58,753 research outputs found
Momentum distribution and correlation of two-nucleon relative motion in He and Li
The momentum distribution of relative motion between two nucleons gives
information on the correlation in nuclei. The momentum distribution is
calculated for both He and Li which are described in a three-body
model of ++. The ground state solution for the three-body
Hamiltonian is obtained accurately using correlated basis functions. The
momentum distribution depends on the potential model for the -
interaction. With use of a realistic potential, the He momentum
distribution exhibits a dip around 2 fm characteristic of -wave
motion. In contrast to this, the Li momentum distribution is very similar
to that of the deuteron; no dip appears because it is filled with the -wave
component arising from the tensor force.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure
Low Energy Solar Neutrino Detection by using Liquid Xenon
Possibility to use ultra pure liquid Xenon as a low energy solar neutrino
detector by means of +e scatterings is evaluated. A possible detector with
10 tons of fiducial volume will give 14 events for pp-neutrinos and
6 events for Be neutrinos with the energy threshold at 50 keV. The
detector can be built with known and established technologies. High density of
the liquid- Xe would provide self-shields against the incoming backgrounds
originating from the container and outer environments. Internal backgrounds can
be reduced by distillation and other techniques. Purification of the liquid Xe
can be done continuously throughout the experiment. The spallation backgrounds
are estimated to be small though an experimental determination is neccessary.
The liquid-Xe detector can also provide a significantly better sensitivity for
the double beta decay and a dark matter search. However the 2 double beta
decay of Xe would be most background. It could be overcome if the
2 lifetime is longer than 10yr. However, an isotope separation of
Xe is inevitable for a shorter lifetime.
The isotope separations would, intoroduce a new opportunity to definitively
identify dark matter. The interesting feature in addition to the solar neutrino
measurements will also be discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, Talk presented at LowNu workshop, June-15-2000,
Sudbury, Canad
Correlated-Gaussian approach to linear-chain states -Case of four -particles-
We show that correlated Gaussians with good angular momentum and parity
provide flexible basis functions for specific elongated shape. As its
application we study linear-chain states of four-alpha particles in
variation-after-projection calculations in which all the matrix elements are
evaluated analytically. We find possible chain states for , ,
and perhaps with the bandhead energy being about 33 MeV from the ground
state of O. No chain states with are found. The nature of the
rotational sequence of the chain states is clarified in contrast to a
rigid-body rotation. The quadrupole deformation parameters estimated from the
chain states increase from 0.59 to 1.07 for to . This work suggests
undeveloped fields for the correlated Gaussians beyond those problems which
have hitherto been solved successfully.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
Ab initio approach to s-shell hypernuclei 3H_Lambda, 4H_Lambda, 4He_Lambda and 5He_Lambda with a Lambda N-Sigma N interaction
Variational calculations for s-shell hypernuclei are performed by explicitly
including degrees of freedom. Four sets of YN interactions (SC97d(S),
SC97e(S), SC97f(S) and SC89(S)) are used. The bound-state solution of
He is obtained and a large energy expectation value of the tensor
transition part is found. The internal energy of the
He subsystem is strongly affected by the presence of a particle
with the strong tensor transition potential.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 142504 (2002
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