37 research outputs found
Pengaruh Temperatur Pirolisis terhadap Kinetik Rate dan Volume Tar pada Limbah Serbuk Kayu Mahoni
Pyrolysis is an alternative technology that is a method for obtaining hydrocarbon energy sources. This technology is a combustion technology without involving O2 in the combustion process. The source of fuel from pyrolysis comes from renewable resources such as biomass / plants. Wood powder itself can be obtained from wood waste around us, so wood powder which is a biomass can also be used as raw material in the pyrolysis process. So far wood waste has only been used as a medium for planting mushrooms and fires. Whereas the use of wood waste in the manufacture of liquid smoke and charcoal has received attention in recent years, which can be produced by the pyrolysis method. The hypothesis of the study is that the higher the temperature, the higher the kinetic rate and volume of tar. this is because the energy given to biomass is also higher. The research method is to pyrolyze the material into the pyrolyzer machine with temperature variations, and later the reaction rate kinetic of the formed tar will be calculated. From this study we can conclude a number of things, namely: The higher the temperature of the volume of tar produced will be more numerous where the maximum volume obtained at a temperature of 500oC is 72 ml, but at very high temperatures the tar volume decreases because a lot of gas is formed. The higher the heating temperature, the kinetic rate that occurs in the decomposition of mahogany wood will also be faster, this has been validated the accuracy of the kinetic rate that occurs by comparing the actual volume with the volume of calculation results. The higher the heating temperature, the activation energy (Ea) and the exponential factor (A) will be smaller
Pengaruh Bentuk Permukaan Absorber Pelat Terhadap Produktivitas dan Efisiensi Solar Still
Based on previous research, research on the development of solar distillation models is needed. Development of absorbent plates (absorber) using cast concrete material with fin, wave and flat models as a comparison. The fin and wave absorber plates can expand the surface, thereby increasing the intensity of solar radiation received by the absorber. Cast concrete is a porous material that can absorb sea water and make a thin layer, making it easier for the evaporation process and can improve solar distillation performance In this study using the experimental method. Solar still research by examining the surface of a cast concrete absorber plate. The surface of the absorbent plate used is the fin, wave and flat / conventional models. Cast concrete uses stone, iron sand, PCC cement and water. The study used variations in water volume The research resulted in the surface shape of the fin model can increase the productivity of fresh water and the efficiency of solar still using a plate absorbent fin model is higher than the wave and flat models. A smaller volume of sea water can increase productivity higher than a larger volume of sea water
Implementasi Pompa Hidram di Desa Ngadireso Kabupaten Malang
Ngadireso Village, Poncokusumo District, has a water source from Umbulan Spring with a discharge of 1 m3/minute located in Ngadireso Hamlet, Ngadireso Village. The water needs of the residents of Ngadireso Village depend on the Umbulan water source. The location of residents' homes is above the source so that to pump water using an electric pump with electricity costs of ± Rp. 11,000,000, - every month. There were already 3 hydraulic pumps available before to help reduce the cost of electric pumps, but 2 ramp pumps were damaged so it was necessary to hold a hydraulic pump update. Ramp pumps are used to drain water to the main reservoir. With this hydraulic pump, the monthly contribution of residents for electricity pump payments decreases by 2 million every month, so monthly contributions also decrease.ABSTRAKDesa Ngadireso Kec. Poncokusumo memiliki sumber air dari mata air Umbulan dengan debit air sebesar 1 m3/menit yang berada di Dusun Ngadireso Desa Ngadireso. Sumber air Umbulan adalah satu-satunya sumber untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air warga desa. Lokasi rumah warga berada di atas sumber sehingga untuk manaikkan air menggunakan pompa listrik dengan pembiayaan sebesar Rp. 11.000.000,- setiap bulannya. Sudah tersedia tiga pompa hidram sebelumnya untuk membantu mengurangi biaya pompa listrik, namun terdapat kerusakan pada dua pompa hidram sehingga perlu diadakan pembaruan pompa hidram. Pompa hidram digunakan untuk memompa air dari sumber umbulan ke tandon utama. Dengan adanya pompa hidram ini maka iuran bulanan warga untuk pembayaran pompa listrik menurun sebesar 2 juta setiap bulan, sehingga iuran bulanan juga ikut menurun
Pengaruh Variasi Dimensi Sirip Pada Displacer Sistem Pendingin Mesin Stirling Menggunakan Energi Surya Terkonsentrasi
Energy needs in Indonesia are increasing day by day due to population growth and economic growth. To meet the increasing energy needs, it is necessary to develop a variety of alternative energies such as: biomass, solar energy, wind energy, water energy, which are still few that utilize One of the machines that use renewable energy is the Stirling motor. A stirling motor is a type of motor that has an external combustion engine that does not require much maintenance and does not emit a lot of pollutants because it only requires a source of thermal energy to run it. In other words, solar energy can also be utilized. The method developed is the use of solar energy which is concentrated by a parabolic reflector to the hot cylinder of the Stirling engine to convert heat energy into motion energy. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of variations of several fin dimensions and variations in the number of fins on a displacer with aluminum material. This study uses an experimental method to describe the performance of the stirling engine prototype using various dimensions of cooling fins and variations in the number of fins. The results showed that the gamma stirling engine using 6 fins, and a diameter of 38 mm, showed the best results with a time of 43 minutes with an intensity of solar radiation of 188.2 W/m² to drive the stirling engine with a speed of 189 rpm and a torque of 0.87 N. mm. The difference in temperature produced in the hot cylinder and cold cylinder is 115˚C with a thermal efficiency of 44.13%.
Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) adalah bakteri hijau-biru yang hidup secara alami di danau alkali[3]. Spirulina telah dicanangkan oleh World Health Organization (WHO) sebagai makanan yang mengandung nutrisi paling ideal bagi umat manusia karena mengandung protein, multivitamin, mineral, dan asam amino. VertBleu (VB Spirulina) adalah sebuah badan usaha yang bergerak di bidang agrikultur di daerah urban Kota Malang. Usaha tersebut telah dirintis selama satu tahun. Akan tetapi, VB Spirulina baru memulai usaha pemasarannya secara lebih luas pada awal tahun 2020. Usaha perusahaan difokuskan pada pengembangan budidaya mikroalga spirulina di daerah perkotaan sebagai komoditas pangan, pakan ternak, dan kosmetik. VB Spirulina berencana untuk membangun greenhouse berukuran 5 m x 10 m dengan kolam spirulina didalamnya berukuran 8 m x 4 m x 0,3 m. Pengadaan kolam ini tentunya membutuhkan bibit spirulina yang cukup banyak. Kolam ini memiliki volume 9,6 m3 atau 9300 Liter air. Jika bibit spirulina yang dibutuhkan adalah sekitar 20% dari total air maka bibit yang dibutuhkan sekitar 1860L spirulina. Untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan spirulina, maka dibuat kolam terpal berukuran 3 m x 1 m x 0,3 m sebanyak 2 unit. Kolam tersebut mampu menghasilkan spirulina dengan pertumbuhan 30% tiap harinya
Pengembangan UKM dalam Bidang Pertanian Mikroalga (Spirulina) di Daerah Urban Berbasis Internet of Things (IoT)
Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) is blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) that contains the ideal nutrients for humankind even though consumed only in small quantities. The commodity has a lucrative business prospect for Indonesia in the future. VerteBleue (VB Spirulina Farm) is a business entity engaged in agriculture, situated in urban areas of Malang City. Recently, the production capacity of VB Spirulina can produce 40 gr of dry spirulina products every week, which is extremely small. The empowerment program is focused on breeding micro-scale spirulina culture in urban areas. The solution to the partner problem is the construction of a spirulina pond greenhouse based on IoT so that various parameters can be appropriately controlled. The result is increased production capacity to produce spirulina commodities with optimal quality and economical prices. The practicality of the IoT system helps farmers to control spirulina culture remotely. The implementation of this project allows the production of dry spirulina up to 108 g dry / day previously only able to produce dry 7g / day. The practicality IoT system helps farmers to control spirulina culture remotely.ABSTRAKSpirulina (Arthrospira platensis) adalah bakteri hijau-biru atau cyanobacteria yang mengandung nutrisi paling lengkap bagi makhluk hidup khususnya manusia walau hanya dikonsumsi dalam jumlah kecil yang relative kecil;. Komoditas tersebut memiliki prospek bisnis yang lukratif untuk Indonesia pada masa depan. VerteBleue (VB Spirulina Farm) adalah usaha kecil menengah yang bergerak di bidang agrikultur di daerah urban dalam wilayah Kota Malang. Pada saat ini, kapasitas produksi yang dimiliki VB Spirulina dapat menghasilkan 40 gr produk spirulina kering setiap minggunya. Program pemberdayaan difokuskan pada wacana pengembangbiakan kultur spirulina skala mikro di daerah urban. Solusi dari permasalahan mitra adalah pembangunan greenhouse kolam spirulina yang berbasis IoT sehingga berbagai parameter dapat dikontrol dengan baik. Peningkatan modal capital dibutuhkan oleh mitra untuk pembelian alat produksi. Luaran yang dihasilkan adalah peningkatan kapasitas produksi untuk menghasilkan komoditas dengan kualitas optimal dan harga yang ekonomis. Implementasi greenhouse dan kolam spirulina sudah sesuai dengan rancangan awal. Sistem IoT sangat berguna bagi petani dalam melakukan proses monitoring kultur dari jarak jauh. Greenhouse dan kolam spirulina mampu memproduksi spirulina kering hingga 108 g kering/hari yang sebelumnya hanya mampu memproduksi 7 g kering/hari
Pengaruh Temperatur Terhadap Entalpi Dan Kinetic Rate Gas Pirolisis Kayu Mahoni
This study was conducted to determine the effect of temperature on gas enthalpy and kinetic rate of mahogany wood powder pyrolysis results. Research process carried out experimentally with the temperature 673 K, 773 K, 873K, 973 K and 1073 K. Pyrolysis process is carried out for 2 hours with a particle size of sawdust from 0.5 to 1 mm. The results showed that the enthalpy value increase as the temperature increase. Highest enthalpy value achieved at 1073 K, with enthalpy value is 35015.97J.Kinetic rate for temperature 873 K, 973 K and 1073 K is = 1,484 −2759/ , kinetic rate for temperature 673 K and 773 K is = 16,5306 −5368/ and = 3,0373 −2980/ respectively. As the temperature increase, activation energy (Ea) to decompose biomass into gases is decrease
National electricity needs are always increasing, for that the efficiency of power plants needs to be maintained and expected to be improved. To maintain the efficiency of the power plant, it is necessary to feed water system as a provider of feed water before entering the boiler in good condition and one of the equipment is the High Pressure Heater (HPH). In Paiton Power Plant there are HPH numbers 5.6 and 7. This research aims to compare the efficiency of power plants and the losses caused when pltu operates in hph 7 inservice and outservice conditions. The research method used is a simulation in the simulator room of PLTU PT. PJB UP Paiton 1 & 2. From the data obtained then done calculations. Research produces the efficiency value of PLTU when in HPH 7 inservice condition is 33.40% and when outservice is 29.20%. The need for coal to increase the temperature lost due to HPH 7 outservice amounted to 11.11 Tons / hour, so that the losses caused by the increase in coal flow amounted to Rp 1,204.896.000 per year