132 research outputs found
The World Health Organization on March 11, 2020 declared the Covid-19 outbreak a global pandemic. Tourism is one of the sectors most affected. The number of foreign tourist visits to Indonesia has decreased significantly, namely 64.11% in March 2020 when compared to March 2019. To restore this condition, it is very necessary to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and carry out certification for tourism business actors. The data for analysis was collected by searching for words that are closely related to the topic of research on the Google Search Engine to obtain the website followed by visiting the intended website that has the necessary data. Descriptive analysis used to describe data based on the number and type. There are three research questions to be answered: (1) What are the efforts to prevent the spread of Covid-19? (2) Where is the distribution of tourism businesses that are certified by health protocols? (3) What percentage of the total number of certified tourism businesses out of 1,000 are targeted? More than 87.5% of certified tourism business actors obtained and a map of the distribution of the number and types of certified tourism businesses in Bali is compiled
The purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics of divergent thinking in writing student papers. Characteristics of student divergent thinking are seen from the ideas expressed in a paper. This study used a qualitative approach, data were collected through documentation studies. The results of this study indicate that the characteristics of student divergent thinking in paper writing can be seen from varied ideas and have differences with other texts. These results are in accordance with the characteristics of divergent thinking, namely fluency, authenticity, flexibility, and sensitivity in detecting ideas and problems. The student connects and forms combinations of several ideas into new ideas so that sensitivity understands and responds to a statement correctly. However, students need continuous training in writing papers so that divergent thinking skills develop
THE POLYGAMY ESSENCE ACCORDING TO QURAISH SHIHAB “Reject prejudice, eliminate confusion”
This journal discussed Quraish Shihab's thoughts about the true essence of polygamy, where Quraish Shihab considers that many groups who misinterpreted and misunderstand polygamy so that he pours his thoughts on polygamy in neutral glasses, it means he is not supporting or rejecting polygamy. By using Descriptive-qualitative approach, the researcher can describe the characteristics of the population or a phenomena in his research to measure the phenomenon of a reality with ideal parameters, in other words the reality of polygamy that occurs in a society is measured by polygamy theories in accordance with Islamic shari'a. Quraish Shihab explained in detail about the meaning, caused, requisite, and also offers the criteria of women who can be polygamous so it can being concluded that polygamy is an emergency door in the aircraft that can be opened during emergencies and follow the interruption of the aircraft crew, this door should not be closed nor should it will be opened under normal circumstances
Organizational Development In Bengkulu Utara District Government (Study On National Unity And Politics Agency)
This study aims to find out and analyze Organizational Development and to find out and analyze obstacles in Organizational Development at the National Unity and Politics Agency at the National Unity and Politics Agency in North Bengkulu Regency. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method. Informants in this study were taken by purposive sampling method. Informants in this study were 5 people namely: Head, Secretary, Head of Section, and staff of the National Unity and Political Agency of the North Bengkulu Regency Government. Analysis of the data in this study through the steps of data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results showed that the organizational development of the National Unity and Politics Agency for the North Bengkulu Regency Government had not been implemented optimally because organizational development had not been matched by increasing the capacity of the civil apparatus through training, courses, trainings and there was still a lack of understanding of each Head of Subdivision on their main duties and functions, so that the implementation of work programs from each field has not been carried out and the obstacles to organizational development of the National Unity Agency and Politics of the North Bengkulu Regency Government are still lacking staff both at the level of the Head of Sub-Divisions and Heads of Sector, there is still a lack of support for increasing knowledge through training and training, training, seminars and budget support from the Regional Government for programs that are national priorities are still not optimal and there is still a lack of facilities and infrastructure to support work, such as operational cars and laptops or PCs
KANDUNGAN FRAKSI SERAT KASAR COMPLETE FEED BERBASISAMPAS SAGU YANG DIFERMENTASI DENGANKADAR AIR BERBEDAOleh:ALFI SYAHRIN1305004010014ABSTRAKPakan merupakan faktor yang sangat penting dalam menunjangpengembangan usaha peternakan disamping faktor lainnya seperti genetik ternak,pengendalian penyakit dan manajemen pemeliharaan. Limbah pertanian danindustri pertanian dapat digunakan sebagai pakan ternak, namun karenakandungan nutrisi dan daya cerna yang rendah perlu dilakukan pengolahan pakanseperti melalui fermentasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahuikarakteristik fisik dan kandungan fraksi serat kasar, ADF dan NDF dari completefeed berbasis ampas sagu yang difermentasi dengan kadar air berbeda. Penelitianini dilakukan di Laboratorium Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan JurusanPeternakan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah Kuala mulai dari April sampaidengan Juni 2016. Adapun perlakuan dalam peneltian ini adalah kandungan kadarair pada bahan fermentasi yaitu perlakuan A (30% kadar air dalam complete feed),B (40% kadar air dalam complete feed), C (50% kadar air dalam complete feed)dan D (60% kadar air dalam complete feed). Hasil pengamatan menunjukkanbahwa fermentasi complete feed dengan kadar air 40% dan 50% dari bahan pakanmenunjukan hasil yang terbaik dilihat dari warna, bau dan tekstur. Demikian jugauntuk nilai NDF, dimana pada kadar air 40% dan 50% dari bahan pakan terjadipenurunan NDF dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Sementara nilai ADF padaperlakuan kontrol terjadi penurunan yang cukup signifikan karena sebagian darifraksi serat masih dalam bentuk hemiselulosa.Kata Kunci : Complete feed, Ampas Sagu Kadar Air, Serat Kasar, ADF danND
Perbandingan Hasil Belajar Keterampilan Menulis Resensi Melalui Metode Jigsaw Dan Discovery Learning
The purpose of this research was to describe the comparison the jigsaw and discovery learning method in making a review skill. The research method was an experiment. There were 222 students involved in class XI at MAN 1 Padang. It took 72 students from 2 classes, they were first experiment class and second experiment class. Each of class consist of 36 student as a sampel for the research. The choice of the sample was random. The hypothesis verification was done by using “t” test. The result of the research was there were significant (better jigsaw of result if compared to method of study of discovery learning) differences between the result of jigsaw learning method and discovery learning method in making a review skill.Kata kunci: Hasil Belajar, Keterampilan Menulis Resensi, Metode Jigsaw, Metode Discovery Learning PENDAHULUANMenulis merupakan suatu proses memindahkan bahasa lisan ke dalam wujud tulisan untuk mengungkapkan ide, pikiran, dan gagasan yang disusun sehingga informasi yang disampaikan dapat dipahami pembaca. Fisilmikaffah (2008:18) menjelaskan bahwa menulis adalah sebuah proses yang dapat menumbuhkan dan mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir dinamis, analistis, dan kemampuan membedakan secara valid dan akurat. Menurut Suparno (2008:29), menulis pada dasarnya dipandang sebagai kegiatan penyampaian pesan (komunikasi) dengan menggunakan bahasa sebagai mediumnya. Kegiatan menulis juga dianggap sebagai kegiatan produktif karena kegiatan menulis menghasilkan suatu produk yang akan dibaca oleh khalayak, serta kegiatan ekspresif karena menggungkapakan ide, gagasan, pengetahuan, dan pengalaman kepada pembaca.Terampil untuk menulis memang perlu dilatihkan kepada siswa. Siswa sudah selayaknya difasilitasi guru dalam menuangkan ide dan gagasannya ke dalam tulisan-tulisan melalui pelatihan yang intensif. Kegiatan tersebut seharusnya dilakukan secara rutin dan berkala agar siswa dapat terbimbing. Selain itu, keterampilan siswa dalam menulis akan dapat terbentuk secara bertahap melalui proses tertentu
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang memberikan kemudahan dan keleluasaan dalam menggali ilmu pengetahuan. Melalui internet mahasiswa dapat mengakses berbagai literature dan referensi ilmu pengetahuan yang dibutuhkan dengan cepat, sehingga dapat mempermudah proses studinya. Internet muncul dengan berbagai fasilitas yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai penyedia informasi untuk kebutuhan materi belajar. Tujuan penelitian mendeskripsikan gambaran penggunaan internet terhadap penyelesaian tugas kuliah oleh mahasiswa Departemen Pendidikan Geografi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kampus Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara random sampling dengan jumlah 78 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, penyebaran angket dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa : (1) Penggunaan internet dijadikan sebagai sumber belajar sering digunakan oleh mahasiswa Departemen Pendidikan Geografi karena internet merupakan salah satu sumber belajar geografi yang dapat memberikan berbagai informasi yang cukup baik, (2) Internet sering dilakukan oleh mahasiswa sebagai fasilitas dalam penyelesaian tugas kuliah, (3) Penggunaan internet sebagai sumber belajar oleh mahasiswa departemen pendidikan geografi berpengaruh terhadap penyelesaian tugas kuliah karena dipenguruhi oleh fasiltas yang memadai, intensitas yang cukup dan kelengkapan website yang dikunjungi untuk mencari materi pembelajaran geografi.; This research is based on the development of science and technology that makes the way of getting knowledge becomes easy and simple. In the university, students can use the internet to get many literatures and references that they need quickly. Therefore, the internet makes the learning process easier. The internet emerges with many facilities that can be used as the information provider in learning process. The aim of this research is to investigate the description of using internet toward completion of the coursework Geography Education Department students in Indonesian University of Education. The method that is used in this research is descriptive method. The sample of this research involves 78 people who are chosen randomly. The data of this research are collected by using observation, questionnaires, and documentation study, while the data analysis of this research used percentage. As the result, this research showed that; (1) Geography Education Department students are often using internet as the source of learning, because internet provides information about Geography, (2) The Internet is often done by students as a facility in the completion of coursework, (3) The use of the internet as a source of learning by students of Department of education of geography affect the completion of coursework, because it is affected by the good facilities and intensities, and also the completeness of website in the internet that can be used to find the information about Geography
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