34 research outputs found
Profil Anak di Bawah Usia Kerja yang Bekerja sebagai Penjual Koran di Simpang Pramuka
This study aims to examine the profile of children selling newspapers at Simpang Jalan Pramuka. This research belongs to descriptive research. The sample in this study were 12 children. Data collection using observation method, structured interview and documentation. Analysis using percentage. The results showed that: 1) Children selling newspapers in intersection of rajabasa majority do not go to school. 2) School time of majority children is held during day at 13.00-17.00. 3) The children\u27s learning time of the newspaper seller is done during the night at 7 pm-10pm. 4) Child work hours majority newspaper seller> 4 hours/day. 5) The income of the child seller of the majority newspaper has a low opinion. 6) Transportation facilities for children selling newspapers are 6 children (50%) on foot go to selling newspapers 4 children (33.3%) take public transportation go to selling newspapers and 2 children (16.7%) on motorbikes to where the newspaper is selling.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji profil anak penjual Koran di Simpang Jalan Pramuka. Penelitian ini tergolong dalam penelitian deskriptif. Sampel dalam penelitian sebanyak 12 anak. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara terstruktur dan dokumentasi. Analisis menggunakan analisis persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Anak penjual koran di simpang pramuka rajabasa mayoritas tidak bersekolah. 2) Waktu sekolah anak yang bekerja mayoritas dilaksanakan pada siang hari pada pukul 13.00-17.00. 3) Waktu belajar anak penjual koran dilaksanakan pada saat malam pada pukul 19.00-21.00. 4) Jam kerja anak penjual koran mayoritas >4 jam/hari. 5) Pendapatan anak penjual koran mayoritas berpendaptan rendah. 6) Sarana transportasi anak penjual koran terdapat 6 anak (50%) berjalan kaki untuk ke tempat berjualan koran 4 anak (33,3%) naik angkot untuk ke tempat berjualan koran dan 2 anak (16,7%) naik sepeda motor untuk ke tempat berjualan koran
Persepsi Masyarakat Jawa terhadap Tradisi Punjungan
This research aimed to give the real illustration about punjungan tradition done by Javanese people at Argomulyo village, people's perception through punjungan tradition, public figure perception through maintaining of punjungan tradition, and people's interest through utilizing of punjungan tradition.This research used qualitative methodology with purposive sampling and continued by snowball sampling. Interview technique is used to get primary data, whereas documentation technique to secondary data. Data analysis used is qualitative analysis technique with data reduction, data illustration and considering conclusion. From the whole research, the result shows that : 1) People's perception through punjungan tradition that is delivering food as a compliment , but there is a traditional change there.2) Public figure perception through maintaining of punjungan tradition is a positive activities, but punjungan tradition is abused as business importance. 3) People's interest through punjungan tradition: people always use and maintain punjungan tradition although it has changed and accomplish with era modernization. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran tentang tradisi punjungan digunakan masyarakat suku Jawa yang berada di Desa Argomulyo, yaitu persepsi masyarakat terhadap tradisi punjungan, persepsi tokoh masyarakat terhadap pelestarian tradisi punjungan, animo masyarakat terhadap penggunaan tradisi punjungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, teknik sampel bertujuan (purposive sampling) dilanjutkan dengan teknik sampling bola salju (snowball sampling). Memperoleh data primer digunakan teknik wawancara, data sekunder digunakan dokumentasi. Analisis data yaitu analisis kualitatif dengan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Diperoleh hasil penelitian: 1) Persepsi masyarakat terhadap tradisi punjungan yaitu mengirimkan makanan sebagai bentuk penghormatan, terdapat Perubahan pergeseran tradisi. 2) Persepsi tokoh masyarakat terhadap pelestarian tradisi punjungan merupakan kegiatan yang positif, tetapi tradisi punjungan disalah gunakan sebagai lahan bisnis. 3) Animo masyarakat terhadap penggunaan tradisi punjungan masyarakat tetap ingin melestarikan tradisi punjungan meskipun telah mengalami Perubahan sesuai dengan zaman yang semakin modern
Karakteristik Demografi Sosial Ekonomi Pus Pengguna Mow dan Mop di Tanjung Anom
The purpose of this research was to assess the characteristic of demographic, social and economic of fertile aged couple which used contraceptive operation method of women and men. The method used in this research was descriptive method. Data analysis technique used was presentation. The results showed that (1) demographic characteristic included age of first marriage and first born child was a young age, with the number of children > 2 and average of fertile aged couple used MOW and MOP was at 34,5 years old. (2) social characteristic included the education levels of acceptor which was only basic education but the knowledge was good, with majority employment as farmers. (3) economic characteristic included the income received by fertile aged couple each month was average already above the minimum wage for employers.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji karakteristik demografi, sosial, dan ekonomi pasangan usia subur (PUS) yang menggunakan MOW dan MOP. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode deskriptif. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) karakteristik demografi meliputi usia kawin dan melahirkan anak pertama pada usia belum ideal, dengan jumlah anak lebih dari 2 serta rata-rata PUS menggunakan MOW dan MOP pada usia 34,5 tahun. (2) karakteristik sosial meliputi tingkat pendidikan akseptor yang hanya pendidikan dasar namun pengetahuan baik, dengan pekerjaan mayoritas petani. (3) karakteristik ekonomi meliputi pendapatan PUS yang sebagian besar sudah berada di atas UMK
Perubahan Mata Pencaharian Petani Padi Sawah Menjadi Petani Karet
The low rice production caused by the limited area of arable land and the low price of paddy rice which led farmers to plant rubber trees, in addition to easy marketing of rubber and rubber farmers incomes greater. This research study aims to examine changes in the livelihoods of rice farmers into rubber farmers in the village of Jaya district Bhakti Mesuji Komering Ogan Ilir regency period 1994-2003. The method used is descriptive method, whereas the data collection technique used is observation, documentation and interviews and data analysis techniques used are based on a percentage analysis of the frequency table is simple. The population in this study as many as 198 households and a sample taken at 50 or 25% of the farmers of the existing population and this study is a research sample. These results indicate that 1). A total of 28 or 56% which has a land area is 22 or 44% and having a narrow area. 2). Sebayak 26 or 54% of the production of low rice farming and 24 or 48% higher production of rice farming. 3). As many as 43 or 86% said the low price of rice led them to plant rubber and 7 or 14% said the low price of rice is not the cause of their planting rubber. 4). As many as 48 or 96% said quickly and easily sell their rubber plant is one of the causes of their rubber plant and a 2 or 4% said quickly and easily sell their rubber plant is not one of them causes the rubber plant. 5). As many as 26 or 52% of the rubber farmers have income per year is greater than or equal to Rp.41.794.800; - and 24 or 48% rubber farmers have an income per year is less than Rp.41.794.800; -.Key wordt: Lowland Rice Production, Rice Selling Price, Marketing Rubber, Rubber Farmers Incom
Tinjauan Geografis Keberadaan Industri Kerupuk Udang
This study aims to describe the state of shrimp Crackers Industry Geographic Existence In Rural District Purwodadi Trimurjo Central Lampung regency in 2012. Ease pressure point research of study : received easiness materials, labor, availability of water, availability of energy sources, transportation, and marketing of products. This study uses descriptive metode. This study population as much as 7 businessman shrimp crackers. Data collection by observation, structured interviews, and documentation. Analysis of data with a table percentage, as the basis for interpretation and description in reporting research results. These results indicate: (1) all states responden easily obtain raw materials, (2) easily obtain employment, (3) easily obtain the water, (4) easily obtain the energy source, (5) easily obtain the means of transportation, (6) as much as (85.7%) marketing of products easily and sold out
Pudarnya Pernikahan Ngerorod pada Masyarakat Bali Desa Tri Mulyo Kabupaten Lampung Tengah
This study was conducted to determine the cause of faded ngerorod wedding tradition in Balinese communities in Tri Mulyo, Seputih Mataram Sub Districts Lampung Tengah Districts. This research used descriptive method. The object of the research was the faded of marriage tradition called ngerorod in Balinese community in Tri Mulyo. The subjects of the research were informants who are indigenous people of Bali. The data analysis was done by descriptive qualitative method.The results of research as follow (1) wellconsensus (agreement) , is the cause of the faded of ngerorod wedding tradition, marriage which is not approved can be discussed and made an agreement properly without held ngerorod (2) mixed marriages (amalgamation) is the cause erosion of ngerorod marriage because of mixing the two cultures adjust to each other in order to be accepted (3) advanced education is a factor which affect the erosion of ngerorod marriage.Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui penyebab pudaranya tradisi pernikahan ngerorod pada masyarakat Bali di Desa Tri Mulyo Kecamatan Seputih Mataram Kabupaten Lampung Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Objek penelitian adalah pudarnya penggunaan tradisi ngerorod pada masyarakat Bali di Desa Tri Mulyo. Subjek penelitian yaitu beberapa orang informan yang merupakan masyarakat adat Bali di Desa Tri Mulyo. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan cara deskriptif kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui yaitu: (1) konsesus (kesepakatan) yang baik penyebab pudarnya pernikahan ngerorod, pernikahan yang tidak direstui dimusyawarahkan dan dibuat suatu kesepakatan secara baik tanpa dilaksanakan pernikahan ngerorod. (2) pernikahan campuran (amalgamasi) penyebab pudarnya pernikahan ngerorod karena bercamurnya dua budaya yang saling menyesuaikan agar dapat diterima. (3) pendidikan yang maju faktor yang mempengaruhi pudarnya pernikahan ngerorod
Hubungan Tingkat Pendidikan Penggunaan Kontrasepsi dengan Jumlah Anak yang Dilahirkan Wanita Pus
The purpose of this research was to assess the correlation of education level and the use of contraceptive device on number of children born by female aged couple lush (EFA). The method used was survey method. The population were 988 EFA female, with a sample of 91 EFA female. Data analysis technique used was Contingency Coefficient and YulisQ three variables analysis. The results showed that (1) there is a correlation between education level and number of children born with x2 count value 25.06 and the price of C of 0.463. (2) there is a correlation between the use of contraceptive device with the number of children born with x2 count value 13.82 and the price of C of 0.361. (3) there is a correlation between education level and the use of contraceptive device with the number of children born with a very strong degree of correlation with the value Qxy Tied T 0.84.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji hubungan tingkat pendidikan dan penggunaan alat kontrasepsi dengan jumlah anak yang dilahirkan wanita PUS. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survai. Populasi berjumlah 988 PUS, dengan sampel 91 wanita PUS. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis koefisien kontingensi dan analisis YulisQ tiga variabel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) ada hubungan antara tingkat pendidikan dengan jumlah anak yang dilahirkan dengan nilai x2 hitung 25,06 dan harga C sebesar 0,463. (2) ada hubungan antara penggunaan alat kontrasepsi dengan jumlah anak yang dilahirkan dengan nilai x2 hitung 13,82 dan harga C sebesar 0,361. (3) ada hubungan antara tingkat pendidikan dan penggunaan alat kontrasepsi dengan jumlah anak yang dilahirkan dengan derajat hubungan yang sangat kuat dengan nilai Qxy Tied T sebesar 0,84
Karakteristik Ibu Rumah Tangga yang Bekerja pada Industri Kue Kering di Kelurahan Pringsewu Selatan
The study aims to examine the characteristics of housewives who work in the pastry industry in the south Pringsewu Village. The method used is descriptive method. The research population were 19 housewives. Data collections were through observation techniques, structured interviews, and documentation. The analysis technique used the percentage table. The results showed that 1) All housewives working ware at productive age (100%). 2) The education level of housewives working is elementary school (78.95%). 3) The number of dependents of the head of the household from housewives working is small (89,48%) 4) The household head's income from housewives working is below average (64,70%) 5) Housewives who worked have low working hours (68,42%). 6) Housewives working have a place to live close to the workplace (57.90%). 7) All housewives working have income under Pringsewu regency minimum wages (100%).Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji karakteristik ibu rumah rumah tangga yang bekerja pada industri kue kering di Kelurahan Pringsewu. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode deskriptif. Populasi penelitian sebanyak 19 ibu rumah tangga. Pengumpulan data melalui teknik observasi, wawancara terstruktur dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis menggunakan tabel persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Seluruh ibu rumah tangga yang bekerja berada pada umur produktif (100%). 2) Tingkat pendidikan ibu rumah tangga yang bekerja berpendidikan dasar (78,95%). 3) Jumlah tanggungan kepala keluarga dari ibu rumah tangga yang bekerja kecil (89,48%). 4) Pendapatan kepala keluarga dari ibu rumah tangga yang bekerja berada di bawah rata-rata (64,70%). 5) Jam kerja ibu rumah tangga yang bekerja terbilang rendah (68,42%). 6) Ibu rumah tangga yang bekerja memiliki tempat tinggal yang dekat dengan tempat bekerja (57,90%). 7) Seluruh ibu rumah tangga yang bekerja memiliki pendapatan di bawah UMK Kabupaten Pringsewu (100%)