3 research outputs found


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    AbstarctPersonality is kseluruhan typically owned by any person as the intellectual, emotional, motivational and sociality that is the result of a development that has been passed by the individual. Education as one of the factors that is very influential on one's personality, education plays a very important role in shaping one's personality, such as Islamic education carried out through lessons or guidance as examples are found in the classical books, should be able to shape Muslim personalities either in accordance with the teachings of the carries. Fostering individual Muslim is required. And because a Muslim person cannot be realized except with education, education becomes obligatory in the Islamic view. Thus the formation of Muslim personality is essentially a formation of good habits and in harmony with the moral values of al-karimah. For that every Muslim is recommended to lifelong learning, from birth (familiarized with the good) until the very end (fixed in goodness). Formation of the personality through education relentless (Long Life Education)AbstrakKepribadian adalah kseluruhan khas yang dimiliki oleh setiap orang seperti intelektual, emosional, motivasi serta sosialitas yang merupakan hasil dari sebuah perkembangan yang telah dilalui individu. Pendidikan sebagai salah satu faktor yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap kepribadian seseorang, pendidikan memegang peranan yang sangat penting terhadap pembentukan kepribadian seseorang, seperti halnya pendidikan Islam yang dilakukan melalui pelajaran atau bimbingan sebagai contohnya adalah yang terdapat dalam kitab-kitab klasik, seharusnya mampu membentuk kepribadian muslim secara baik sesuai dengan ajaran yang dibawanya. Membina pribadi muslim adalah wajib. Dan karena pribadi muslim tidak mungkin terwujud kecuali dengan pendidikan, maka pendidikan itu menjadi wajib dalam pandangan Islam. Dengan demikian pembentukkan kepribadian muslim pada dasarnya merupakan  suatu pembentukkan kebiasaan yang baik dan serasi dengan nilai akhlak al-karimah. Untuk itu setiap muslim dianjurkan untuk belajar seumur hidup, sejak lahir (dibiasakan dengan yang baik) hingga akhir hayat (tetap dalam kebaikan). Pembentukkan kepribadian melalui pendidikan tanpa henti (Long Life Education)

    Pembinaan Profesi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Mengadaptasi Siswa Generasi Abad 21

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    The purpose of this study was to discover the patterns of teacher development in Islamic religious education through the organization of the MGMP teacher Training and Education organized by the Directorate of Islamic Religious Education at the Ministry of Religion in improving teacher professionalism so that they could adapt the teaching of 21st century students as well as find a training theory that can be implemented in an effort to increase the professionalism of Islamic religious education teachers. This study uses a phenomenological qualitative research approach. The data collected is based on the phenomena that occur in the process of training Islamic religious education teachers, including PAI teachers, organizations and related educational and training institutions and informants. The data collection techniques used are; observation, interviews, documentation, and data validation. Furthermore, it is processed and analyzed using the Miles and Huberman analytical framework which uses the terms data collection, data reduction and data display. This research resulted in a Konstis coaching theory, which reads: "Optimization and utilization of professional organizations can improve professionalism"

    Refleksi keberagamaan: cahaya yang terpendam

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    Buku ini membahas tentang keberagamaan, fenomena sosial dan mengukur diri.xii, 299 hlm.; 17 c