17 research outputs found

    The Implementation of Willem Iskandar’s Thought in the Historical Learning

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    The presented research elucidates the values of Willem Iskandar’s books, Si Bulus Bulus Si Rumbuk Rumbuk, and those functions in commemorating the student’s memory about the character education, religiosity, and nationalism. Descriptive qualitative was employed as research approach. The data were collected through literature reviews and content analysis of Si Bulus Bulus Si Rumbuk Rumbuk. The analysis focuses on the description of values inside of the Willem Iskandar’s poetry and contextual aspect that underlying it. The result of research portrays that the Willem Iskandar’s poetry contains the norms that construct the behavioral pattern of Mandailing society. The proses have a function in shaping the character and evolving the movements against the Dutch colonialism. In the educational dimension, the values inside of Willem Iskandar’s poetry become important to be studied in line with the problem of global capitalism that stimulates identity turmoil in any aspect of human life

    The Role of a Digital History Book in Implanting Heroic Values for the Millennial Generation

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    Facing the era of globalization, the younger generation continues to experience an identity crisis where the younger generation is more familiar with hero figures who do not reflect eastern values, especially those that are typically Indonesian which causes the young generation to lack concern for the nation; and reduced pride in Indonesia's nationalistic identity. Digital books or e-books are a technological development that utilizes computers used to display information in the form of text, images, audio, video and other multimedia in a concise and dynamic form that can be read by computers or other electronic devices. In this case, digital books are an alternative and the right solution for learning the history of heroism in the implementation of independent learning. The purpose of this paper is to determine the role of digital history books in teaching heroic values to students. This research is analyzed using qualitative research methods. The results and discussion are: the role of learning the history of heroes through digital book media that can make it easier to teach heroic values to students. So that students are able to emulate heroic values and actualize and serve as spirit values in the life of society, nation and state

    Developing a Gamified Digital Learning Media to Cultivate Singing Skills for Junior High School Students

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    Digital learning media based on gamification is rarely found in singing education, yet the impact of utilizing such learning tools cannot be underestimated. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a gamified digital learning media product for cultural arts education in junior high schools. The research adopts a Research and Development (R&D) approach using the ADDIE model, focusing on the development and validation process of gamified digital learning media suitable for educational purposes. The research subjects consist of media experts, content experts, and cultural arts teachers from State Junior High School 3 Grogol, Sukoharjo. Data collection techniques involve a media validation questionnaire, which is then analyzed using percentages and described to provide an overview of the suitability level of this gamified media. The research results indicate that the average validation results obtained from media experts I and II are 86%, while the average results from content experts I and II are also 86%. After being validated by the cultural arts teachers, the gamified media received an average total score of 87% from three teachers, all falling under the 'very good' qualification. Therefore, based on the assessments of media experts, content experts, and teachers, it is concluded that the gamified digital learning media product is categorized as 'suitable' for use as an alternative cultural arts learning media in State Junior High School 3 Grogol. The existence of this appropriate media undoubtedly stands as an innovative learning tool, incorporating gaming elements to enrich the process of singing skills

    The Reflection of Javanese Life Manner on the Dongkrek Art and Ritual Performance in Madiun Society

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    This article focuses in the analysis of Javanese life manner within Dongkrek art and ritual performance in Mejayan, Madiun, Indonesia. The purpose of research is to reflect a life manner of Javanese society within a Dongkrek show. The qualitative-descriptive was used as research approach. Data were collected by interview, literature review, and other relevant resources. The results of research show a five points of Javanese manner of life in Dongkrek, represent in the phrase Ambrasta Dur Hangkara, Memayu Hayuning Bawana, Sura Dira Jayaning Lebur Dening Pangastuti, Sadulur Papat Kalima Pancer, and Manunggaling Kawula Gusti. Those phrases contain many moral values that generally can be accepted by society. The phrase represents a human relationship, the manner of life, ways of life, world-view, willingness, and the transcendental relationship between humans and God. It means the purpose of the Javanese manner of life is to reach the perfection of life. The perfection of life is resting on the faith towards to the God through the maturity of spirituality

    Enhancing Students’ Learning Motivation by Applyıng Reflectıve Pedagogy to Modules for Junıor High School

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    The Reflective Pedagogy Paradigm is an art of thinking and doing something thoughtfully that incorporates humanistic values into conscious subjects consciously. This paradigm endorses the meaning of each topic within learning materials based on the students' own experience. Students take into their consciousness life values with learning materials by themselves or by their groups in order that they can practice it in daily life. This study is aimed to develop an eligible module using reflective pedagogy and revealing the impact of the use of module on students’ motivation to study and experience. In this study, the developmental research method was used for resolving learning problems within eight grade of Junior High School Students during the Catholic religion class. ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation) model was used as the module development method in this study. This study used the non-test method as the data collection technique with questionnaire and interview as the instruments. The data analysis techniques used in this research were descriptive quantitative methods. The results of this research show that the use of the module in eight graders Junior High Schools categorized as eligible based on media and material experts. Thus, it can be concluded that the module is suitable for use. The improvement appeared after the implementation conducted using the reflective pedagogy module. The result shows that students’ motivation is significantly higher than before using the module according to t-test calculation. The result of post-test and pre-test score is statistically different so that means that the implementation of the reflective pedagogy in religion subject improves learning motivatio

    Benefits of Using Experiential Learning Based Electronic Modules to Facilitate Students Concierge Learning in Vocational High Schools

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    Changes in the learning paradigm also contribute to the learning process, such as the use of learning media. Learning media and teaching materials should be integrated with technological developments. Electronic modules or E-Modules are one of the media that can be accessed at any time by students with the help of technological devices. This study aims to identify the various benefits of electronic modules (E-modules) according to the views of students. This research is included in descriptive qualitative research, with research subjects namely students majoring in Tourism class XII Vocational High School with a total of 140 students. Data collection techniques were surveys and interviews, the instruments were questionnaires and interview guidelines. The results of the study were then analyzed using interactive analysis which went through four stages, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that there are benefits from the use of experiential learning-based electronic modules, where 94% of students have used e-modules, students are interested because the electronic modules can show learning practice videos. Through the results of this study, it is hoped that it can be a reference for teachers to be able to develop similar electronic media

    Dominasi Orang-Orang Besar Dalam Sejarah Indonesia: Kritik Politik Historiografi dan Politik Ingatan

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    This paper departs from the restlessness of some scientists about the dominant of the big man in Indonesia's historical narrative. It also becomes a form of public memory about the meaning of heroism which is more likely to be cultured rather than understanding academically. This article was composed an academic criticism of the conditions mentioned above, the political term historiography or historical writing that is used as a political interest is the most appropriate in describing Indonesia's current historiographic conditions. The dominance of the big man in history requires to be distorted and historiography needs to provide a place for stories of local heroes. Besides, memory politics also requires to be dammed through a counter-narrative that can be presented through critical historical studies, so that the desire to remember the forgotten will continue to live and become a guide for thinkers and activists of history


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    Pergerakan nasional di Indonesia terlaksana pada tahun 1908. Terdapat beberapa organisasi yang didirikan pada masa ini bergerak dibidang sosial. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis sikap sosial anggota organisasi Boedi Oetomo selama masa pergerakan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah historis, dengan analisis data menggunakan studi kepustakaan. Boedi Oetomo merupakan organisasi pertama yang didirikan pada masa pergerakan nasional di Indonesia. Organisasi ini bergerak di bidang sosial, sebagai akhibat dari tindakan kolonialisme Belanda di Indonesia. Pelaksana organisasi ini adalah kaum terpelajar yang mempunyai sikap sosial yang baik. Dari penelusuran studi pustaka, ditemukan delapan sikap sosial baik yang terdapat pada setiap anggota organisasi Boedi Oetomo yaitu jujur, diisiplin, tanggung jawab, gotong-royong, emansipasi, percaya diri, patuh nilai dan norma, serta sopan santun. Hal ini patut dicontoh, karena generasi saat ini banyak yang tidak mempunyai sikap sosial baik terhadap sesama, sikap individual dan mementingkan kepentingan pribadi sebagai salah satu prioritas kehidupan. Pelaku organisasi Boedi Oetomo saja dapat melaksnakan sikap sosial baik, mengapa kita sebagai penerus bangsa tidak dapat melanjutkan perjuangan pergerakan nasional salah satunya dengan penerapan sikap sosial baik.Indonesia’s National Revolution begun in 1908. There were several organization that was build then that moved in social field. The purpose of this research is to analyze the social attitude of Boedi Oetomo’s member throughout the Revolution. Method that was used in this research was historical with data analyzation from literature studies. Boedi Oetome is the first organization that was founded in the National Revolution era. This organization moved in social field, as the result of Dutch’s colonialism in Indonesia. The member of this organization was the educated that have good attitudes. From the analyzation of literarure studies it can be seen that every member of Boedi Oetome had eight main good social attitudes which is honesty, discipline, responsible, emancipation, confidence, great team work, obeyed the rules and norms, and politeness. Those attitudes are great examples because now there are many people that don’t have good social attitudes toward others, individualistic and putting their own needs before others are their main priorities. Even the member of Boedi Oetomo could have good attitudes, why can’t we, as the hope of this country continue the fight of National Revolution by applying good social attitudes


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    The integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the learning process developed into a fight trought various designs and strategies which can be grouped into (1) E-learning as a learning form system that utilizes electronic devices and digital media,  and (2) Mobile learning (M-learning)  as a particular learning form to utilize mobile communication devices and information technology. The rapid development of mobile devices, relatively easy operation,  and more affordable prices,  is supporting factors in the widespread use of mobile learning into a new alternative of learning media. Those conditions encourage the learning paradigm that can be done anytime and anywhere.  The purpose of research to be achieved is to develop the design of the android camera based simulator software model as a learning media in cinematography lesson study program of educational technology FIP Unnes.  This research method refers to the research and development strategy proposed by Borg and Gall (in Sukmadinata,  2016) with some modifications that have been developed by Sukmadinata.  The research procedure used in the study focusing on the development stages of application design model.  The steps includes the following steps (1) model development (product design), (2) design validation, (3) design revisions. The results of research on the development of video camera simulator model can be concluded that the application of android based video camera in the process of validation by media experts obtained the results of software engineering aspects obtained 92 scores with very good category, while the visual communication design aspect scored 84, also with very good category. As for the material experts, validation on aspects of learning design got score 85 with very good category as well. Based on the validation results of media experts and materials experts, the application of this androdi-based video camera simulator is improved according to the records of media experts and material experts. Before used in the next research process should this application really well prepared, so the results obtained in accordance with the expected AbstrakPengintegrasian teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) dalam proses pembelajaran terus berkembang dengan berbagai pola dan strategi, yang dapat dikelompokkan menjadi (1) sistem e-Learning sebagai bentuk pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan perangkat elektronik dan media digital, dan (2) mobile learning (m-learning) sebagai bentuk pembelajaran yang khusus memanfaatkan perangkat dan teknologi komunikasi bergerak. Perkembangan perangkat mobile yang begitu pesat, operasional yang relatif mudah, dan harga yang semakin terjangkau, merupakan faktor pendorong semakin meluasnya penggunaan mobile learning menjadi alternatif baru media pembelajaran. Kondisi tersebut mendorong terbentuknya paradigma pembelajaran yang dapat dilakukan kapanpun dan dimanapun. Tujuan penelitian yang ingin dicapai adalah mengembangkan desain model Aplikasi Simulator Kamera Video Berbasis Android sebagai media pembelajaran mata kuliah sinematografi pembelajaran prodi Teknologi Pendidikan FIP Unnes. Metode penelitian ini mengacu pada strategi penelitian dan pengembangan yang dikemukakan oleh Borg dan Gall (dalam Sukmadinata, 2016) dengan beberapa modifikasi yang telah dikembangkan oleh Sukmadinata. Adapun dalam artikel ini, prosedur penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian, fokus pada tahap pengembangan desain model aplikasi. Dalam tahap ini mencakup langkah-langkah sebagai berikut (1) Model pengembangan (desain produk), (2) Validasi desain, (3) Revisi desain, Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses pengembangan desain model aplikasi simulator kamera video berbasis android dilakukan melalui langkah-langkah sesuai prosedur penelitian di atas, diawali dengan analisis kebutuhan, kemudian menyusun peta kompetensi, peta materi, Garis Besar Isi Media (GBIM), jabaran materi, flowchart dan naskah, kemudian dilakukan validasi desain dan revisi produk. Desain model aplikasi simulator kamera video ini juga siap digunakan untuk tahap penelitian dan pengembangan selanjutnya. Penggunaan aplikasi simulator kamera video berbasis android sangat diperlukan dalam proses pembelajaran mata kuliah sinematografi pembelajaran, khususnya materi teknik dan prosedur pengambilan gambar karena dapat membantu mahasiswa belajar secara mandir

    Pahlawan Lokal Masuk Kelas Sejarah: Kritik Hegemoni Ideologi Dalam Narasi Sejarah Kepahlawanan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkritik narasi sejarah kepahlawanan secara tekstual. Fokus kajian ini adalah pahlawan lokal secara filosofis, bila pahlawan lokal masuk kelas sejarah dan apresiasi dari civitas akademik mengenai konsep tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan desain critical etnografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; 1) Sejatinya konsep Local Hero jika dibaca dalam wacana filosofi sangat relevan bagi pengajaran sejarah lokal; 2) Kelas sejarah menjadi lebih menarik ketika konsep-konsep populer masuk ke dalam bagian dari materi, mengingat generasi milenial sudah tidak begitu tertarik mempelajari sejarah yang terlalu politis dan elitis, sehingga Local Hero memiliki determinasi tersendiri dalam hal ini; dan 3) Di Kelas, konsep tersebut mendapatkan apresiasi positif dari pendidik dan peserta didik. Dari uraian tersebut peneliti berkesimpulan bahwa, saat ini pengajaran sejarah membutuhkan satu inovasi yang sesuai dengan semangat dan jiwa zaman. Kata kunci: local hero; memori kolektif; pembelajaran sejara