24 research outputs found
Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Akademik dan Kompetensi Dosen terhadap Kepuasan Mahasiswa
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi (UMMI) merupakan Perguruan tinggi yang terbilang masih muda dengan jumlah mahasiswa yang cukup banyak. UMMI senantiasa berupaya untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas penyelenggaraannya melalui implementasi program-program prioritas berdasarkan hasil evaluasi diri khususnya dalam hal peningkatan kompetensi dosen dan kualitas pelayanannya. Namun masih terdapat permasalahan pada kepuasan mahasiswa yakni pada dimensi kesesuaian harapan yaitu mahasiswa belum merasa puas dengan layanan akademik Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur pengaruh kualitas pelayanan akademik dan kompetensi dosen bidang akademik terhadap kepuasan mahasiswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dan metode asosiatif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan data yang penelti gunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu observasi, wawancara, kuesioner, studi kepustakaan dan dokumentasi. Penarikan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik sampling probability sampling dengan jenis proportionate stratified random sampling. Jumlah sampel yang diambil harus sama porsinya dengan jumlah mahasiswa sesuai dengan fakultasnya masing-masing, dengan jumlah keseluruhan 100 mahasiswa. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis regresi linear berganda, termasuk uji koefisien determinasi, koefisien kolerasi ganda, uji secara simultan (uji F) dan uji secara parsial (uji T). Hasil penelitian menunjukan variabel kepuasan mahasiswa dengan persentase 84% dapat dijelaskan oleh kedua variabel independen yaitu kualitas pelayanan dan kompetensi dosen. Sementara 16% berasal dari faktor yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian.Kata kunci: Kepuasan Mahasiswa;Kompetensi Dosen; Kualitas Pelayanan.
The Influence of Web Based Cooperative Information System to Improve the Quality of Member Service in Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
The role of cooperative is still very important in Indonesia and technology development compels cooperative to change in management especially in presenting data that is more accurate, complete, fast, and transparent. University Cooperative keeps on innovating in giving service to members. This paper tries to present university cooperative information system that aims at increasing service quality by providing university cooperative information system website. Therefore, cooperative member is able to observe cooperative development online. Research method applies qualitative descriptive analysis. Population is member cooperative finance report. Sample is taken by purposive sampling. Research instrument applies questioner to management to know how the influence of cooperative information system toward management achievement and to cooperative member to know member response toward cooperative information system program. Data collection is done by interview to cooperative management and finance data processing is done by using university cooperative information system application. The result of service quality toward member is fast in providing more accurate data with the availability of cooperative information system so that data which is wanted can be obtained faster, accurate, and can decrease mistake in writing data process and decrease mistake in presenting finance report
The HR department is required to be active and innovative in taking part in managing company assets in the form of active human resources so that they can make a significant contribution to company profit growth. Today's human resources are seen no longer as merely an obligation but an asset that needs to be developed as a gain or capital. A new challenge for the world of HR because the implementation of the wrong HRM strategy will result in an organization not growing. There is a new paradigm, namely Human Resources has been transformed into Human Capital where the job of an HR is who has to develop strategies in the midst of global competition in the form of Talent Sortage and Talent War. So in this study the strategy used is to increase employee satisfaction through Individual development plans and fair remuneration, so that employees can create Eitengee Dageifako. this research can create a strategy that is relevant to the Individual development plan approach and fair remuneration in the company. From the research conducted, the researcher can compile an individual development plan road map and also find the X, Y, Z generations in the company who want involvement and recognition to achieve job satisfaction through a value proposition that is arranged. Meanwhile, for fair remuneration the researcher makes a job evaluation strategy using the Compasible factor with a composition of 35% Know How, 30% problem solving, and 35% responsibility, so the researchers got 7 grades in the preparation of the wage scale structure, besides that in the salary survey on the labor market the results of the calculation strategy can be said to be competitive so that the remuneration results are fair and attractive so that it is attractive to both internal and external talent
The research was motivated by the problem on the Implementation of Human Resource Competency Development Policy in Sukabumi Regency, where the policy of developing human resource competencies in Sukabumi Regency is in accordance with Regent Regulation Number 51 of 2019, that every civil servant has the same rights and opportunities to participate in Competency Development at least 20 hours of lessons/year, but in its implementation there are still obstacles so that implementation the policy is hampered.The researchwasaimed at analyzing the implementation of the policy and the factors that can support and inhibit the implementation of the policyfor developing human resource competencies at BKPSDM of Sukabumi Regency observed from the aspect of Communication, Resources,Disposition and Organizational Structure.The research was conducted at the Personnel and Human Resource Development Agency (BKPSDM) of Sukabumi Regency that focused on the Implementation of Human Resource Competency Policy using aqualitative approach. Techniques of collecting data applied wereinterviews, observations and document review. The resource persons/informants in the research werethe Head of BKPSDM, Secretary, Head of PSDM Division, Head of KDP Division, Head of Planning and Evaluation Sub-Section, Head of General and Personnel Sub-Section, Civil Servant Trainerand Implementer.The Implementation of Human Resources Competency Development Policy at the BKPSDM of Sukabumi Regency has generally been carried out well viewedfrom the aspect of Communication, Resources, Disposition and Organizational Structure. Thus, the factors that can trigger the success of this policy are Communication and Organizational Structure aspects, while the inhibiting factors are Resources and Dispositionaspects as these aspects cannot be optimized
Pengaruh Corporate Governance dan Kualitas Audit terhadap Pencegahan Kecurangan
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to examine the effect of good corporate governance and audit quality on fraud prevention. The research method used is quantitative method is a method of research data in the form of numbers and analysis using statistics. The population used is all employees at CV. Agung Mas Motor, Sukabumi City, amounting to 35 people. The sample is determined by nonprobability sampling with a saturated sampling technique. Sources of data used in the form of data collection carried out through the distribution of questionnaires that have been tested for validity and reliability. Data analysis techniques use hypothesis testing using SPSS 24. The results of research and data processing show that Corporate Governance has a significant effect on Fraud Prevention and Audit Quality that have no significant effect on Fraud Prevention. The results of simultaneous test between Corporate Governance and Quality Audit have a significant effect toward fraun prevention. ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh good corporate governance dan kualitas audit terhadap pencegahan penipuan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dan analisis menggunakan statistik. Populasi yang digunakan adalah semua karyawan di CV. Agung Mas Motor, Kota Sukabumi, berjumlah 35 orang. Sampel ditentukan oleh nonprobability sampling dengan teknik sampling jenuh. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam bentuk pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penyebaran kuesioner yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Teknik analisis data untuk pengujian hipotesis menggunakan SPSS 24. Hasil penelitian dan pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa Tata Kelola Perusahaan memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap Pencegahan Penipuan sementara Kualitas Audit tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap Pencegahan Penipuan. Hasil uji simultan antara Tata Kelola Perusahaan dan Audit Kualitas memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pencegahan kecurangan
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sistem bagi hasil agen BRILink di Desa Sukasari dan Desa Gandasari Kecamatan Kadupandak Kabupaten Cianjur dalam Mekanisme Officeless Financial Service. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Kemudian dari data yang diperoleh dianalisis dan dibahas untuk menjawab permasalahan penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Sistem Bagi Hasil Agen BRILink menggunakan sistem Sharing Fee. Biaya agen BRILink di Desa Sukasari dan Desa Gandas Kecamatan Kadupandak Kabupaten Cianjur merupakan sistem bagi hasil atau fee jasa antara BRI dengan agen BRILink dengan prosentase fee 50%:50%. 50% untuk agen dan 50% untuk BRI. Jenis Perjanjian Agen BRILink dalam agen BRILink dan perjanjian kerjasama BRI memuat pengertian agen BRILink, ruang lingkup perjanjian, wilayah operasional Agen BRILink, Jangka Waktu Kerjasama, Layanan Agen, Hak dan kewajiban Agen BRILink, hak-hak dan kewajiban Bank, kegiatan yang dilarang dan sanksi. hukum, pembayaran, klasifikasi Agen BRILink, Kerahasiaan, pemeriksaan, pembatasan transaksi, penyelesaian sengketa, keadaan memaksa, lain-lain, pemutusan perjanjian. Analisis Bagi Hasil BRILink dan Jenis Perjanjian BRILink pada Mekanisme Officeless Financial Services di Desa Sukasari dan Desa Gandasari Kecamatan Kadupandak Kabupaten Cianjur sudah sesuai dengan unsur pelayanan yaitu unsur tugas pelayanan, sistem atau prosedur pelayanan, kegiatan pelayanan, pelayanan pelaksana
Promotion is one of the variables of the marketing mix is very important that the company implemented in marketing their products. Without the existence of promotional products received less attention from consumers. Target promotion can be achieved if the company allocates adequate promotional costs and with the cost of the promotion is expected to help the company achieve higher sales volumes. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of promotion cost on the sales volume. Samples taken in this study was obtained from the financial statements PT.Kimia Farma Tbk. This study used a simple linear regression analysis method, t-test with 5% significance. The results of the analysis has been known that the cost of promotional effect on sales volume partially