40 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan limbah lumpur aktif (LLA) sebagai adsorben untuk meminimalisir zat pencemar dalam air dan air limbah : Sebuah Ulasan

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    Artikel review ini merangkum tentang pemanfaatan limbah lumpur aktif (LLA) sebagai  bahan prekursor untuk menghasilkan adsorben dan aplikasinya terhadap material pencemar lingkungan seperti pewarna dan logam berat.  Kinerja adsorben berbasis lumpur (ABL) telah direview, dimana hasilnya bervariasi tergantung pada jenis prekursor lumpur, jenis pencemar, waktu dan suhu karbonisasi  dan jenis kondisi aktivasi yang digunakan. Hasil review menunjukkan bahwa aktivasi kimia secara langsung mempengaruhi sifat adsorben, kapasitas adsorpsi dan mekanisme penyisihan zat pencemar oleh ABL. Dilaporkan bahwa aktivasi kimiawi menggunakan berbagai jenis aktivator menghasilkan adsorben yang jauh lebih unggul dengan luas spesifik area yang tinggi dibandingkan dengan metode aktivasi secara fisika. Disamping itu pada proses aktifvasi fisika sendiri, dilaporkan bahwa sejalan dengan semakin tinggi suhu pirolisis dan suhu aktivasi, maka semakin dapat meningkatkan luas spesifik area sehingga dapat meningkatkan kapasitas penjerapan zat warna dan logam dalam laruta

    Remediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soil using alkyl benzene sulfonate: preliminary study

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    This work was aimed to remediate petroleum contaminated soil by soil washing method. This method is among alternative remediation used to remove petroleum pollutant or contaminant from soil using   aqueous chemical surfactan. This studi was preceeded to the characterization of contaminated soil to classify the soil including gain size, oil and gease and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH).  Laboratory scale experiment was done to investigate the effect of aqueous chemical surfactan Alkyl Benzena Sulfonate (ABS).  The effect of surfactant and bulking agent to TPH removal was observed by varying the ratio of contaminated soil (g) to bulking agent (silica soil) in g/g units, with the ratio 50:50; 35:65 and 25:75 in variations of surfactant solution . 0%; 0.25%; 0.5%; 0.75% and 1.0% (mL/mL). The results showed that the soil washing was influenced by bulking agent ratio. The higher the ratio of the bulking agent, the higher the TPH reduction. The highest percentage of TPH removal achieved 92%, at surfactant concentration of 0.25% and ratio of soil/bulking agent of 25 : 75

    Pengaruh konsentrasi tawas dan tunjung dalam limbah cair pengolahan gambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb.) untuk penyamakan kulit

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    Penelitian penyamakan kulit dengan memanfaatkan air limbah pengolahan gambir telah dilakukan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan variasi persentase penambahan tawas dan tunjung sebagai mordan masing-masing 0%, 2%, 4% dan 6% kedalam limbah cair pengolahan gambir. Penambahan tawas dan tunjung dilakukan pada penyamakan tahap II. Pengamatan terhadap kulit tersamak meliputi tampilan warna kulit yang dihasilkan, dan analisis sifat kimia dan sifat fisika kulit tersamak dengan mengacu kepada SNI  0463- 1989-A. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan pemakaian tawas dan tunjung sebagai mordan berpengaruh terhadap warna kulit tersamak. Pemakaian tawas memberikan warna kuning kemerahan sedangkan pemakaian tunjung memberikan warna hitam kehijauan pada kulit yang tersamak. Pemakaian tawas memberikan sifat kimia dan sifat fisika kulit yang lebih baik dari pada pemakaian tunjung. Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa pemakaian tawas memberikan kelarutan tannin dalam air yang lebih rendah, kadar kulit mentah yang lebih kecil, tannin terikat lebih tinggi, kekuatan tarik lebih tinggi, kekuatan lentur/kemuluran yang lebih rendah dibanding dengan perlakuan pemakaian tunjung. Perlakuan persentase pemberian tawas lebih berpengaruh terhadap sifat fisik kekuatan tarik dan kekuatan lentur kulit tersamak. Semakin tinggi persentase tawas, maka semakin tinggi kekuatan tarik dan sebaliknya semakin rendah kekuatan lentur. Perlakuan optimum didapatkan pada penambahan tawas 2%.ABSTRACTSkin tanning research has been carried out by utilizing gambier processing wastewater. The study was conducted with a variation of the percentage of alum and tunjung addition as mordant respectively 0%, 2%, 4% and 6% into gambier processing wastewater. The addition of alum and tunjung is carried out in the tanning phase II. Observation of tanned skin includes the appearance of the resulting skin color, and the analysis of chemical and physical properties of tanned skin with reference to SNI 0463-1989-A. The results showed that the treatment of alum and tunjung as mordant affected the tanned skin color. The treatment of alum as mordant gave a reddish yellow color while the use of tunjung gave a greenish black color to the tanned skin. The use of alum gives the chemical and physical properties of the skin better than the use of tunjung. The test results show that the use of alum provides lower tannins solubility in water, lower raw skin content, higher tannin bound, higher tanning levels, higher tensile strength, higher flexural strength / elongation strength compared to the treatment of using tunjung. The percentage treatment of alum is more influential on the physical properties of tensile strength and flexural strength of tanned skin. The higher the percentage of alum, the higher the tensile strength, on the other hand the lower the flexural strength. The optimum treatment was obtained at 2% addition of alum

    Methylene blue adsorption by langsat peel (Lansium domesticum) waste

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    The potential of langsat peel (LP) as an absorbent to remove methylene blue (MB) dye from the textile industry was investigated in this study. A batch method was employed to determine the optimum conditions and adsorption capacity of langsat peel with variations in pH, initial dye concentration, and particle size of the adsorbent. The analysis principle relied on measuring the absorbance of the MB dye before and after adsorption using a Spectronic 20D+ spectrophotometer at a maximum wavelength of 665 nm. The results indicated that the optimum conditions were pH 6, a concentration of 300 ppm, and a particle size of 150 µm. The adsorption process followed the Freundlich isotherm with an R2 value of 0.918 and Kf values of 4.655 mg/g. According to the Langmuir isotherm, the maximum adsorption capacity obtained was 44.843 mg/g

    Pengaruh penambahan natrium tetra boraks untuk pengawetan limbah batang kelapa sawit

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    Luas areal perkebunan kelapa sawit di Indonesia saat ini kurang lebih 11 juta hektar. Selain menghasilkan buah kelapa sawit yang melimpah, kebun sawit ini juga menghasilkan limbah replanting berupa batang kelapa sawit pada saat dilakukan regenerasi kebun. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah pengawetan limbah replanting batang kelapa sawit dengan natrium tetra boraks (Na2B3O4). Perlakuan yang dilakukan yaitu dengan memvariasikan bagian batang sawit (kayu bagian dalam dan bagian luar batang sawit).  Konsentrasi pengawet natrium tetra boraks yaitu 1; 2,5 dan 5% dengan waktu perendaman 2, 4, dan 6 hari. Dari analisis awal limbah kayu bagian dalam sebelum pengawetan diperoleh rata-rata kadar air 35,1%, kuat lentur 26,48 kg/cm2, kuat tekan 3,73 kg/cm2, dan kerapatan 0,19 g/cm3. Sedangkan kayu bagian luar sebelum pengawetan memiliki rata-rata kadar air 25,5%, kuat lentur 32,16 kg/cm2, kuat tekan 5,47 kg/cm2, dan kerapatan 0,25 g/cm3. Perlakuan terbaik diperoleh pada kayu bagian luar dengan perendaman selama 4 hari dan konsentrasi natrium tetra boraks 2,5%. Setelah dilakukan pengawetan terjadi peningkatan kuat tekan,  kuat lentur, dan kerapatan. Kayu perlakuan terbaik memiliki rata-rata kuat lentur 44,71 kg/cm2, kuat tekan 6,47 kg/cm2, dan kerapatan 0,30 g/cm3. Kadar air rata-rata menurun setelah proses pengeringan menjadi 8,25%. Kayu  hasil pengawetan dapat digunakan untuk membuat produk asesoris dan produk furniture lainnya

    Peran Media Pendukung Perlit dalam Pengolahan Limbah Cair Industri Karet Menggunakan Tumbuhan Mensiang (Scirpus Grossus L.f) (Studi Kasus: Limbah Cair Industri Karet Remah PT. Batang Hari Barisan Padang)

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    Pengolahan limbah cair dilakukan menggunakan instalasi tumbuhan mensiang (Scirpus grossus L.f) dengan media pendukung perlit secara kontinu dalam skala laboratorium. Studi kasus dilakukan pada industri karet PT Batang Hari Barisan Padang, dengan parameter yang dianalisis BOD, COD, TSS, NH3, Nitrogen total dan pH. Percobaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua instalasi yang dioperasikan secara paralel, yaitu instalasi dengan tumbuhan dan tanpa tumbuhan dengan media pendukung yang sama. Penelitian dilakukan pada HLR (Hydraulic Loading Rate) 100 L/m2.hr, 200 L/m2.hr, 300 L/m2.hr dan konsentrasi COD influen 1.111 mg/L dan 2.019 mg/L. Persentase penyisihan parameter pencemar dengan instalasi tumbuhan untuk BOD 98,07 – 99,14%, COD 96,38 – 98,11%, TSS 89,70 – 97,00%, NH3 total 93,71 – 95,73%, nitrogen total 81,58 – 95,91% dan pH naik menjadi 6,61 – 7,09. Sementara pada instalasi tanpa tumbuhan penyisihan BOD 95,93 – 97,98%, COD 83,80 – 90,19%, TSS 86,57 – 89,71%, NH3 total 68,99 – 88,35%, nitrogen total 79,52 – 91,88% dan pH naik menjadi 6,4 – 6,77. Kemampuan pengolahan limbah cair menggunakan perlit pada instalasi tumbuhan rata-rata lebih besar 7% dibandingkan instalasi tanpa tumbuhan, sedangkan jika dibandingkan dengan kerikil tingkat penyisihan perlit lebih tinggi sekitar 6%. Penyisihan pencemar dengan media pendukung perlit lebih efektif, dimana kelebihan perlit dibandingkan kerikil antara lain mempunyai luas spesifik dan kapasitas adsorpsi lebih tinggi, sehingga penyerapan pencemar dan pertumbuhan jumlah mikroorganisme lebih besar untuk menguraikan bahan pencemar. HLR optimum adalah 100 L/m2.hr, namun peningkatan HLR tidak menghasilkan perbedaan efisiensi penyisihan yang terlalu signifikan, sehingga instalasi masih mampu untuk mengolah limbah dengan laju alir yang lebih besa

    The treatment of automotive workshop wastewater using electrocoagulation process

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    Automotive workshop activities generate waste water requiring some treatments before being discharged into receiving water surface. One of the wastewater treatment methods for is the electrocoagulation method. This study aims to observe the effectiveness of the electrocoagulation method in treating wastewater from automotive workshop activities. Observations were limited to the effect of current density on the efficiency of removal of pollutants from wastewater from automotive workshop activities, including pH, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) ,oil and grease Current density were varied into 62 A/m2, 53 A/m 2, and 31 A/m 2. The results showed that the highest removal efficiency for the pollutant parameters BOD, COD, and oil and grease respectively were 91.53%, 94.90%, and 81,38% at current density 62 A/m 2. The electrocoagulation process was strongly influenced by the current density, where the higher the current density, the higher the removal efficiency

    Removal of Zinc onto Several Adsorbents Derived from Waste Activated Sludge of Crumb Rubber Industry (CRI-WAS)

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    Waste activated sludge of crumb rubber industry (CRI-WAS) is discarded as waste from wastewater treatment processing. Therefore it is necessary to develop and innovate to convert the material becomes valuables and expected to be an economical adsorbent for metal ion remediation from wastewater. The ability of three types of adsorbents prepared from CRI-WAS for the removal of Zn(II) from aqueous solutions has been investigated. The XRF, BET, SEM-EDX, and FTIR analysis were conducted to characterize the PS (pure sludge), WS (washed sludge) and P600 (pyrolysis at 6000C) CRI-WAS types of adsorbents. In the batch system, experimental parameters were investigated, including solution pH, contact time, and adsorbent dose. The data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and a further test Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at the 5% significance level. The results reveal that all types of adsorbent exhibited good sorption potential at pH 5.0. The P600 has largest adsorption capacity. The maximum adsorption capacity of the adsorbent for Zn(II) was found to be 10.276 mg g-1, 11.042 mg g-1 and 64.169 mg g-1 for PS, WS and P600 CRI-WAS types of adsorbents respectively. The results showed that the adsorption isotherm data were fitted well by the Langmuir isotherm

    The yield and quality of cassiavera (Cinnamomum burmanii L.) oil at different harvest ages from Malalak farmers in West Sumatra

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    This study compared the oil yield and identified the quality of cassiavera with plants ages 7 years, 18 years, and random (broken) one. Parameters measured included yield, physicochemical properties, and chemical composition. Based on the results, the oil yield was 1%, 0.9%, and 0.7% at ages 8 and 7 years of upper and lower stem parts, as well as for the broken form. This indicates that the longer plant age correlates with a higher yield. The yield at 7 and 18 years is not much different, hence the harvest can be performed at the age of 7 years considering a shorter waiting period. The physicochemical test of oil solubility in 70% ethanol showed a ratio of 1:1 and a clear appearance according to the maximum requirements of INS (Indonesian National Standard) 06-3734:2006, namely 1:3 clear. Meanwhile, the refractive index (RI) test indicated 1.56 as the best value for cassiavera scion at the age of 7 years in line with INS 06-3734:2006 conditions of 1.559 - 1.595. The chemical composition test for the oil as a whole complied with the minimum standard of INS 06-3734:2006, namely 50% cinnamaldehyde