeal and optimise purchase decisions. Recommendations are given to accommodate consumer preferences and maintain loyalty levels by focusing on product quality and price. This research contributes to the understanding of factors that influence purchasing decisions in the context of student consumers in Malang City.
مستخلص البحث
تبحث هذه الدراسة في تأثير صورة العلامة التجارية (X1) ، وسفير العلامة التجارية (X2) ، والوعي بالعلامة التجارية (X3) ، ومتغيرات الولاء للعلامة التجارية (X4) على قرارات شراء المستهلك (Y) على منتجات Erigo. استخدمت هذه الدراسة الأساليب الكمية الوصفية. تم جمع البيانات من خلال استبيانات من 172 مستجيبا ، باستخدام طرق أخذ العينات الهادفة. معايير العينة التي تم جمعها هي الطلاب الذين اشتروا منتجات Erigo على الأقل 1 مرة مع فئة عمرية تزيد عن 17 عاما ويعيشون في مدينة مالانج. يظهر تحليل البيانات التي تمت معالجتها باستخدام SPSS 26 أن صورة العلامة التجارية وسفراء العلامة التجارية لها تأثير إيجابي وكبير على قرارات الشراء. ومع ذلك ، فإن الوعي بالعلامة التجارية ليس له تأثير كبير ، في حين أن الولاء للعلامة التجارية له تأثير إيجابي وكبير على قرارات الشراء. توفر هذه النتائج نظرة ثاقبة لشركة Erigo للنظر بشكل أفضل في استراتيجيات التسويق التي تؤكد على صورة العلامة التجارية وسفراء العلامة التجارية لزيادة جاذبية المستهلك وتحسين قرارات الشراء. يتم تقديم توصيات لاستيعاب تفضيلات المستهلكين والحفاظ على مستويات الولاء من خلال التركيز على جودة المنتج والسعر. يساهم هذا البحث في فهم العوامل التي تؤثر على قرارات الشراء في سياق المستهلكين الطلاب في مدينة مالانج
Integriti dalam kalangan pekerja awam: kajian kes Agensi Keselamatan Sempadan (AKSEM) Chuping, Perlis
The main aim of this study is to examine integrity among civil servants in Malaysia. In order to achieve this, the research has selected a case study of the Border Security Agency (AKSEM) in Chuping, Perlis by focusing on the level of knowledge and
integrity practices as well as on the factors that affect the deterioration of the integrity among civil servants in this agency. This study also analysed relations between demographic information such as gender, age, race, education status, service period (only for AKSEM civil servants only) and level of integrity. The study involved 30 respondents comprising 20 civil servants from AKSEM Chuping, Perlis. All the respondents had been interviewed to examine the level of knowledge and integrity practices as well as on the factors that affect the deterioration of the
integrity among civil servants in this agency. The results show that the level of knowledge regarding integrity can affect the level of their integrity practices. Besides that, this study also highlights the factors that affect the decline of integrity among civil servants and provide some effective proposals in addressing the issues. All
parties should play their roles in ensuring successfulness of programmes initiated by the government in enhancing level of integrity comprehensively. However, for a more comprehensive outcome, thorough analysis and adequate timeframes need to be
implemented to address the problematic factors that cause higher probability of diminishing integrity among Malaysians, especially among those civil servants who serve as mediators between people and the government. If these civil servants have not possessed good integrity values, this will have negative impact on the image of
government administration
Organizational Support and Work Engagement Factor for the Implementation of Mh02 Technology with the Delone Mclean Model
In the implementation of a system, if the organization provides support to employees for their tasks, the employees will enjoy their work and improve performance through the use of the new system. In addition, when employees feel the same connection with their job or workplace. In mining activities, operators have the potential for high levels of fatigue because production activities are carried out 24 hours and are divided into 2 shifts. In anticipation of accidents caused by fatigue, PT Pamapersada Nusantara is currently developing technology in the unit cabin that can detect indications of operator fatigue when operating the unit. The technology in question is DMS/MH02 (Driving Monitoring System / Mata Hati 2). This research proposes to examine the role of organizational support ,work engagement between and MH02 technology in coal mining use Delone & Mclean model. The quantitative research technique is referred to as the research method. The target of this research is PT. Pamapersada Nusantara, and the research sample, which consists of 279 respondents, refers to the structural equational modelling model. From the results of the research that has been carried out, it turns out that DMS/MH02 for user satisfaction, net benefit, use from user perceptions expressed agreement regarding usability, satisfaction and usefulness for the average value of usability (DMS/MH02 use) at 3.6 while for usefulness ( net benefit) with an average of 4 and for user satisfaction it has the lowest average value, namely 3.27.For the role of organizational support in the implementation of DMS/MH02, it is proven to have a positive influence on DMS/MH02 use. The study found that there was a statistically significant effect of technical and organizational variables in management information system applications. This study led to the need to involve employees and users in the planning process for developing the information/technology system
AHMAD SYAMIL EL ISLAMI. 8105153593. Laporan Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL). Kementerian Hukum dan HAM RI. Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Mei 2018.
Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL) dilaksanakan di Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia pada Sub Direktorat Notariat selama 1 bulan (20 hari kerja) terhitung dari tanggal 29 Januari 2018.
Tujuan dilaksanakannya Praktik Kerja Lapangan adalah untuk mendapatkan ilmu dan pengalaman kerja sebelum memasuki dunia kerja yang dimana tidak didapatkan di perkuliahan dan memperoleh surat keterangan kerja (referensi) dari instansi terkait. Selain itu, mahasiswa dapat menambah ilmu pengetahuan dan kompetensi di dunia kerja dan dapat menerapkan ilmu yang sudah dipelajari diperkuliahan, serta untuk menjalin kerjasama antara pihak perusahaan dengan perguruan tinggi.
Dalam pelaksanaa Praktik Kerja Lapangan, Praktikan melakukan kegiatan pekerjaan sebagai seorang administrasi, yaitu menggandakan dokumen, mengantar dokumen dan surat ke divisi lain, menginput data dan mengolah data surat masuk dan surat keluar, dan melakukan kegiatan kearsipan baik penyimpanan maupun penemuan kembali arsip.
Pada pelaksanaan Praktik Kerja Lapangan, Praktikan mengalami kendala yaitu masalah komunikasi antar karyawan pada tiga hari awal memulai Praktik Kerja Lapangan, kesulitan dalam menemukan dokumen-dokumen, dan kurangnya sarana di dalam kantor Subdit Notariat.
Penyesaian dari kendala-kendala yang dihadapi antara lain dengan berinisiatif memulai percakapan sehingga suasana menjadi lebih baik dan bisa saling membantu, merapikan arsip sesuai dengan tanggal dokumen atau surat, dan membuat pengajuan pengadaan barang agar sarana di Subdit Notariat tidak kekurangan lagi.
Saran yang praktikan berikan yaitu untuk praktikan antara lain supaya meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi, merapikan rak arsip menggunakan sistem kronologi, dan lebih cepat dalam memberikan saran untuk pengadaan barang. Sedangkan saran untuk Kemenkumham yaitu agar lebih memperhatikan kebutuhan sarana kantor, jika ada pengajuan pengadaan barang lebih cepat ditanggapi, dan tidak menumpuk arsip tetapi harus menyusun arsip menggunakan sistem kronologi agar cepat dan mudah ketika ingin ditemukan kembali arsip yang dibutuhkan.