23 research outputs found
Hubungan Pusat dan Daerah dalam Pelaksanaan Program PAUD dan Dikmas
Landasan penulisan buku ini, di antaranya: (1) kebutuhan informasi pelaksanaan pendidikan anak usia dini dan pendidikan masyarakat beserta dinamikanya, (2) kebutuhan pemikiran pemikiran pelaksanaan pendidikan anak usia dini dan pendidikan masyarakat yang logis dan realistis, (3) pentingnya kesadaran dan komitmen para pemangku kepentingan di bidang pendidikan anak usia dini dan pendidikan masyarakat, (4) pentingnya sinergi sumber daya pendidikan anak usia dini dan pendidikan masyarakat, (5) pentingnya efektivitas dan efisiensi pelaksanaan pendidikan anak usia dini dan pendidikan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, buku ini diharapkan dapat memperkaya sudut pandang atau perspektif dalam pengelolaan, penyelenggaraan, dan pelayanan pendidikan anak usia dini dan pendidikan masyarakat
Principal decision-making in implementing Merdeka Curriculum in elementary schools: a review
This research uses a literature review that examines current articles on principalsā decision-making in implementing the Merdeka Curriculum in elementary schools. The literature review method is assisted by Open Knowledge Maps (OKM) and literature searches using Google Scholar, ERIC, ScienceDirect, and PubMed databases. The findings of this research suggest that principalsā decision-making in curriculum implementation has a significant impact on the quality of education in schools. By considering these aspects, principals can ensure that the curriculum implemented in their schools meets the needs of students and contributes to the achievement of broader educational goals. Principalsā decision-making in implementing the Merdeka Curriculum requires a deep understanding of education, leadership skills, and the ability to collaborate. The implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum is a significant change in Indonesiaās education system that aims to tailor education to local needs better, develop studentsā character, and promote competency-based learning. However, successful implementation requires adequate support, training, and resources for schools and educators. This research is limited to a literature review only. So, in the future, it is necessary to carry out field research in order to reveal the principalās decision-making in implementing the Merdeka Curriculum with various new methods and adapted to current issues
This research aims to describe the characteristics and analyze the feasibility, practicality, and effectiveness of graphic organizer-based pop-up book learning media. The problems found in the field are the lack of student participation in the science and science learning process, which is caused by the application of conventional teaching methods, little activity and interaction in class, and less emphasis on the application of science or knowledge, so that students\u27 scientific literacy is low. This research uses a Research & Development (R & D) research design with a 4D model (define, design, develop, and disseminate). The research results showed that pop-up book learning media based on graphic organizers was declared very feasible with an average result of 4.83 material experts and 4.58 media experts. The graphic organizer-based pop-up book learning medium was stated to be very practical by teachers and students, with an average score of 96%. Apart from that, pop-up book learning media based on graphic organizers are able to improve students\u27 scientific literacy skills in science material. This is proven by the results of the N-Gain test, which obtained a score in the experimental class of 0.7 with high criteria. Meanwhile, the control class also showed an increase of 0.6 with moderate criteria. This shows that improving learning outcomes in the experimental class is more effective than in the control class. Apart from that, the results of the independent sample t test show that the sig. (2-tailed) 0.011 < 0.05, so it can be concluded that the application of graphic organizer-based pop-up book learning media can increase students\u27 literacy
ABSTRAKPengabdian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan dalam konteks peningkatan keterlibatan dan penguatan jejaring lulusan dalam program studi di sebuah perguruan tinggi. Jejaring lulusan saat ini seolah tidak banyak dilibatkan dalam pengelolaan program studi karena dianggap berada di luar organisasi Pendidikan. Disisi yang lain, peran lulusan yang telah berada di indutri/dunia kerja dalam memberikan dukungan, saran, dan penguatan kepada program studi sangat signifikan. Terlebih, kesesuaian antara kurikulum program studi, kompetensi lulusan, dan harapan industri/dunia kerja seharusnya selaras. Selain itu, pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memperkuat hubungan antara perguruan tinggi dan alumni. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dengan melibatkan alumni yang telah lulus dari program studi doktor manajemen kependidikan Universitas Negeri Semarang. FGD digunakan untuk mendapatkan masukan, umpan balik, dan pandangan dari alumni terkait dengan peran sebagai bagian dari jejaring lulusan, serta harapan terhadap program studi. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan FGD telah menciptakan interaksi yang aktif antara alumni dan program studi. Alumni memberikan masukan yang berharga terkait dengan kebutuhan industri, perkembangan karier, serta perbaikan dan pengembangan program studi. Masukan dari alumni memungkinkan perguruan tinggi untuk menyesuaikan kurikulum, menambahkan program pengembangan karier, serta meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran. Dalam jangka panjang, pengabdian ini juga berpotensi memperkuat jejaring lulusan dan meningkatkan keterlibatan dalam mendukung akreditasi program studi.Ā Kata kunci: jejaring lulusan; program studi; FGD; akreditasi.Ā ABSTRACTThis community service aims to explain and analyze the implementation of community engagement within the context of enhancing involvement and strengthening the alumni network within a college's study program. Additionally, this initiative seeks to reinforce the relationship between the college and its alumni. The method employed in this endeavor is Focus Group Discussion (FGD), which involves alumni who have graduated from the doctoral program in educational management at Universitas Negeri Semarang. FGD is employed to gather input, feedback, and perspectives from alumni regarding their roles within the alumni network, as well as their expectations for the study program. The results of this initiative indicate that the implementation of FGD has facilitated active interaction between alumni and the study program. Alumni have provided valuable insights concerning industry needs, career development, as well as enhancements and advancements in the study program. Input from alumni enables the college to adapt the curriculum, add career development programs, and enhance teaching quality. In the long run, this dedication also holds the potential to strengthen the alumni network and increase involvement in supporting the accreditation of the study program.Ā Keywords: alumni network; study program; FGD; accreditation
Penguatan Manajemen Modal Kerja Sebagai Kelangsungan Start-Up Kawasan UNNES
Lack of knowledge about working capital management caused the sustainability of start-ups in UNNES area is still being low. It resulted that manager of start-ups are difficult to develop themselves. Therefore, it need for training to improve the skills in making good financial, so the sustainability of start-ups is reached. To increase of the existence and sustainability of start-ups are also required the reinforcement of working capital management by manager of the start-up. Then, focus of devotion is the owner and manager of the start-ups in UNNES area that gathered in HIPMI PT UNNES. Purpose of this devotion is improving and making good working capital management for the sustainability of start-up. Participants in this devotion 25 people. Procedure in this devotion is carried out by delivering of material on working capital management. In supporting of devotion, the dedication team arranges the module of working capital management. Outcome of this devotion is creating that the manger of the start-up can continue their start-up, so it can reduce the number of unemployment
The National Heroes in History Class
Historical education has an important role to play in building community character. One of the advantages in learning history in terms of planting values is the presence of characters or heroes who are used as role models. Historical ļ¬gures become best practices in planting values. However, the study of heroism and the effort to plant it in historical learning have not been done much. Therefore, researchers are interested in reviewing how heroic values and their internalization are in learning. Through the studyoftextbooksandcurriculumanalysis,researcherscancollectdataaboutnational heroes in the context of learning. The results showed that not all national heroes were included in textbooks. In addition, not all the heroes mentioned in the textbook are speciļ¬cally reviewed. There are only a few heroes speciļ¬cally reviewed because they are related to basic competencies in the 2013 curriculum. The most popular heroes of the two books converge on ļ¬ve names, namely (1) Pattimura, (2) Diponegoro, (3) Sukarno, (4) Mohammad Hatta, (5) Hamengkubuwono IX. This hero is mostly reviewed for class XI KD numbers 3.2, 3.6, and 3.9. National heroes have curricular relevance which has now been integrated in history learning. In this study analyzed the position of national heroes in the Indonesian History learning curriculum that is mandatory at the high school level.
Keywords: national heroes, history learning, Indonesian history
Strategy to Improve Quality of Higher Education Institution Based on AUN-QA Standard
Purpose ā The objectives of this research are (1) to describe and analyze the gap between Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) academic and management resource and ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) standard; (2) to describe and analyze the strategy of quality improvement of Universitas Negeri Semarang based on AUN-QA Criteria.
Methodology ā This research is conducted with qualitative approach combine with statistical analysis. The respondent in this paper is management positions at UNNES. Data were collected by interview, observation, documents study and questionnaire. Data analysis was performed with interactive analysis model and descriptive statistical analysis.
Findings ā The results revealed that the academic and management resources at Semarang State University are good and potential to become a world class university. Quality culture in the implementation of tridharma (education, research and community service) that developed at Semarang State University has been oriented to higher education continuous quality improvement. Therefore, several strategies for improving the quality of higher education that must be implemented in order to achieve AUN-QA certification are: (1) changing mindset and work culture towards international standard, (2) re-structuring of human resource management through education and training, (3) re-structuring of university governance system, (4) strengthening regional and international networking, and (5) strengthening internal controls mechanism.
Significance ā These findings can contribute to universities that are preparing to become a world class university to develop a holistic quality assurance system by using the AUN-QA framework reference
Pengembangan Media Video Motion Graphic Sejarah Pemerintahan Herman Willem Daendels (1808-1811) dalam Pembelajaran Sejarah Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa Untuk SMA
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) Mendeskripsikan proses pembelajaran Sejarah Indonesia yang selama ini dilakukan di SMA Negeri 1 Bangsri. (2) Menghasilkan media pembelajaran berbentuk video motion graphic Sejarah Pemerintahan Herman Willem Daendels (1808-1811) yang dikembangkan di SMA Negeri 1 Bangsri. (3) Mengetahui motion graphic Sejarah Pemerintahan Herman Willem Daendels (1808-1811) layak sebagai media pembelajaran. (4) Mengetahui keefektifan menggunakan media pembelajaran berbentuk video motion graphic Sejarah Pemerintahan Herman Willem Daendels (1808-1811) dilihat dari rata-rata minat belajar siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Bangsri. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian pengembangan atau Research and Development (R&D). Hasil penelitian pengembangan media pembelajaran berbentuk video motion graphic Sejarah Pemerintahan Herman Willem Daendels (1808-1811), yaitu: (1) Pembelajaran Sejarah Indonesia yang selama ini dilakukan di SMA Negeri 1 Bangsri belum memaksimalkan adanya penggunaan media pembelajaran. (2) Pengembangan media pembelajaran berbentuk video motion graphic Sejarah Pemerintahan Herman Willem Daendels (1808-1811) dilakukan dengan 3 tahap utama, yaitu tahap studi pendahuluan, pengembangan, dan evaluasi. (3) Berdasarkan validasi yang dilakukan oleh ahli materi dan ahli media, motion graphic layak untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran di sekolah. (4) Video motion graphic Sejarah Pemerintahan Herman Willem Daendels (1808-1811) efektif untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran Sejarah Indonesia kelas XI di SMA Negeri 1 Bangsri
Perbedaan Hasil Belajar dengan Menggunakan Media Video Edukasi dan Media Video Dokumenter pada Pembelajaran Sejarah di SMA N 12 Semarang Tahun Ajarah 2017/2018
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hasil belajar peserta didik dengan menggunakan media video edukasi dalam pembelajaran sejarah di Kelas X IPS SMA N 12 Semarang tahun ajaran 2017/2018, untuk mengetahui hasil belajar peserta didik dengan menggunakan media video dokumenter dalam pembelajaran sejarah di kelas X IPS SMA N 12 SemarangĀ tahun ajaran 2017/2018, dan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar dengan menggunakan media video edukasi dengan media video dokumenter pada pembelajaran sejarah di Kelas X IPS SMA N 12 Semarang tahun ajaran 2017/2018. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis eksperimen. Lokasi penelitian di SMA N 12 Semarang. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dokumentasi, tes, observasi, serta angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata hasil belajar peserta didik dengan menggunakna media video edukasi yaitu sebesar 85,5. Sedangkan rata-rata hasil belajar peserta didik dengan menggunakan media video dokumenter sebesar 74,6. Selain itu melalui uji t telah dihasilkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan rata-rata hasil belajar antara peserta didik yang menggunakan media video edukasi dengan menggunakan media video dokumenter sebesar 3,583.
Kata kunci: hasil belajar; video; edukasi; dokumente
Implementation of Multicultural Values in Diversity of a Multiethnic School (A Case Study: Kuncup Melati Junior High School, Semarang)
Kuncup Melati Junior High School (JHS) is a multiethnic school whose students come from Chinese and Javanese ethnic groups. Both groups have a negative stereotype towards one another and often engage in conflicts. The school opens a room for discussion for both groups, proving that both can coexist in diversity. This study aims to analyze the symbolic interactionism and the implementation of multicultural values. Data analysis technique used were qualitative technique, borrowing the symbolic interactionism theory of Herbert Blumer. The informants were the teachers, the Chinese students, and Javanese students. The data collection technique employed in-depth interview, observation, and documentation study. The results revealed that the symbolic interactionism between two groups can be interpreted from multiethnic friendship and understanding of each otherĆ¢ā¬ā¢s culture and religion. This can reduce the stereotype between two groups, and in turn, result in respect from one another. The heterogeneous school environment showcasing the implementation of respect for one another is indirectly internalized in studentsĆ¢ā¬ā¢ behavior. Multicultural values found in Kuncup Melati JHS are tolerance, solidarity, and equality. This study recommends to open a more diverse multietchnic and multifaith interaction because multicultural values cannot only be taught in class, but rather have to be experienced personally