20 research outputs found

    Mach Zehnder Interferometer for Wavelength Division Multiplexing

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    A theoretical analysis of multiplexing based on Mach-Zehnder interferometer is presinted. The output characteristics and ITU channel separation variation of an equal arm-length interferometer are analyzed. The theory and numerical simulation results have some direct function for practicaI fabrication of the device

    Annealing Effects on Silica Based Optical Waveguides Fabricated by Electron Beam Irradiation

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    Defect in channel waveguide fabricated by e-beam irradiation of PECVD silica-on-silicon films are analyzed by characterizing the propagation constant change due to high temperature annealing. The changes of normalized compaction are also described and the theoretical prediction on the variation of normalized compaction with anneal temperature in isochronal annealing is also provided

    Desain Pandu Gelombang Paralel Terisolasi Dengan Method of Lines

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    Optical directional couplers are fundamental building components for the design ofoptical circuits. The proper treatment of a device that couples the guided modes ofa waveguide with the radiation in free space is particularly difficult because of thecontinuum nature of the radiating modes. The desire of high-density integrationposes additional problems due to the fact that the simplest used couplingstructures need to be quite large. In order to reduce the size of the device we studynon-periodic structures based on air gap isolated directional couplers, for whichadditional degrees of freedom are available. The analysis of this type of structuresrequires a rigorous method for the solution of the field equations. We employ themethod of lines for the computation of such coupler characteristics

    Peran Teknologi Informasi Dalam Pengentasan Kemiskinan Di Indonesia

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    A preliminary research on the roles of information can communication technology for poverty alleviation has been done. The research based on analysis of secondary data on ICT access and poverty data during the year 200-2006. It was found that there exist paradoxes where ICT infrastructure mainly concentrated in the capital city and other big cities but poverty mainly concentrated in rural area. These have created complex problem to solve poverty by using ICT. This paper is trying to introduce the roles of ICT and its solution in helping to reduce poverty in Indonesia

    Modelling Optical Waveguide Bends by the Method of Lines

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    A rigorous analytical and semi analytical method of lines has been used to calculate the transverse-electric field attenuation coefficient of guided mode as it travels in waveguide bends structure. Both approaches then were compared to get a better understanding on how the attenuation behaves along single curve waveguides with constant radius of curvature. The Helmholtz Equation in polar coordinate was transformed into a curvalinier coordinate to simulate the waveguide bends using the method of line analysis. The simple absorption boundary conditions are used into the method of lines to demonstrate evanescent field of the guided mode nature as its travels in waveguide bends structures. The results show that a reasonable agreement between both theoretical approaches

    Overdriven Characteristics of Silica Switching Devices

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    We have built and characterized silica on silicon switching devices fabricated by using the electron beam irradiation. It is based on Mach-Zehnder structure fabricated on silica on silicon layers where the upper cladding used the MgF2 layers to bury the core. The switching speed of 2.0 s has been achieved. To further increase the switching speed we have used larger voltage to the Ti heating electrode to increase the thermo optics effects on silica structures. The higher driving voltage have been used that falls to zero exactly as the first extinction is reached, therefore three fold increase in modulation speed is achieved


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    Padaiaringanjarakjauh dibutuhkan beberapa penguat ulang (repeater) elektronik untuk memperbaiki pelemahan sinyal yang terjadi. Solusi untuk mengatasinya adalah dengan komponen. aktif erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) yang dapat menguatkan sinyal tanpa harus terlebih dahulu mengubahnya ke dalam sinyal elehronik. Tulisan ini menganalisa secara teoritis hubungan antara karakteristik gain terhadap daya pompa (pump power) pada ). = 980 nm, ), = 1480 nm dan )": 1550 ntn, serta hubungan antara karakteristik gain terhadap panjang serat pada serat optik erbium doped amplifier mode tunggal. Sehingga dapat dipahami bagairnana unjuk kerja komponen aktif erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) tersebut

    Comparison of semiconductor lasers at wavelength 980 nm & 1480 nm using InGaAs for EDFA pumping scheme

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    Long distance Optical Communications are affected by many problems; loss of signal is one of them. Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) is the key to solve it. By using Semiconductor Laser as pumping source for EDFA, the signal can brought back the performed of EDFA into normal condition. EDFA has a good wavelength operation at 980nm & 1480nm, in that case Semiconductor Laser using InGaAs at 980nm & 1480nm is suitable for them. By using selected wavelength and materials, the Semiconductor Laser can be produced properly. Also, determining the parameter is the important things to construct the Laser. By using Rate Equation, the performed of Semiconductor Laser can obtained several result. Those are injection current as a function of voltage, carrier density, photon density and output power as a function of injection current

    Karakteristik Direksional Kopler Menggunakan Teori Moda Tergandeng Dan Method of Lines

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    Single mode directional couplers are key components in many optical communication and sensor applications, including optical power splitting, optical filtering, optical reflecting, wavelength multiplexing/demultiplexing, and optical polarisation splitting. The general basic principle in most directional coupler is that under appropriate conditions light transfer can occur between the two adjacent fiber cores via a mechanism called evanescent wave coupling. When the two cores are put closely together the evanescent field travelling from the throughput fiber reaches the coupled waveguide and excite a mode in it. In this paper we use two approaches in analyzing the properties of directional couplers, namely the coupled mode thery and the method of lines. it is found that the two methods agree very well

    Implementasi Hand Sanitizer Otomatis Bercatu Daya Panel Surya Untuk Pencegahan Penyebaran COVID19 pada Kelompok Karang Taruna di Tangerang Selatan

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    Di masa pandemi ini, sangat diperlukan fasilitas kebersihan untuk menunjang penerapan protokol kesehatan. Di beberapa fasilitas umum, tempat dimana orang berkumpul, seperti masjid, ruang pertemuan warga, ruang olahraga dll, masih dirasa kurang adanya fasilitas kebersihan yang memadai untuk menjaga protokol kesehatan. Untuk itu, program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan sosialisasi 3M (memakai masker, mencuci tangan pakai, dan menjaga jarak), serta menyediakan “TOSAN” yaitu “touchless hand sanitizer” yang dapat mengeluarkan cairan pembersih secara otomatis untuk kelompok karang taruna wilayah Kebon Bawang Jakarta Utara serta Ciputat dan Rempoa, Tangerang Selatan. Untuk keberlanjutan penggunaan alat ini, alat dilengkapi catu daya mandiri menggunakan sel surya. Selain pemberian alat, juga dilakukan edukasi teknologi mengenai cara kerja alat sehingga menambah wawasan dan menumbuhkan kreasi anak-anak muda di daerah ini. Hasil evaluasi kegiatan, dengan adanya alat TOSAN, warga lebih memperhatikan protokol kesehatan, dan tertarik terhadap produk teknologi. Program ini memberikan kontribusi dalam menambah ketersediaan handsanitizer di tempat umum sehingga warga lebih mudah dan tertarik untuk menjaga kesehatan tangan, yakni masyarakat merasa perlu menjaga kebersihan tangan (74%), berkeinginan untuk mencuci tangan dan handsanitizer (69%), mendorong perilaku mencuci tangan dan handsanitizer (86%). Selain itu, Dengan adanya Solar Cell, battere pada alat tidak perlu sering diganti, sehingga memudahkan pemeliharaan oleh warga. Warga pemuda tertarik dan antusias mengikuti workshop pembuatan alat, dan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kreatifitas dalam bidang teknologi.Kata kunci: Hand sanitizer otomatis, Sensor ultrasonic, Solar Cell