12 research outputs found
Konsentrasi, Dehidrasi Setelah Latihan Bertahan Pada Permainan Sepak Bola
This study has the objective of knowing the status of concentration, dehydration after endurance training in soccer games. The specific target of this research is to help provide information and knowledge to athletes and coaches in preparing athletes' performance in paying attention to athlete's fluid consumption in each training concentration and performance in training, competing. This study used a quantitative descriptive method with survey techniques with the results of the research. The results showed that the average male athlete had a concentration of 10 in the good category with a percentage of 43%, in the medium category there were 7 players with a percentage of 30% and in the sufficient category there were 6 athletes, there were 26%. dehydration of 23 athletes as many as 8 people (17.30%) had good hydration status, 8 people (34.60%) had moderate dehydration status, 5 people (39.2%) had dehydration status and 2 people (8.7% ) have a severely dehydrated status. The conclusion of the research is the status of dehydration after doing man to man exercises is very dehydrated as much as 39.2% and dehydrated as much as 34.80%.
Keywords : Concentration, Dehydration, Football, Survival Training
Development of Petanque Sport in Central Java Province
Background: The background of this research is Central Java as one of the provinces in Indonesia is an area that has considerable sports potential. Various sport accomplishment that has been achieved by Indonesia is contributed by athletes from Central Java province. Petanque Sport is one of the new sports branch in Central Java. Petanque sport comes France. The purposes of this research are to study: 1) petanque sport socialization efforts in Central Java, 2) community groups who become petanque Sport actors in Central Java.
Subject and Method: This research was conducted in Federation of petanque Indonesia (FOPI) Central Java. This research is a qualitative research that is interpretative, and presented using descriptive approach. We made observations, analyzed documents, and conducted some interviews to collect our data.
Result: The results in this study are as follows. 1) Petanque Sport is one of the fastest growing sport branches in Central Java since 2016. Petanque Sport is one of sport branches that has been growing fast in Central Java since 2016.The socialization efforts, which were conducted by Central Java for two years, has succeeded in establishing several organizations at the district level. The socialization efforts, which has been conducted by Central Java for two years has succeeded in establishing several organizations at district level. 2) The community target in petanque sport socialization are teachers, college students, students and the general public.
Conclusion: The socialization that has been conducted by FOPI Central Java for two years has given a satisfactory result. Recorded in the beginning of 2018, there are 21 organizations formed from 35 districts which play an active role in developing athletes at the district level. Work performance and teamwork of the board are the key to success in socializing petanque sport in Central Java
This groundbreaking study delves into the intricate realm of digital marketing analysis, which entails the systematic collection and scrutiny of data pertaining to digital marketing endeavors. With a novel focus on elucidating the economic ramifications of digital marketing on sales augmentation, the research employs an innovative approach. Leveraging an exhaustive literature review drawn from national and international journals, the study illuminates the transformative impact of digital marketing, particularly in the context of burgeoning online markets. Employing the PRISMA methodological framework, researchers meticulously navigated through the identification, screening, feasibility, and finalization phases to distill a comprehensive understanding of the topic's scope. With a laser focus on "Marketing Analytics," the study hones in on publications resonating with this thematic emphasis, culminating in the identification of 330 pertinent publications devoid of duplicates. Delving deeper into the findings, the study unveils a notable surge in sales success amidst the Covid-19 era, underscoring the pivotal role of digital marketing in navigating unprecedented market dynamics. Furthermore, the research uncovers a nuanced interplay between various elements of the e-marketing mix e-product, e-price, and e-promotion and their influence on e-trust, offering valuable insights into consumer behavior in digital marketplaces. As the study draws to a close, it advocates for a visionary paradigm shift in digital marketing strategies, emphasizing the imperative of enhancing customer engagement and trust-building initiatives. Ultimately, the research underscores the indispensability of digital marketing in contemporary business landscapes, reaffirming its efficacy in fostering consumer engagement, driving sales, and nurturing enduring brand-consumer relationships
Hubungan Power Otot Lengan Dan Koordinasi Mata Tangan Terhadap Hasil Pukulan Groundstroke Backhand Tenis Lapangan Pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Jasmani Universitas Tanjungpura
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan power otot lengan dan koordinasi mata tangan terhadap pukulan groundstroke backhand pada mahasiswa Pendidikan Jasmani Universitas Tanjungpura. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan korelasional. Berdasarkan analisis statistik ditemukan bahwa ada korelasi antara power otot lengan terhadap pukulan groundstroke backhand, hal ini terlihat dari hasil uji korelasi product moment r y yang diperoleh yaitu sebesar 0,683, terlihat hubungan yang signifikan dari perolehan nilai r hitung = 0,683 > r tabel = 0,632, dan juga terdapat hubungan yang signifikan hubungan koordinasi mata tangan terhadap pukulan groundstroke backhand, hal ini terlihat dari hasil uji korelasi product moment r y yang diperoleh sebesar 0,744, maka dari itu ada hubungan yang sangat signifikan terlihat dari perolehan nilai r hitung = 0,744 > r tabel = 0,632. Setelah hasil Y dan Y didapatkan maka di uji lagi dengan menggunakan uji korelasi berganda, berguna untuk mendapatkan seberapa besar korelasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa power otot lengan dan koordinasi mata tangan mempunyai nilai koefesiensi pada pukulan groundstroke backhand, hal ini terlihat dari hasil uji korelasi berganda yang diperoleh yaitu sebesar 0,81. Jika hasil perhitungan tersebut dilihat dari tabel interpretasi nilai r, maka nilai 0,81 menunjukkan kategori korelasi tinggi.
Kata Kunci: Koordinasi Mata Tangan, Power Otot Lengan, Pukulan Groundstroke Backhan
Analisis Strategi Mahasiswa dalam Menjaga Kebugaran Pasca Pandemi Covid-19
This study aims to discover how knowledge related to the Covid-19 virus and fitness during the Covid-19 pandemic. Quantitative descriptive research with the type of data collection using a questionnaire in the form of a closed questionnaire. The results showed that data on the variable knowledge of Covid-19 with four alternative answers indicated that the very high category was 89 respondents with a percentage value of 56%, and the high category was 71 respondents with a percentage value of 44%. Then the physical fitness variable shows that the very high category is 38 respondents with a percentage value of 23.75%, the high category is 118 respondents with a percentage of 73.75%, and the low category is four respondents with a percentage of 2.5%. In conclusion, knowledge about Covid-19 is in the very high category, and learning about physical fitness is in the high category.
Keywords: Covid-19, Physical Fitness, Post-Pandemic
Pengaruh Latihan Plyometric Single Leg Bound dan Circuit Training terhadap Peningkatan Tendangan Sabit pada Siswa Pencak Silat
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of single leg bound plyometric training and circuit training on increasing crescent kicks in pencak silat students. The research method used is an experimental method with a one group pretest-posttest design. The population in this study were 30 male students of the Pencak Silat Association of Setia Hati Terate (PSHT) Masaran Sragen, the sampling technique used was total sampling. The sample was divided into two groups, namely group 1 as many as 15 students received plyometric single leg bound exercise treatment and group 2 as many as 15 students received circuit training treatment. Data collection techniques were carried out by tests and measurements using the instructions for the pencak silat sickle kick speed test. The data analysis technique was carried out by statistical analysis using the t test at a significance level of 5%, to fulfill the assumptions of the results of the study a prerequisite analysis test was carried out, namely the normality test, homogeneity test, difference test and percentage increase. Based on the results of data analysis, this study resulted in the following conclusions: (1) There is a significant difference in effect between single leg bound plyometric training and circuit training. of ttable = 2.145 with a significance level of 5%. (2) circuit training has a better effect than plyometric single leg bound seen from the results of the percentage increase in the speed of the pencak silat sickle kick which shows that group 1 is 36.56% < group 2 is 62.06%.
Keywords: Pencak Silat, Crescent Kick, Plyometric Single Leg Bound, Circuit Trainin
Kecamatan Paloh merupakan kecamatan yang terletak di kabupaten sambas provinsi kalimantan barat, kecamatan paloh merupakan kecamatan terluar indonesia berdampingan dengan negara malaysia. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi para guru-guru pendidikan jasmani, olahraga dan kesehatan. Khususnya menanamkan konsep physical literacy bagi guru-guru pendidikan jasmani, olahraga dan kesehatan baik pada jenjang Sekolah dasar, Menengah dan menengah atas. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilaksanakan pada tanggal 18-19 Januari 2023 dengan jumlah peserta 20 orang. Peningkatan kemampuan physical literacy dilakukan dengan metode Forum Grup Discussion, melalui demonstrasi praktek dan penyampaian materi. Evaluasi untuk melihat kemampuan physical literacy para guru melalui pemberian lembar observasi, dan selain itu evaluasi terhadap pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang telah dilaksanakan di evaluasi berdasarkan kepuasan para peserta terhadap materi dilakukan melalui pemberian lembar observasi dan presentase hasil survey kepuasan 20 peserta adalah 80 % sangat puas, 15% Puas dan 5% Cukup Puas terhadap pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Dari pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dapat disimpulkan para peserta mampu mengetahui dan menerapkan konsep physical literacy pada pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani, olahraga dan kesehatan