368 research outputs found
The Ability of biofilter sponge demospongiae class with various forms of growth towards the turbidity and total suspended solid
The sponge is an invertebrate animal from phylum porifera that lives permanently and filters out what is in the water column. The sponge has various forms of growth, including massive, branching, and submissive. Each form of growth is indicated to have different filtering abilities, so this research needs to be done. This study aims to determine whether the ability to filter (biofilter) Turbidity and Total Suspended Solid sponge depends on the form of growth (Massive, Submassive, and Branching). This research was conducted from September to October 2016. Taking sponges in the waters of Barranglompo Island, testing was carried out at the Hatchery Marine Station at Hasanuddin University, Barranglompo Island and measurements of water quality parameters were carried out at the Chemical Oceanography Laboratory, Department of Marine Sciences, Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University. The acclimatization process needs to be done to adapt the sponge before being given treatment. Each aquarium is filled with seawater that has been mixed with sediments as much as 0.17 mg/l. Then each form of sponge growth is put into an aquarium with the same body volume of 500 cm3 and sees the ability to filter it for 10 hours and 24 hours. After that, water samples were taken at each aquarium to measure turbidity parameters, Total Suspended Solid, and Total Organic Materials. The results showed that at 10 hours and 24 hours the sponge with submassive growth forms filtered more particles in the water column than massive and branching growth forms, while sponge with branching growth forms run into stress and death after filtering for 24 hours.Keywords: growth pattern, biofilter, sediment, sponge
Competitiveness and Policy of Soybean Farming in Jeneponto Regency
The demand for local soybean commodities is very low compared to imported soybeans, which affects the decline in soybean planting area, and farmers are also less willing to farm soybeans because they are less profitable. Government policies related to soybean self-sufficiency are widely carried out, but imported soybean commodities still have stronger competitiveness. This study aims to analyze the competitiveness and government policies on soybean farming in Tamalatea District, Jeneponto Regency. This study used a survey method. Data collection techniques are observation and interviews. The sampling technique using purposive sampling is to choose soybean farmers who are more productive in their farming, so that the number of samples obtained is 48 farmers. The data analysis technique is quantitative descriptive analysis with the Policy Matrix Analysis method. The results of this study indicate that soybean farming has strong competitiveness, because it has a Private Cost Ratio value of 0.2077 and a Domestic Resource Cost Ratio of 0.1628, with a private profit of Rp 5,752,342.42 per hectare and social profit of Rp 7,682,461.16 per hectare. The input policy on soybean farming resulted in values including: input transfer (IT) of -184,240.32, transfer factor (TF) of Rp 14,365.87, and nominal protection coeficient input (NPCI) of 0.61104. Meanwhile, the output policy resulted in an output transfer (OT) value of Rp -2,099,993.19 and a nominal protection coefficient input (NPCO) of 0.7824. Input-output policies have values including: effectivity policy coeficient (EPC) of 0.7912, subsidy ratio for producer (SRP) of -0.20001, profitability coeficient (PC) of 0.7488, and net transfer (NT) of -1,930,118.73. Government policies that are protective of tradable inputs have a positive impact on soybean farming, so farmers pay lower prices than they should. Government protection policies against tradable output have not been effective, so soybean farmers get output prices that are lower than the price they should. Government policy on tradable inputs simultaneously has not been effective in protecting soybean farming, so it has not been able to provide incentives for increased production.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis daya saing dan kebijakan pemerintah terhadap usahatani kedelai di Kabupaten Jeneponto. Lokasi penelitian ini adalah wilayah Kecamatan Tamalatea Kabupaten Jeneponto. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode survei, observasi, dan wawancara terstruktur. Teknik pengambilan sampel digunakan metode purposive sampling yakni memilih petani kedelai yang relatif lebih produktif dalam usahataninya, dengan jumlah sampel yang diperoleh sebanyak 48 petani. Teknik analisis data digunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode Policy Matrix Analisis (PAM). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keuntungan privat usahatani kedelai setiap musim tanam sebesar Rp 5.752.342,42 per hektar, sedangkan keuntungan sosial sebanyak Rp 7.682.461,16 per hektar. Usahatani kedelai tersebut telah efisien secara finansial dan ekonomis, serta berdaya saing kuat (Private Cost Ratio = 0,2077 dan Domestic Resource Cost Ratio = 0,1628). Kebijakan usahatani kedelai meliputi (a) kebijakan input (input transfer/IT = -184.240,32, transfer factor/TF = Rp 14.365,87, dan nominal protection coeficient input/NPCI = 0,61104); (b) kebijakan output (nilai output transfer/OT = Rp -2.099.993,19, nominal protection coeficient input/NPCO = 0,7824); dan (c) kebijakan input-output (effectivity policy coeficient/EPC = 0,7912, subsidy ratio for producer/SRP = -0,20001, profitability coeficient/PC = 0,7488), Net Transfer/NT = -1.930.118,73).
Kata kunci : daya saing, kebijakan, kedelai, usahatan
Hubungan Karakteristik Individu dengan Kompetensi Wirausaha Petani Rumput Laut di Sulawesi Selatan
Seaweed farmers are those farmers who have seaweeds farming in rural coastal area, as their moyor income. The objective of this study was to determine the degree of relationship between individual characteristics of seaweed farmers and their entrepreneurship or business competence. Data were collected in July to October2006 from the 280 seaweed farmers. Data were analyzed by Kendal Concordance and Tau_b Path analysis and Pearson procedures. The important results of the study were as follows: (1) most of them are young, low educated, family size is sedentary, low family income, low in media utilization and sedentary in experience, motivation and capital, (2) two groups of competence were perceived (competence-importance) showed that the existence of positive correlation or high agreement, (3) Degree of all individual characteristic showed high positive correlation or high agreement for rank ten component of entrepreneur or business competence, (4) Mostly individual characteristic have significant relationship to entrepreneurship competence with existence of indirect and direct influence to some individual characteristics through entrepreneur or business competence and also direct to productions and incomes of seaweed farmer
Determinants of Production and Income Risks of Rainfed Lowland Farming: A Case Study in Maros Regency, Indonesia
Rainfed lowland farming production is generally lower than irrigated lowland rice due to area differentiation regional features. Rainfed lowland rice farming can only produce rice during the rainy season because lowland rice cannot be planted in the dry season. The purposes of this study are (1) to analyze the risk of production and income of rice farming in rainfed lowland farming and (2) to investigate the factors influencing the risk of rice farming in rainfed lowland farming. Data were collected from 100 respondents of rice farmers in four sub-districts in Maros Regency using the multi-stage cluster random sampling technique. The analysis of production and income risks were performed using multiple linear regression with the heteroscedastic method. The results have shown that rice farming in rainfed lowland farming poses a risk to production and income. The variables that significantly influence the rainfed lowland rice farming are land area, the number of seeds, the amount of urea fertilizer and the amount of pesticide. Farmers are required to manage risk by prioritizing the effectiveness and efficiency production factors as needed. Similarly the government is expected to assist farmers in maintaining the level of rice selling prices
This study aims to determine the substitution rate of Artemia naupli to Phronima sp., which produces high-quality seahorses H. Barbouri juveniles This research was carried out using CRD (Completed Randomized Design) with five treatments and three replications. The treatments were natural feeding with different levels of substitution, (A) 100% Artemia nauplii, (B) 75% Artemia nauplii+25% Phronima sp. (C) 50% Artemia nauplii +50% Phronima, (D) 25% Artemia nauplii+75% Phronima sp. and (E) 100% Phronima sp. Data were analyzed with Analysis of Variance and W-Tuckey test to determine the significant difference between the treatments. The parameters of the study included the analysis of feed quality (proximate and amino acid analysis) and survival. Results of the ANOVA indicated that the substitution of Artemia nauplii to Phronima sp. had a significant effect (P <0.05) on survival rate. Based on the result of the proximate analysis of Phronima, the protein and fat content is insufficient for juvenile requirements, which only ranged from 37,12% and 3,82%. The results of the amino acid analysis of Phronima, the total of essential amino acids are deficient in juvenile requirements. The treatments of C and D produces the highest survival value of 96,67%. While in E treatment produce the lowest survival value of 63,33%. Based on the juvenile quality analysis, it can be concluded that the use of Phronima as an alternative feed for seahorse juveniles H. barbouri can be given at a substitution rate of up to 75%
The contribution of rainfed rice farming to income and food security of farmers’ household
Increasing production from rainfed rice field farming is expected to have direct implications to farmers’ income and food security. Improvement in farmers’ income will ensure the fullfillment of quality food. This study aims to analyze the contribution of rainfed rice farming to the household income and household food security of the farmers who cultivate rice in rainfed rice fields. This research was conducted in Maros Regency in three districts, namely Lau, Maros Baru and Simbang. The sample of this research was 100 farmers in rainfed rice fields. The research used survey method with the instruments of observation, recording and interviews. Data were analyzed using quantitative description coupled with t-test for independent samples. The results showed that the rainfed rice farming contribution to the household income in Lau, Maros Baru and Simbang District was 90.0%, 70.0%, and 57.5%, respectively. In term of farm household food security based on the share of food expenditure, the farmers’ households were food insecure with 73.33%, 83.33%, and 67.50% for each regions. This study suggests that farmers need to diversify their income source to crops other than rice. Such effort will be able to increase the income and food security of farmers’ households.JEL Classification Q12; Q18; R1
Identification of Anemonefishes (Amphiprioninae) and Their Simbiont in Spermonde Archipelago, South Sulawesi
The study was conducted in June 2009 around the waters of Samalona, Barranglompo, Koedingareng Keke, Badi, Langkai and Kapoposang islands, representing four zones of Spermonde Archipelago of South Sulawesi. Seven species of anemonefish from two genera were found living symbiotically with 7 species of sea anemones. Those fishes were Amphiprion clarkii, A. melanopus, A. ocellaris, A. sandaracinos, A. perideraion, A. polymnus and Premnas biaculeatus. Three of these fishes were simbiotically found with one species of anemone (specific symbiont), and one species of fish was symbiotically found with five species of anemones
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi segmen pasar, menganalisis target, danposisioning Universitas Terbuka (UT) dan menentukan strategi dan imlementasi gunameningkatkan jumlah mahasiswa. Metode yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalahmetode survei, pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kusioner dan wawancara. Datayang terkumpul dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwapendaftar didominasi umur 21-50 tahun, pekerjaan di sektor informal, berpendapatankurang dari 5 juta rupiah, dan berasal dari semua daerah. Umumnya pendaftar mengenalUT lenih jauh setelah mereka telah menjadi mahasiswa UT. Media yang paling besarsumbangannya dalam mempromosikan UT adalah teman, keluarga, pimpinan tempatmereka bekerja, dan hanya 14% yang mengenal UT dari TV atau media sosial lainnya.Pertimbangan utama untuk mendaftar di UT adalah karena faktor biaya kuliah yang relatifmurah, walaupun ada pula yang masih menganggap biaya kuliah masih mahal namun tetapterjangkau
The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the participation of rice farmers in the rice insurance program in the Binamu district of Jeneponto Regency. The data sources for this study are primary data and secondary data. The sampling technique used in this research is the purposive sampling method, which is choosing a sample of farmers who actively participate in the rice farming insurance program. The number of farmers who are active in the program is 60 farmers and purposively all farmers are used as respondents. The data analysis method is multiple regression analysis. The results of this study show that the factors that significantly influence rice farmers' participation in the rice cultivation insurance program are land area, length of formal education, rice cultivation experience, and risk of losing rice cultivation. The wider the land ownership of rice, the higher the formal education level and the longer the rice cultivation experience, the less farmers will participate in the rice insurance program. The higher the risk of rice production, the higher the risk of rice cultivation. Farmers' participation in rice insurance programs has increased. Production risk is the most important factor that encourages farmers' high participation in the rice insurance system
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