122 research outputs found
Perkembangan teknologi saat ini memiliki arti penting dalam interaksi sosial, salah satunya adalah photography dan videography. Photography dan videography ini adalah sebuah proses menghasilkan gambar dari sekumpulan gambar yang dirangkai menjadi satu dan disajikan dalam bentuk gambar dan suara sebagai media pembelajaran maupun kenangan. Dalam photography dan videography ini diperlukan sebuah kreativitas agar dapat mencerminkan fleksibilitas, orisinialitas dalam penggarapan sebuah gagasan serta mampu menghasilkan kombinasi baru dari unsur yang ada.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses kreatif videographer dalam pembuatan cinematography wedding di Creativa Photography Pekanbaru. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan teknik observasi dan wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan Proses Kreatif Videographer Dalam Pembuatan Cinematography Wedding di Creativa Photography Pekanbaru adalah proses videography dan cinematography Hanoch Tahapary. Unsur-unsur yang digunakan oleh Creativa Photography lebih cenderung mengarah kepada teori Hanoch, yang menggunakan unsur sudut pandang, kontinuitas, perspektif, komposisi, dan merger
The Influence of #RacunTikTok Trends, Customer Review and Customer Rating on Purchase Decisions through Purchase Intention
This study aims to analyze the influence of #RacunTiktok hashtag trends, online customer reviews, and online customer ratings on online purchase intention. The research used quantitative data analysis using structural equation modeling with IBM-SPSS-AMOS. The data were provided in Google Forms and distributed online to university students who had watched the hashtag video #RacunTikTok and had made purchases at marketplace TikTok. The results of data analysis show that hashtag trends #RacunTiktok, online customer reviews, and online customer ratings have a positive and significant effect on online purchase intention. Trends in the hashtag #RacunTiktok, online customer reviews, and online customer ratings have a positive and significant impact on purchasing decisions in the TikTok shop marketplace. Indeed, online purchase intention affects purchasing decisions in the TikTok marketplace. Finally, trends in the hashtag #RacunTiktok, online customer reviews, and online customer ratings have no effect on purchasing decisions through online purchase intention in the TikTok marketplace for the University of Merdeka Malang students. Keywords: #RacunTiktok Hashtag Trend, Online Customer Review, Online Customer Rating, Online Purchase Intention, Purchase Decisio
SYAIFUL ARIFIN. The Influence Product Quality Of Services Toward Customer Satisfaction Koperasi Pedagang Pasar Kramat Jati , East Jakarta. Skripsi Study Program of Economic, Cooperation Concentration of Economic Education, Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, April 2014.
This research aims to determine how much influence the product quality of services to customer satisfaction in Koperasi Pedagang Pasar Kramat Jati Jakarta Timur. The method in this study is survey. Data product quality of services drawn from the results of a questionnaire. The sampling technique used simple random technique. The population in this study is a customer of Koppas Kramat Jati numbered 85 people. The samples by using a table of Isaac and Michael with a 5 % as much as 68 customers .
Regression equation in this study is Y = 50.864 + 0.44 X. Test results using a correlation coefficient of Pearson product moment values obtained rxy = 0.573. This means there is a positive influence of product quality service on customer satisfaction Koperasi pedagang Pasar Kramat Jati, Jakarta Timur. From the calculation of the t-test obtained t count > t , namely ( 5.69 > 1.67 ), which showed a significant influence of the variable X product quality of services to
customer satisfaction Y Koperasi Pedagang Pasar Kramat Jati , East Jakarta. From the calculation of the coefficient of determination obtained 32.88 % so that it can be said that the variable Y customer satisfaction is influenced by variables X product quality services. It can be concluded this research shows that the product quality of service have positive and significant influence on the customer satisfaction of Koperasi Pedagang Pasar Kramat jati
This reaserch was done to know about the Strategy headmaster MAN Gunung Padang Panjang increasing value of accreditation.This study uses a qualitative method using a case study perspective deskriptif.Teknik data collection in the form of observation, interviews and documentation study.The results of this study, 1). Strategy headmaster in improving the value of accreditation: a) Establish a madrasah accreditation team. b) Uniting the whole perception of madrasah stakeholder to increase the value of accreditation. c) develop a vision and mission and strategic plan of the madrasah. d) Inviting community leaders actively promote madrasah.e). Every effort to improve education standard eight 2). Barriers faced by the headmaster is: a) The attitude of teachers varies proactive in achieving the implementation of the vision and mission of the madrasas., B). Professionalism of teachers who have not honed well. c). There are still teachers who like comfortable or just come madrasah when teaching hours. d). There is still a teacher less concerned about the activities of the madrasas, facilities and infrastructure is not yet complete. 3). Implementation of the strategy undertaken headmaster: a) Make a commitment with educators and stakeholders to advance the institution, b) Develop EDS, c) vision and mission madrasah, d) .make strategic plan, e) Establish Accreditation Team , f) empower school committee,and  g) to collaborate with relevant agencies
The Influence of Brand Image, Product Quality and Sales Promotion on Oppo Smartphone Purchase Decisions In Sumenep Regency
This study aims to determine how the influence of Brand Image, Product Quality, and Sales Promotion on the Purchase Decision of Oppo smartphones in Sumenep Regency. This type of research uses a quantitative approach. The data analysis technique used in this research is multiple linear regression. From the results of this study, the following results were obtained: Brand Image, Product Quality, and Sales Promotion variables had a simultaneous and significant effect on employee performance. Brand image has a partial and significant effect on employee performance, Product Quality has a partial and significant effect on employee performance, Sales Promotion has a partial and significant effect on employee performance
Peran orang tua dalam membina kecerdasan spiritual anak dalam keluarga: Studi kasus 6 keluarga miskin di Desa Alassapi Kecamatan Banyuanyar Kabupaten Probolinggo
Kecerdasan Spiritual (SQ) merupakan kemampuan untuk menanamkan perilaku yang baik. Seperti bertutur kata yang lemah dan lembut, jujur dan berani mengakui kesalahan, disiplin, rajin, penuh kasih sayang, sabar dan peduli terhadap orang lain. Kecerdasan spiritual ini sangat penting dalam kehidupan apalagi dalam dunia pendidikan. Namun bila dilihat pada saat sekarang ini orang tua kurang memperhatikan mengenai kecerdasan spiritual anaknya, sehingga bila dilihat kenyataan yang terjadi pada saat sekarang ini banyaknya anak-anak yang sukses tetapi dia tidak mendapatkan kebahagiaan dan ketenangan bathin.
Permasalahan pokok penelitian ini adalah bagaimana peran, dan strategi orang tua dalam membina kecerdasan spiritual, serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kecerdasan spiritual anak dalam keluarga. Adapun tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendeskripsikan peran, strategi dan faktor yang mempengaruhi orang tua dalam membina kecerdasan spiritual anak dalam keluarga.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. metode pengumpulan data dengan metode observasi untuk mengamati kejadian, gerak dan proses dari suatu masyarakat, metode wawancara untuk menggali informasi secara langsung dan dokumentasi untuk mendukung fakta-fakta yang ada di dalam lingkungan keluarga.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Peran orang tua dalam membina kecerdasan spiritual kepada anak dimulai sejak dini dengan mengajarkan anak mulai dari belajar doa sehari-hari, membaca dan menulis al-Qur’an sampai shalat. (2) Strategi yang dilakukan dengan memberikan fasilitas belajar dan motivasi kepada anak. (3) Faktor yang mempengaruhi dalam membina kecerdasan spiritual ialah faktor internal meliputi sifat yang dimiliki oleh anak, apabila anak mempunyai semangat yang tinggi maka dia akan belajar dengan sungguh-sungguh sedangkan faktor eksternal meliputi dukungan dan motivasi dari orang tua serta keadaan lingkungan di sekitar anak yang juga mempengaruhi dalam kecerdasan spiritual anak.
Dari hasil penelitian tersebut, terdapat saran sebagai berikut (1) Orang tua hendaknya memprioritaskan sikap yang baik terhadap anak, karena orang tua adalah figur yang akan menjadi panutan bagi anak (2) Fasilitas, motivasi dan arahan juga harus diberikan kepada anak untuk memacu semangat anak dalam belajar. (3) Memberikan pendidikan, baik pendidikan di lingkungan keluarga maupun di lingkungan sekolah.
Spiritual Quotient (SQ) is the ability to establish good behavior. For instance,speaking gently, confessing the mistakes honestly and bravely, being discipline, diligent, loving, patient and caring toward others. Spiritual Quotient is very important in the life, especially in the education. Unfortunately, the parents have little of care about it nowadays, so that most of success people do not get the real happiness and calm in their lives.
The main problems of this study are about the parents’ roles andstrategies in cultivating the spiritual quotient, and the factors affecting the spiritual quotient of children in the family. The purpose of the study is to describe the roles, strategies and factors which influence parents in cultivating the spiritual quotient of children in the family.
This study used a qualitative approach in the form of case studies. The method of data collection is observation to observe the events, the movement, and the process of a society; the interviewis to collect information directly; and documentation is to support the facts happen within the family.
The results showed that: (1) The role of parents in cultivating the spiritual quotient of the children beginearly by teaching them the daily prayer, reading and writing the Koran, and praying. (2) The strategy applied by the parents are by providing facilities of learning, and motivating the children. (3) The Factors that affect the cultivating of spiritual quotient is the internal factors such as the children’s character; if they have high motivation, they will study hard. In other hands, the external factors affecting spiritual quotient are the support and motivation of the parents, and the state of environment around the children.
From this research, there are three suggestions. The first, the parents should prioritize good attitude towards the children because parents are the figures who will be role models for children. The second, the parents should give facilities, motivation, and direction to encourage the spirit of a child in learning. The third, the parents should provide education, both in the family environment and in the school environment
Learning Goal Orientation, Innovative Work Behavior, and Entrepreneurship Training on Human Resources Development
Entrepreneurship training that has been provided continues to cause problems in developing human resources for Indonesian migrant workers. The unique character of
Indonesian migrant workers who were initially employees who turned into business owners is interesting to research in relation to human resource development. Thus, this study aims to analyze the linkage between human resource development through the variables entrepreneurship training, innovative work behavior, and learning goal orientation. This study used questionnaire-based surveys with certain criteria and involved structural equation modeling (SEM) methods based on partial least squares (PLS). The data were collected from 354 Indonesian migrant workers who were involved in small-medium enterprises. The findings indicate that there is a positive relationship between entrepreneurship training and innovative work behavior. This study also shows that learning goal orientation moderates the influence of entrepreneurship training on innovative work behavior
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